Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 161: Gu Tianyang's Special Training

"this is……"

Sun Ruotong blew on the piece of paper in her mouth, and the ultrasonic waves that came back allowed her to "see" everything in the room.

Gu Tianyang said: "I know that your hearing is very strong, and now you have learned to use ultrasound. Although you can't see, you can see more and farther than people with normal vision...but..."

He changed his voice, "What should you do if there is disturbing noise around you?"

As he said that, Gu Tianyang took out a small external speaker from his arms, and placed it on the ground beside him.

After a while of operation, a man's singing voice with insufficiency came out from the stereo.

"You are my are my baby...without you my life is gloomy..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone can hear it, this is Gu Tianyang singing!

Tang Qiaowei couldn't help but cover her ears, and complained, "Uh... so ugly!"

However, Gu Tianyang looked smug, and said: "My singing is so beautiful, most people can't hear it!"

Sun Ruotong on the side frowned slightly. Since Gu Tianyang's singing sounded just now, she suddenly felt that her hearing was affected, and she couldn't hear many voices!

"What's going on?" Sun Ruotong was surprised.

It's not that she hasn't encountered noise pollution before.

But she has excellent hearing, and can easily filter out the noise completely, so that she can hear the sound she wants to hear.

But now she can't filter out Gu Tianyang's singing, what's going on?

Surprised, she tried the ultrasound again, and the result was the same!

The ear does not receive any feedback at all!

She's blind again!

Gu Tianyang said slowly: "My singing voice is different from other noises. I use my internal force to vibrate the vocal cords and abdomen. It can affect your hearing. Now, you should not be able to hear anything."

Sun Ruotong turned pale and nodded silently.

"I did this to correct your malpractice of relying too much on your ears. It is undeniable that your ears have helped you a lot, but if one day your ears break, or someone is like me, release can Noise that interferes with your hearing, so what do you do?"

Gu Tianyang's tone was very serious. Sun Ruotong's face became paler and paler as she listened. She had already realized the seriousness of the problem.

"But, Teacher Gu, if I don't rely on my own ears, I will be completely isolated from the outside world..."

Sun Ruotong bit the corner of his lips and said in a low voice: "I don't know what else to do, let me know everything about the outside world."

Gu Tianyang patted Sun Ruotong on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will teach you a more secure method, so that you can see everything around you without relying on your ears!"

"What way?" Sun Ruotong showed doubts.

She now uses her ears to identify positions, which was developed by her father. She has been training since she was four years old.

Is there any other way besides listening?

"Aren't you a descendant of Nei Jinliu? Of course you must use your own martial arts."

Gu Tianyang took a step back, distanced himself from Sun Ruotong, and said, "Put your inner energy out of your body, and feel my position."

"This... can it work?" Sun Ruotong was stunned. She never knew that the external energy released could sense everything around her.

Gu Tianyang encouraged: "You haven't tried it, why don't you know it can't work?"

"...I understand." Sun Ruotong frowned, trying to slowly force the inner qi out of the body, but the inner qi dissipated as soon as it left the body, and there was no way to feed back any information.

Sun Ruotong sighed and said, "No, I can't do it."

"Try again." Gu Tianyang continued to encourage: "Don't give up, let your feelings lock your inner energy, you must maintain the connection between the two, don't break! Try again!"

Sun Ruotong gritted her teeth and released her inner energy again. At the same time, she felt that she was closely connected with the airflow. Gradually, she really felt something!

It was an object, blocked in front of the airflow, and after the airflow wrapped the object, a human figure appeared, judging from its appearance, it was a bald was Gu Tianyang!

"Teacher, I saw you!" Sun Ruotong was so surprised that he couldn't help shouting.

As a result, because she was too excited, her senses and air flow were interrupted, and the picture in her mind disappeared instantly.

"Hehe, don't worry, take your time." Gu Tianyang smiled approvingly, and said: "You have already taken the first step, and there is a second step, a third step... In addition to relying on airflow to Perceive everything around you, you can also use the airflow to attack the target, in short, you have to slowly tap your potential."

Sun Ruotong looked excited, and bowed respectfully to Gu Tianyang: "Thank you, teacher, for your guidance!"

In the past, she could only rely on her voice, which was very limited.

