Papa Paladin

152 Kindergarten Problems (2/3)

Chapter 152 Kindergarten Problems (23)

Zuo Yi led Zhou Hong to another sword room.

Zuo Yi asked: "Have you already taken the constitution potion?"

Zhou Hong replied truthfully: "Yes."

While answering, a look of unbearable look flashed across his face.

Zhou Hong took the constitution potion last night. He never thought that what such a small bottle of potion would bring him was a truly unspeakable terrifying experience.

Fortunately, he followed Zuo Yi's reminder and chose to take it in the bathroom, otherwise...

Zhou Hong no longer wants to recall.

But now, he has truly felt the changes brought about by this bottle of potion. For example, when he woke up in the morning, he almost broke his skin!

Zuo Yi smiled and said: "The effect of the medicine will last for a while, and then your food intake will increase a lot. It is recommended to eat more high-quality beef, and you can also eat more fruits and sweets. You must ensure nutrition!"

An ordinary person who takes constitution medicine will see a leap in his physical fitness in a short period of time, but if he does not get enough nutritional supplements, not only will the improvement effect be greatly reduced, but even hidden dangers will remain.

The same goes for taking strength potions.

"I see!"

Zhou Hong nodded vigorously, keeping Zuo Yi's words firmly in his heart.

Regarding the important matters of his own strength, he must of course do his best, not to mention that with his wealth, even if he eats a few thousand yuan a catty of top-quality beef, he can fully afford it.


Zuo Yi said: "Go change your training clothes now, and I will teach you a set of body training techniques first."


Zhou Hong said hastily: "I have already spread the news about the potion. Several seniors in the circle are very interested, but they still have some doubts about the effect of the potion."

Zhou Hong's circle is full of rich merchants and well-established families. Although he doesn't have a high status in the circle, he still knows quite a few people.

Zhou Hong acted very cautiously. Although he wanted to help Zuo Yi raise a huge sum of one billion yuan, he chose those old seniors who were reliable and trustworthy.

The problem is that these seniors are all old foxes. It is impossible for them to be moved by a few words from classmate Xiao Zhou, and then spend a lot of money to buy a bottle of medicine to go back to quench their thirst.

Especially now that liars are rampant in the society, and all kinds of magic medicines that can cure all diseases are hyped up. It is impossible to expect them, old-timers, to believe it easily.

That is to say, Zhou Hong was very reliable in dealing with people in the past, so everyone didn't regard him as a liar.

But the old-timers still have to see the rabbit and not scatter the eagle.

After listening to his explanation, Zuo Yi understood: "You mean to try it for free first, let them see the effect before selling it?"


Unexpectedly, Zhou Hong directly denied it: "How can such a precious potion be tried for free? I mean, sign a contract and pay after taking it effectively. I plan to sell the cure potion first, because the cure potion is the most valuable and has the most effective effect." Intuitive!"

If Zhou Hong still had doubts in his heart when he just got the potion, now he has firmly believed it.

Free trial? Where is such a cheap thing!

For real good things, you get what you pay for, and it is extremely kind to pay for the goods first.

Zuo Yi smiled and said, "That's fine, you can figure it out."

"I'm afraid my weight is too light..."

Zhou Hong smiled wryly and said, "I can't hold on to such a situation, and I have to show up in person, Teacher."

Zhou Hong's greatest advantage is his self-knowledge. Because he has no powerful background, he has never committed suicide after obtaining the power. Now that he has so many magical potions in his hand, the first thing he thinks of is safety.

Don't think that those seniors in the circle are kind-hearted and good-natured people, but their moral bottom line is higher than that of ordinary people. If they really encounter something that makes them jealous, they will still be very dark.

Zhou Hong's net worth was nothing in their eyes, and they didn't have any pressure to bully him.

It's nothing more than a better appearance.

So he needs Zuo Yi to help him stand up, to deter some people with ulterior motives, and to ensure the smooth completion of the transaction.

