Paladins of Asgard

Three hundred and sixty-five [2 degree awakening]

Inside the sun.

Rowe was surrounded by endless light and heat, his limbs stretched out, floating and undulating in the flames of the sun, looking like driftwood on the sea.

Although he opened his limbs, his body did not relax, but he clenched his fists nervously, obviously suffering from the heat of the sun.

After a while, he adjusted his posture and looked deeper into the sun, frowning deep in thought.

In the past few years, Luo Wei has entered and exited the sun hundreds of times, and the flame power seems to have improved a bit, but the layer of window paper that is far from the second-order power still exists.

This window paper is thin, but it is confusing, and I don't know when it will be really pierced.

He couldn't help thinking, maybe he wasn't deep enough into the sun?

Although compared to the first time, he has been very deep in the sun in recent years, but for safety reasons, he has not really approached the limit of his ability to bear.

Fate is stingy... In almost all fields, great progress is often accompanied by extreme pressure, and breakthroughs in divine power are no exception.

After all, although there are only three steps in divine power, each step is like a chasm.

The vast majority of the Protoss have not been able to awaken their divine power in their entire lives, and the vast majority of the awakened ones are only awakened once, and there are very few who have awakened many times.

If you don't force yourself, maybe a breakthrough will really be a long way off.

Luo Wei thought for a moment, and finally made up his mind. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he followed the gravity and continued to fall into the depths of the sun.

As he continued to go deeper, the power of the stars became more and more manifest, and the hot solar material rolled up the stormy waves, repeatedly impacting his body.

Some of Rowe's clothes began to burn. These clothes were all his custom-made fire-fighting clothes in Asgard, but they still couldn't withstand the terrifying heat here.

Fortunately, the dragon leather armor and underwear did not disappoint him. The former was made of fire dragon skin, which naturally had super resistance to flames, while the latter had been sanctified.

Most of his clothes were reduced to ashes, and Luo Wei was also flushed red, like the long-scorched metal in a furnace.

After a while,

He almost felt like his body was about to melt, he couldn't help screaming in pain, his fists were shaking.

But at the same time, the power of the sun around him also became intense, frantically drilling into every inch of his skin, pulsing with the divine power of flame in his body.

Luo Wei had a feeling that something deep and secret in his body was being impacted and awakened, as if it was about to burst out.

Go deeper.

He gritted his teeth and continued deep into the sun.

Naturally, he had already started the Divine Protection Technique and the King's Blessing. However, as he continued to deepen, he had to turn on the rage of revenge to further strengthen his ability to resist damage.

That secret awakening was stronger, it rose and fell like the tide against the bank, sometimes surging violently, sometimes retreating and brewing the next shock.

Luo Wei's fiery red body trembled, and he even felt that his will was scorched by the sun, becoming equally fiery and fiery, like a branding iron.

Go deeper!


Earth, Nepal.

Nierdi sat on a chair and looked at Kalu Road beside him: "I'll leave for a while."

"Where?" Kalulu asked.

"The universe, the Earth, doesn't seem to have much to look at," Nielty said.

Kalulu frowned: "In a soul state?"

"Of course, otherwise how can I leave the earth." Nierdi said again, "Are you really not going to try this spell?"

"No, I won't touch the spells in the "Dark God Book", it will definitely bring disaster, at least it will bring hidden dangers." Kalulu shook his head repeatedly, "Nildi, really, you should not continue to study. Those spells are gone, and I have an ominous feeling."

Nielti didn't say anything. When she crossed her hands, a faint light flickered on her body, and then a spiritual body that was difficult for others to notice flew out of her body.

In her soul state, she can have an amazing speed, almost like a teleportation, leaving Kathmandu, Nepal, and the earth in a blink of an eye.

Nierdi came to space, she looked at the vast starry sky, her eyes were full of brilliance: "The universe..."

She looked down at the earth. On the blue planet, the ocean, mountains and rivers were all in view, and the clouds were vertical and horizontal.

Then she turned her gaze to the sun, the mightiest, brightest, hottest being in the entire galaxy.

In fact, in terms of size and light and heat, the sun is almost the only existence in the entire galaxy. The celestial bodies such as the earth that revolve around it are just gravel and stones, dim and small.

Nierdi flew to the sun. In her soul state, she could hardly touch the divine power of the sun. She was naturally unimpeded and floated around the sun.

Of course, nothing is absolute in the world. When the fire reaches a certain level, the soul will still be affected.

Nielti went deeper into the sun for a while, and gradually felt the heat of the sun, so she decided to return.

But at this moment, her eyes suddenly narrowed, as if she had discovered something, then turned around and flew somewhere not far away.


Immediately after, she saw a scene that shocked her, a young blond who seemed to be one with the flames was roaring in the sun!

Rowe, who was under the extreme flames, was shaking violently, and fiery pillars of fire spewed out from his eyes, mouth, nose, and even pores.

At this moment, he is like a flame, like steel that is about to melt.

Luo Wei has reached the limit, even a little too much, he even feels that his head is no longer brain, but red magma.

Holy Shield!

He finally couldn't hold it any longer and had to activate the Holy Shield technique.

After the Holy Shield technique was activated, Rowe hesitated for a moment in his mind, then he gritted his teeth, and did not take advantage of this to leave, but actively absorbed the power of the surrounding sun.

Before that, he had been passively absorbing the power of the sun. After all, passive absorption was already very terrifying.

Now that it is actively absorbed, the power of the sun is instantly enriched to the extreme, and it can even be said that there has been a qualitative change.

The originally terrifying power of the sun was enough to turn Luo Wei into ashes, but after turning on the Holy Shield, all negative effects would be eliminated, and he was naturally unscathed.

One after another, the spell fragments of Divine Shield were consumed, and nearly ten seconds passed.

Although it only lasted for less than ten seconds, the power of the sun had rapidly accumulated to a terrifying level.

The unprecedented power of the sun also caused Rowe's flame power to set off an unprecedented storm, rushing towards the indescribable bank.


Luo Wei only felt a roar in his ears, and the flame power in his body finally broke through the shackles, as if the volcano that had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years was finally awakened and erupted with the momentum of the sky and the earth!

Awakened for the second time!

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