Now, through Gu Tianyang's teaching, she seems to have opened the door to a new world, and more infinite possibilities will happen to her.

Tang Qiaowei also showed joy, and said to Sun Ruotong: "Come on! Ruotong!"

"Yeah! Come on, too!" Sun Ruotong smiled.

Gu Tianyang turned and walked out, and said as he walked: "Sun Ruotong, you can practice in room 11 from now on, you can also use that baseball launcher. Whenever you can rely on your own internal strength to defeat me, you will be fine." It worked."

"Yes, teacher!" Sun Ruotong bowed again.

"The rest follow me."

Gu Tianyang took the rest of the people out of Room 11 and continued to walk deep into the corridor.

Coming to Room 15, Gu Tianyang winked at Tang Qiaowei and said, "Go in, this is your room."

"Okay!" Tang Qiaowei pushed open the door, only to see that there was only one chair in the room, and a helmet was placed on the chair.

Zhang Ze could see that this was the helmet he had used in the previous entrance examination.

"I borrowed the helmet from the National Security Bureau, don't break it." Gu Tianyang looked at Tang Qiaowei.

Tang Qiaowei looked confused and asked, "My training is to use this helmet to fight against monsters in the virtual magic cave?"

"Yes and no." Gu Tianyang said something strange, then stood still in front of Tang Qiaowei, and said, "Before using this helmet, you should practice your Zhengwuliu technique once, and let us have a look."

Tang Qiaowei didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Gu Tianyang's gourd, so she stepped forward and performed a set of Zhengwu Liuquan in front of everyone.

"After watching it, how do you feel?"

Gu Tianyang asked everyone.

Lin Junyang shook his head and said, "I don't feel anything, I don't know much about martial arts schools."

Shang Qiuyu looked indifferent: "It's quite well-behaved, and it's exactly the same as the Zhengwu Liu exercises introduced and taught in books and videos on the market. It's already rotten."

Zhang Ze pondered for a moment and said, "Although the speed and power are acceptable, I always feel that something is missing... Well, there are too many useless moves, which seem gimmicky."

Gu Tianyang nodded slightly: "Except for Lin Junyang, a martial arts idiot, Shang Qiuyu and Zhang Ze's analysis has some truths, especially Zhang Ze, who can be said to hit the nail on the head!"

"First, let me talk about Shang Qiuyu's analysis: Zhengwu style is indeed the orthodox martial arts, and many martial arts schools evolved from it, which can be said to be the mainstream of the mainstream. There are also many scholars who have conducted in-depth research and analysis on Zhengwu style. There are countless related materials. There are countless Zhengwuliu martial arts halls on the street, and there are countless people who practice like crossing the river."

"However, because of this, there are too many people who know Zhengwuliu, and it has no secrets at all! It can even be said that every move and style of Zhengwuliu can be memorized by anyone who has practiced it!"

Gu Tianyang looked at Tang Qiaowei, and said: "If you use one move, others can figure out the second, third, and even more moves you may use! Everyone uses the same technique, even if you You are the successor of Zhengwu style, but what advantage do you have?"

Tang Qiaowei was dumbfounded, she had never considered such a thing at all!

Suddenly, a picture flashed in her mind.

It was once, she and her father went to visit the head of the Liu family, and the two had a conversation during the dinner.

There was a hint of helplessness and loneliness in the words, and it seemed that they were very worried about the future of Zhengwuliu and the two families.

"If things go on like this, our position as the inheritor of Zhengwu might be replaced..."

Hearing such worried words, Tang Qiaowei, who was still young, didn't feel much about it at the time, and felt that her father and the head of the Liu family were worrying unfoundedly.

Now she finally woke up.

"Teacher Gu, what should I do? As long as you tell me, I will work hard!" Tang Qiaowei faced Gu Tianyang seriously and asked sincerely.

Gu Tianyang said leisurely: "The solution lies in what Zhang Ze said just now."

"Me?" Zhang Ze was stunned for a moment. He just expressed his feelings just now. In fact, he didn't think too deeply.

"Yes, your analysis is very important." Gu Tianyang nodded: "Zhengwuliu's kung fu method has too many useless moves! To put it bluntly, it's just taking off your pants and farting, and it's going to cost you twice!"

"For example, this move: dark clouds cover the moon, there is no need to raise the right arm, just use the left fist to hit the target and it's over. It's a waste of energy!"

