Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 55: The devil fell, the devil was born

   In the Great Hall of Heroes, Xuan Xin closed his eyes and sat in front of the golden Buddha statue.


   Xuan Yuan Xuan Gang and Wu Zhen, after closing the door, slept on the ground in the Great Hall of the Great Heroes.

   This day, from the construction of busy mountain roads, to preparations for the first Shaolin ceremony, to the suppression of the world's most powerful demon at night.

   Shaolin has experienced too much this day.

   Not to mention them, even Xuan Xin felt physically and mentally exhausted at this time.

   The night is deep, listening to Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Zhen's extremely rhythmic and extremely steady breathing, Xuan Xin couldn't sleep at this time.

   The light of the Buddha in the sea of ​​consciousness is permeating, and under the gaze of Xuanxin's mind, I find the Buddha in the palm of the country.

   There is a mysterious primordial black lotus.

   There is no overwhelming devilish energy, and no mysterious dark law. Under the suppression of the boundless golden Buddha light, the aura of the soul black lotus is getting weaker and weaker.

   A point of demon energy will give birth to a very strong Dharma power to suppress it!

   Only after the devilish energy is completely eliminated, the hostility, evil spirit, and murderous energy can all be purified before they can be liberated.

   After observing with mind for a long time, Xuan Xin finally felt relieved.

  Because of the black lotus, even if it is mysterious, it is impossible to compete for it.

   If you want the devilish energy to be completely eliminated, the original spirit Black Lotus will naturally no longer exist.

  The more he wants to break free from it, the power of the soul black lotus will only be suppressed more fiercely.

  The power will only get weaker and weaker.

   It was getting late. After letting go, the exhausted Xuanxin could meditate and fall asleep in peace.

   Outside the Great Hall of Heroes, the night is bright and the stars are sparse, and it is quiet.

   Tsing Yi old man Du Tongfu was kneeling in front of the Daxiong Hall at this time.

   He is seeking the Tao, and his heart for seeking the Tao is not difficult. He wants to worship Shaolin or become a monk and gain great relief from the Mahayana Buddhism.

   got the avenue!



   Zhongzhou, Tianji Pavilion, in the Palace of Stars.

   An old man with white hair, staring at the star chessboard, the mystery of the heavens and gossip, the endless river of fate flashed in his eyes and continued to deduct.

   Around him, eight gray-clothed old men were sitting cross-legged in the direction of the Jiugong Bagua.


   The white-haired old man suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood.

   "Palace Lord!"

   "Palace Master, are you okay?"

   The eight gray-clothed old men looked shocked, and couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the white-haired old man vomiting blood.

   "Buddha, Buddha, what the **** is that?"

  The white-haired old man, named Tianjizi, is the world's first fortune!

   pinched his fingers, and said with a shocked face: "The devil is suppressed by the most holy place of Buddhism."

   "I just calculated that the Demon Lord has fallen."

   In just a few words, eight gray-clothed old men were stunned.

   his face was shocked.

   "The devil has fallen and the devil is born. Thirty-three years later, the magic way will flourish and will become a higher existence demon ancestor."

   Tianjizi, the white-haired old man, a mysterious picture of fate appeared in the river of fate that flashed in his eyes.

   In an extremely low, extremely shocking tone, he spoke of the changes in the future that he saw when he burned his vitality.


   Eight old men in gray clothes, hearing the secret of the future, all took a breath.

   was deeply shocked by the secrets of this secret secret!

"how can that be?"

   "The devil has fallen and the devil is born. Thirty-three years later, the devil's way will flourish and will become a higher existence demon ancestor."

   "God, what the **** is this? How could the demon lord fall when suppressed by the holy sage of Buddhism? Who is the demon master, and what is the demon ancestor after thirty-three years?"

   "Demon Daxing, what will happen in the future? Then what is the demon ancestor of higher existence?"

   The eight gray-clothed old men were full of unbelievable exclamations, but the secrets of heaven are so incomprehensible.

   With a pair of eyes, he looked at the white-haired old man Tianjizi with shock and curiosity.

   "The magical way is prosperous, but it is Buddhism that achieves it."

   "Buddha is Tao!"

   The white-haired old man Tianjizi shook his head and was out of breath after speaking.

