Parasitic Cultivation: Race Clearing System

Chapter 430 Choosing is a Trouble

Leave the ancient temple.

The surroundings were quiet, and from time to time there were figures walking by in the mist. Their expressions were as numb as if copied in batches. Even when they saw An Yingqiu, they didn't react at all.

No salute, no way out, no surveillance. Didn't even take a second look, just passed by.

In this state, the ranks, etiquette, and order of the Divine Phoenix Clan disappeared, replaced by a new "rule".

Occasionally, there was a sound of friction, and a monk dragged the corpse out of the fog, and walked into the fog again.

An Yingqiu stopped to watch for a while, she felt that she knew enough details in advance and was mentally prepared, but now that she read it, she still felt blocked and unacceptable.

After a long silence, I remembered something, so I walked towards the prison.

The lion covered in worms didn't know where to go.

The clansman who was polluted by the "ancient demon" that she saw before disappeared. She seemed to have heard from her master that there was a "big ominous" to recover, so she took his soul back. The four old patriarchs worked together to deduce the situation. Very serious.

"Sure enough, after the truth is revealed, there will be more mysteries, endless."

However, she doesn't care about these now.

She continued to search in the prison, and soon found a person.

Zhang Wei.

The evil cultivator who rushed up to Wangtian Peak and talked to him before.

Zhang Wei was wearing a prison uniform, staring at the golden sky outside through a small window, shivering, and dared not speak loudly.

He noticed the movement, turned his head to look, trembling with fright, his lips turned white.

An Yingqiu walked forward with a cold expression.

"Why is it that I have the blood of the Divine Phoenix family, and I am still regarded as a prey? They don't even let people of the same family be spared?

Forget it, you're going to die anyway.

I have been lurking in the Divine Phoenix Clan for so many years, I have changed my identity and blood, and I haven’t been back for a long time, old Yunhe, you are fatuous and incompetent, and you have misguided me by making such a bad plan.”

Zhang Wei looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Finish? Get out now." An Yingqiu said.

Zhang Wei was taken aback.

Showing extremely surprised eyes.

Then I suddenly realized, that's not right, since she admitted that she is an evil cultivator, it is reasonable that she has not been manipulated strangely, I am fucking stupid.

"You want to save me? Don't you want to swear to defend the Phoenix Clan to the death?" Zhang Wei asked.

An Yingqiu said, "You have too many questions."

I just asked a question. Li Wei didn't dare to say more, so he said: "The lock of the prison is very special. It is blessed with a formation, and you can't open it. I tried it a long time ago, even in the Nascent Soul stage.

If you have figured it out, go first, this kind of abnormal event is often very short, and when you wake up suddenly, you will have no chance to leave. "

"You like to die in this prison?" she asked.

"No. I mean, you have a chance to come back and save me."


The lock is open.

"Although it's useless, I owe you all after I die," she said indifferently.

Zhang Wei watched the pair of pure white hands twist the chain abruptly, the nodes of the formation exploded one after another, and fell into silence all of a sudden.

For so many years in the Divine Phoenix Clan, he realized that something was wrong.

"You can go by yourself? Why don't you go?"

Zhang Wei asked, "So you are still struggling, don't want to join our camp of evil cultivators, but also want to protect the Divine Phoenix Clan?

If this is the case, I suggest that you accept the trial as soon as possible. If you die, we have no hope, so that no more people will die because of you. "

"It's a pity that someone insisted on dying before me."

An Yingqiu said: "I didn't do anything, what could I do wrong? Everyone is going to die, it's really annoying."

Zhang Wei didn't know what was going on, so something must have happened to make her change her mind, so she said, "Your fault is that you didn't do anything and kept silent.

As the master of the peak, known as the number one person in the mainland, but reduced to a prisoner, can you bear it? "

She calmed down for a while.

"I choose to remain silent because I don't want to be too cruel to them."

Zhang Wei smiled, cupped his hands and said: "It seems that the peak master knows what to do, I will take my leave, I hope the peak master has a smooth journey."


Zhang Wei took advantage of the silence to leave.

But An Yingqiu left the prison, but turned around and walked up to Kuohai Peak with a sword in hand.

Zhao Lan was not seen on the mountain.

It is quiet here, no one is there, the door is open, and the golden sky is reflected in the pool in the middle of the yard.

When I came to the room, I saw a handwritten letter, rolled into a ball of paper and crumpled.

There was also a copper lamp burning quietly on the table, the flame was dim.

She spread it out and looked.

[Come to Lingxiu Pavilion, there is an important matter to discuss, which involves the future young patriarch, it must be kept secret, and it will be burned after reading it]

After reading, she stretched out her hand and put the ball of paper on the flame of the copper lamp, burning it to ashes.

After going out, the wings of the Divine Phoenix stretched out, turning into divine light and flying towards Lingxiu Pavilion.

Lingxiu Pavilion is located deep in the clan, but it is also very quiet. Under the weird "domain", most people are "summoned" by some special will, leaving their residences and joining the silent flow of people.

But in this attic, there are several people.

Four guardians, and four peak masters.

In addition to fire protector.

and her.

They sat cross-legged, and on the table in front of them were fruits, fragrant tea, some calligraphy and paintings, and antiques piled up for fun.

The Divine Phoenix Clan has always been like this. They like to taste these things with traces of time to praise the long history of the Divine Phoenix Clan. Talking about these things seems very educated.

An Yingqiu glanced at it. According to her understanding of the "abnormal events in the worm domain" these days, unless it is closed to the dead, and there are extremely important things, it will produce "instinctive will and obsession" in the face of the triggering of abnormal events. , unmoved.

Their expressions were numb, as if they had lost their souls, and were in a special "downtime" state, but a faint smile could be seen on their faces, presumably they were having an extremely important meeting.

There was a document on the wooden table, and some content was recorded on it. She looked at it, and it involved many high-level officials of the ancient races in Zhongzhou, and she didn't know what it meant.

Then, when she saw the names of some acquaintances, she understood.

"Their supporters have grown quite a bit, and some have rejoined the team. It seems that a lot of things have happened outside these days. It's really hard for them to win them over."

Choosing the young patriarch is indeed a troublesome matter.

Looking down, she saw the name "Zhao Lan" drawn in a circle.

Han Mo, An Hua. Behind the names of several peak masters, their corresponding official positions are written.

But again without her name.

Maybe I forgot, the few guardians have always had a bad memory, and they often said so themselves.

She picked up a pen, added her name at the end, and crossed out Zhao Lan's name by the way.

Get up, draw your sword, and walk towards Zhao Lan.

A sword fell, blood splattered all over the wall.

The fire of the Divine Phoenix rose and burned the blood on the sword. She retracted the sword, faced the four guardians, and turned her back to the blood-stained wall, leaning slightly.

The attic door closed again, and she got up to go to the next place.


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