Zhou Hong opened his bag, took out a silver metal safe from it, and said, "Teacher, all the medicines you asked me to sell on behalf of you are inside. For the sake of safety, I think you should keep them first."


Zuo Yi nodded and agreed: "Then you just need to talk to someone, and let me support this scene."

These medicines are nothing to Zuo Yi, so he ignored the pressure that Zhou Hong might face, and now Zhou Hong's suggestion is not bad.

Zuo Yi wanted to see who would dare to lie to himself!

He took the safe and put it directly into the space ring.

Hong Zhou: (⊙o⊙)

Zuo Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't be dumbfounded, I'll give you a present."

As he spoke, Zuo Yi took out a small wooden sign from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Hong.

"This, um, is a distress card."

Zuo Yi said: "You take it with you at any time, hold it in your hand when you are in danger, and then concentrate on calling my name. You don't need to call out directly, I will sense it and come to save you."

Because Zhou Hong had been in distress before, and considering that he was doing things for himself now, Zuo Yi specially made this distress sign to give him a layer of security.

The material used for this small wooden sign is a bit of scrap left over from Zuo Yi's previous making of the dragon blood wooden sword for Bao'er. He engraved a message rune on it and branded his real name imprint.

No matter where Zhou Hong was, as long as it was within the area covered by the net of laws, once Zhou Hong activated the runes, Zuo Yi would be able to sense him instantly and follow the net of laws to find his location.

In fact, Zuo Yi has even more superb methods. For example, he engraved a special array on Bao'er's dragon blood bracelet. Much taller.

But Zuo Yi is not the Holy Mother who saves all sentient beings, and Zhou Hong is not his own son. To give the other party a chance, coupled with this distress card and the matching promise of protection, is already the ultimate.

What he gave far exceeded what Zhou Hong had given so far.

And Zhou Hong is not the kind of person who is greedy and greedy, so he said gratefully: "Thank you, teacher!"

"The key is to rely on yourself."

Zuo Yi said seriously: "This wooden sign can only be used for half a year at most, and I won't give you a new one after half a year, do you understand what I mean?"

Zuo Yi never thought about being Zhou Hong's long-term bodyguard.

"I see!"

Zhou Hong replied without thinking: "Teacher, I will definitely work hard!"

Zuo Yi was telling him that people must rely on themselves, and they cannot entrust their future and destiny to others.

Only when you are strong, can you not be afraid of any conspiracy!

Zuo Yi nodded: "Go and change."

Zhou Hong went out to prepare, Zuo Yi discussed with Shang Yulin, and decided to vacate another room currently used as a storage room and convert it into a practice room.

He planned to let Sun Qiang and Zhou Hong share one sword room, Wang Jiaojiao and Bao'er one, and himself and Shang Yulin another one.

Of course Shang Yulin had no objection, but she had something to remind Zuo Yi.

"Have you selected the kindergarten for Bao'er to enter?"


Zuo Yi really didn't think about it: "Don't be so anxious, right?"

But he has plans to send Bao'er to kindergarten after this summer vacation.

The little girl is already four years old, just at the age of entering the small class. It is impossible for Zuo Yi to take her with him all the time, and bring her to the martial arts hall every day to learn martial arts and practice swords.

She should live a normal life like other children, go to school to meet classmates and friends, and then enter the society in junior high school, high school, and university.

What Zuo Yi needs to do is to silently guard her side, shelter her from wind and rain, solve her problems, and let her grow up happily.

But not all life is arranged for her.

"Do not worry?"

Shang Yulin couldn't help but cast a blank look at the ignorant dad, and said, "You have to give Bao'er a good kindergarten, right?"

"Public kindergartens are allocated according to the school district of household registration. You don't have a room in the school district, right? And those good private kindergartens are difficult to get in, and you need to register in advance. Once the quota is full, even if you have money, you can't get in!"


Zuo Yi's forehead was sweating - how did he know this!


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