"There is also this trick: Falling into the Mountain, why do you have to cross your legs and step out, and follow a certain rhythm, and it's not dancing! It's a waste of energy! Create opportunities for the opponent!"

"By the way, there is another trick: the eagle strikes the sky..."

Gu Tianyang listed out the moves in Zhengwuliu one by one like a few treasures, and pointed out their shortcomings.

Tang Qiaowei's face became more and more ugly, she found that what Gu Tianyang said was right!

Although it was hard for her to accept that Gu Tianyang said that the exercises that had been handed down in her family for thousands of years were useless, but it was undeniable that what Gu Tianyang said was almost completely correct.

She also practiced it quietly in her heart, trying to omit those useless "tricks" according to what Gu Tianyang said, and found that the efficiency was doubled!

Moreover, the whole set of exercises is more compact and efficient!

Increased attack power!

Increased explosive power!

Increased mobility!

In short, there are many benefits!

Tang Qiaowei showed an excited look, and at the same time, she became more admirable for Gu Tianyang in her heart.

It seems that this alcoholic teacher still has two brushes!

"I know you looked down on me before..."

Gu Tianyang seemed to know what Tang Qiaowei was thinking, and said coldly.

Tang Qiaowei showed embarrassment, quickly waved her hands and said, "No!"

"Okay, I've already told you the specific method. You can improve your Zhengwuliu kung fu. I hope you can create a real martial arts kung fu that suits you!"

"Yes! Teacher Gu!"

Tang Qiaowei is convinced now, she no longer dares to underestimate Gu Tianyang.

"That helmet is for the test after you improve your skills. When you defeat all the monsters in the magic cave, you will pass the test. Come on."

Gu Tianyang nodded to Tang Qiaowei, and said in his heart: "Your father has great expectations for you, and the future of Zhengwuliu depends on you!"

After leaving Tang Qiaowei behind, Gu Tianyang left the room with Zhang Ze and the other three boys.

Lin Junyang looked curious, he didn't know which room Gu Tianyang would assign him.

However, Gu Tianyang took out an egg and handed it to Lin Junyang.

"Teacher, what does this... mean?"

Lin Junyang looked surprised, and suddenly he thought of something, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Could it be that the teacher means... tell me to get out?"

Gu Tianyang rolled his eyes and said, "This egg is your trial!"

"Ah?" Lin Junyang looked at the egg in his hand stupidly, Zhang Er King Kong couldn't figure it out.

Gu Tianyang explained: "Your special function is actually relying on the power of thought to urge animals to move. It looks very powerful, but in fact, it has quite limitations."

"First of all, your mind power is not durable enough, and you can't move too large objects. I tested you during the placement test before, and one hour is your limit. If you continue, your brain will be more loaded. It got bigger and bigger, eventually leading to nosebleeds and even coma."

"If this happens in battle, you're dead!"

Lin Junyang nodded again and again, Gu Tianyang was right.

"So, you need to lay the foundation now, and start practicing with the smallest things." Gu Tianyang pointed to the egg in Lin Junyang's hand and said, "Use your thoughts to control this egg and make sure it floats by your side for 24 hours. It falls!"

Lin Junyang was dumbfounded: "Teacher Gu, are you serious? 24 hours? You can't even stop sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom?"

"Of course!" Gu Tianyang glanced at Lin Junyang, and deliberately said with a straight face: "Remember, if the egg falls, I will fire you!"

Lin Junyang was so frightened that he quickly nodded and said, "Mr. Gu, don't worry, I will definitely not let the egg fall!"

"Keep the eggs not falling for a month, then we will proceed to the second stage, replacing the eggs with bricks, and then iron balls..." Gu Tianyang said: "Finally, my request is that you can use your mind to move a house!"

Lin Junyang was dumbfounded. In his opinion, this was an impossible task!

"You're going to fight monsters in the Devil's Nest in the future, so how can you not ask too much of yourself?" Gu Tianyang said in a deep voice, "I believe you will be able to do it!"

Gu Tianyang nodded heavily, then he took a deep breath, staring at the egg in his hand, and then the egg slowly floated up and began to circle around him.

Gu Tianyang shifted his gaze to Zhang Ze and said, "Finally, it's your turn."

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