   This is the secret secret that he said as much as possible.

   The secret of heaven cannot be revealed!

   He paid a huge price, and he saw the future in the long river of fate only by burning his life force.

   The vitality has been completely exhausted.

   "Palace Lord!"

   "Palace Lord!"


   exclaimed, full of infinite shock, but also full of infinite sadness.

   After this night, Kyushu will be turbulent...


   This night, Xuan Xin also had Xuan Yuan Xuan Gang, as well as the first disciple Wuzhen, the abbot of Shaolin three generations.

   spent the night in this great hall.

   Mainly, after experiencing the waves of last night, it is safer to spend the night in this Great Hall of Heroes.

   Wait until tomorrow, after finishing up and down Shaolin, you can go back to live in the monastery.

  Xuanxin still prefers to live in her own separate Buddhist room.

   This is more privacy.

   Sleeping in the Daxiong Hall is basically sitting cross-legged to sleep in a meditation way.

   is equivalent to deep meditation.

   opened his eyes, Xuan Xin took a deep breath, hearing the sound of Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Zhen's even and deep breathing.

   It may be a relationship that was too tired last night, so I woke up very late this morning.


   At this moment, there was a crisp childish voice in Xuan Xin's ear.

   I saw a naked, about four or five-year-old boy with a very cute pink jade carving and running out from behind the golden Buddha statue.

   smiled innocently!

   then knelt in front of Xuan Xin, scratching his head a little at a loss.

  Pure big eyes looked at Xuanxin curiously.

   This little boy has delicate features in his facial features. He has a certain affinity with Xuan Xin, and his pure eyes are shining with a different kind of early wisdom.

   lively and cute, fresh and handsome, pure and early-hui's eyes are full of rich aura.

   "How did you come?"

   Xuan was stunned, staring at the little boy who suddenly appeared inexplicably.

   Under the gaze of Qiyun Jintong, Xuan Xin discovered that this little boy possesses great fortune.

   The strength of Qi Luck is as good as Wuzhen.

   The key is that in the golden light of the little boy's luck, a dark magic lotus has condensed unexpectedly.

   Seeing this dark magic lotus, Xuan Xin was immediately surprised, closed her eyes and realized that the light of the Buddha was permeating in the sea, her mind was immersed in the Buddha kingdom in her palm, and then she had an epiphany.

   Great Thousand World, the dark demon lotus in the Buddha Kingdom in his palm disappeared, and the most powerful demon aura in the world was gone.

   It can be said that the Demon Lord is dead, but the Dark Demon Lotus broke free from the suppression of the Daxiong Palace with the appearance of a little boy.

   This little boy has nothing to do with the dead Demon He is the Dark Demon Lotus, purified by the power of law.

   The new born phantom, in order to break free from the suppression of Buddhism!

  He is born with great luck.


   The little boy knelt down in front of Xuan Xin and was very cute and cute, with the kind of aura that filled his body like early wisdom.

   Clean and infinitely pure temperament made Xuan Xin stunned.

   also has the heart to be happy.

   This kind of liking is natural. This little boy seems to be the purest jade of time.

   No dirt, no dust, no pollution in the world, but with all the agility that is premature in the world.

   "Come here."

  Xuanxin beckoned, the little boy stood up immediately, naturally kind of clever and early wisdom.

   is actually because of his great fortune.

  God favors, God appreciates rice and eats.


   touched the boy's head, Xuan Xin also felt joy in her heart.

   "Master, hee hee hee..."

   The little boy was very close to Xuan Xin and kept rubbing affectionately next to Xuan Xin.

   At this time, Xuan Xin, a touch of complexity flashed in his heart, this little boy and Wuzhen were completely opposite.

   are all possessed of great fortune, but an old and decayed, nine-story gold pagoda of merit is condensed in the golden light of fortune.

   A five-year-old child, a dark magic lotus condensed in the golden light of luck.

   "Master, Master..."

   The little boy embraced Xuanxin and screamed with joy and affection.

  Xuanxin quickly made up his mind and decided to accept the little boy and accept it as a direct disciple.

   He doesn't need to worry about the dark magic lotus either.

   All these are fate and God’s arrangement.


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