Peerless Genius System

Chapter 216 You Let Go

Feng Zhiqiang knows how to play psychological warfare, and Xiao Luo understands even more.

He pointed at Feng Zhiqiang with his pistol and shouted, "Feng Zhiqiang, there is something to stand up for yourself, don't ask irrelevant subordinates to die!"

Feng Zhiqiang gritted his teeth, and suddenly kicked one of his subordinates flying, attracting Xiao Luo's attention, and then took out the pistol behind him with a 'whoosh' and pointed the muzzle at Xiao Luo.

"Go to hell, you idiot!"

"Bang Bang~"

Two shots were fired in an instant, and the bullets roared and ripped apart the space.

Xiao Luo's martial arts can't be faster than the speed of bullets. Besides, Wang Lihu and the others are behind them. Even if they can hide, they can't do it. Otherwise, Wang Lihu and the others may be killed by bullets. At the same time, he also fired two shots.

"Bang Bang~"

The two bullets were incredible, and the bullets shot by Feng Zhiqiang were accurately intercepted in the air. The speed and the speed were opposite each other. As a result, the four bullets instantly shattered into powder.


Xiao Luo quickly took Feng Zhiqiang half a shot and fired the third shot first. The bullet ripped apart a lot of space and hit Feng Zhiqiang's chest, to be precise, the heart. Feng Zhiqiang dared to take out the firearm. , this is courting death, and he is naturally happy to fulfill it.


Feng Zhiqiang spurted blood from his nose and mouth, the firearm fell to the ground, his fat body fell back two or three meters, and stood up with the help of several subordinates.

"Not dead?"

Xiao Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, looking a little puzzled, and then he saw the black clothes inside Feng Zhiqiang's torn hole in his clothes, and he suddenly realized, "It turned out that he was wearing a bulletproof vest, so he was fully prepared."

Feng Zhiqiang endured the pain and roared: "He's out of bullets, hack him to death, hack him to death!!!"

His eyes were fierce, his eyeballs protruded, and he could not wait to swallow Xiao Luo.


When more than 200 people heard this sentence, they slaughtered Xiao Luo like more than 200 hungry wolves. Without bullets, they would have no scruples.

Wang Lihu and Ye Qiu, who had been ready for a long time, rushed up with a loud roar. Wang Lihu grabbed one person's bat and smashed it violently. , a dragon gang disciple immediately fell to the ground with bloodshed.

Ye Qiu didn't need a weapon, his hands were deadly enough.

The iron hands that turned into eagle claws danced fiercely, and the ten fingers attacked the group of dragon gang children with a terrifying tearing potential, dancing the blood-colored trajectory in the sky, one member after another screamed and fell to the ground, their bodies being torn by fingers. The wounds opened were extremely painful, and their screams were especially shrill.

Xiao Luo sprinted wildly, his right hand swung out, and suddenly bombarded the chest of the person who was rushing in front. The terrifying impact was surging like a raging wave. The fresh heart was broken in an instant under the action of strength and bone stubble.


Thick blood spurted out from his mouth. As if hit by a locomotive, the poor fellow flew upside down and smashed into the five companions who were rushing up behind him.

The bodies slammed like cannonballs hit them heavily. In a series of "clicks" and screams, their arms were broken, blood was shot, and they all fell to the ground in a mess.

A terrifying outbreak shook the audience!

Feng Zhiqiang's men all changed their expressions, and the momentum of the attack also weakened a bit.

Liu Tieguo's strength is the worst, but Wang Lihu, Ye Qiu, and Xiao Luo attracted most of the firepower. He still has the ability to protect himself, and he thinks farther. Taking advantage of his weak sense of existence, he is cautious. Chao Feng Zhiqiang touched the pistol that had fallen on the ground. No matter how hard his fist was, it was safest to keep this destructive hot weapon in his own hands.

The disciples of the Dragon Gang who supported Feng Zhiqiang were trembling with fear. Looking at the three shocking figures on the field, their eyes trembled violently, and they thought: Is this a human or a monster?

Feng Zhiqiang was seriously injured. Although he was wearing a bulletproof vest, the huge impact of the bullet acted on him, causing his internal organs to be shaken as if they were displaced.

He shouted with difficulty: "Quick... get my gun... get it back, quick!"


One of his subordinates heard the words, and his eyes searched all over the ground.

Liu Tieguo was one step ahead of them, picked up the gun that had fallen on the corner of the street, rushed over quickly, aimed at Feng Zhiqiang at close range, and loudly announced: "Feng Zhiqiang, you are under arrest!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he fired a shot into the sky.


The deterrent power of gunfire will never be outdated, and the group of people who were fighting fiercely stopped in an instant.

"Put down the weapons in your hands, squat down with your heads up, you are all arrested!" Liu Tieguo shouted in a strong voice.

The people who had long been frightened by Xiao Luo, Wang Lihu and Ye Qiu's skills, after seeing Feng Zhiqiang being controlled, all their will to resist dissipated, and they threw away the weapons in their hands.

"The iron pan is great!"

Wang Lihu applauded Liu Tieguo. He was slashed several times, and he was bleeding profusely, but he was full of blood.

Ye Qiu also laughed. His ten fingers were covered with the flesh and blood of the Dragon Clan disciples, as if he had torn apart people alive. He was also injured, and his back and shoulders were all cut with machetes.

On the other hand, Xiao Luo had no injuries on his body. Although the police uniform was stained with blood, it was all the blood of the children of the Dragon Gang.



More than 200 people, plus Feng Zhiqiang, were all arrested and returned to the police station. There were not many handcuffs, so they were tied with ropes.

That night, the members of the detention center were working overtime, starting to detain more than 200 people. When the detention room was full, they were directly locked in the detention center.

Four people shot Feng Zhiqiang's peach-colored deal together, which shocked the whole group of Liren police station. You must know that criminals of this level are only the meat that can be eaten by the district bureau. , In the end, the district bureau didn't get it, but let them get it. It's unbelievable!

"Now I want to see if those guys dare to kill us again."

Feng Yuqi was overjoyed and felt that this time, he breathed a sigh of relief, not only attacking the Dragon Gang forces in their jurisdiction, but also playing a role in the district bureau and the general bureau, earning a lot of face.

The instructor didn't speak, immersed in the shock to Xiao Luo and the others, unable to extricate himself.



When Xiao Luo returned to the prison, he found that Feng Zhiqiang's wife was no longer in the detention room. After inquiring, he found out that Ma Pijin had let him go.

"You let it go?"

Xiao Luo walked to him and stared at him coldly.

Looking at Xiao Luo, who was covered in blood and looked like a blood-soaked Shura, Ma Pijin shuddered involuntarily: "You...what are you doing? You...don't mess around...this is the police station..."

"I'll ask you again, did you let that woman go?" Xiao Luo's tone increased a bit.

"Yes... I let her go. She just gathered a crowd to fight and cause trouble, and there was no major bloodshed. Detention for one day is enough. I let her go in compliance with the regulations, and I have a clear conscience!" Calm down and defend himself.

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