Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 695: I love the Purple Mountain! (1 more seeking...

Lin Feng upgraded the speed to the highest, but after all, it belongs to the avatar, far less than the speed of the deity, so flying to the Ziqi Mountain outside the tens of millions of miles is not so simple, but Lin Feng can not give up, now only the recovery capacity can be quiet Silently, Jiang Xuan will walk away.

And it turns out that it is true. The boy who was in the revival of the fainting past ten years old is not someone else. It is Jiang Xuan, and the recovery capacity is also flying in the sky, flying back to Ziyan Mountain. He certainly knows Lin Feng. It is inevitable to guess that this is his own hand, so I will definitely lead Lin Feng to come, and he is convinced.

"Hey, this time you came to Zixiao Mountain, you are told that you have no way to go, you are dead here!". The face of the recovery showed a special look and a distorted look. Looking at the sky behind him, Zhang Dazui’s unbridled laughter came out. His speed was faster, and he could fly nearly a hundred miles between half-baked.

"Small beast, this time you see how you humiliate me, even dare to hit my face in front of everyone, this time I let you and your teacher go to die!".

The recovery is full of Jiang Xuan in the arms, the face is more and more embarrassing, I really want to shoot a direct kill of Jiang Xuan, but Zi Yan Shen Zun has the first words, Lin Feng can kill, but Jiang Xuan can not kill, otherwise it is touched The bottom line of the evil spirits, once triggered the bottom line of the evil spirits, is a battle of the world, a nightmare for the evil city.

Although Zi Yan Shen Zun enjoys a life and enjoys life alone, he did not forget that when he founded the evil city, he also had some credit for him. He could not see the evil city that was supported by his own hands, but also for the purple gods. Can't stand this blow.

The recovery does not dare not listen to the words of the purple god, because he is now completely sheltered by the purple gods, he knows better if the purple gods respect him, then the anger of Lin Feng and countless kills, and finally He will definitely be killed by Lin Feng.

Therefore, the recovery will not be a stupid thing, will not provoke this old thing to be unhappy, ask for bitterness, because the purple scorpion **** is his backing, and the mountain fell, he will be finished.

"Well? Keke."

At this moment, Jiang Xuan, who was lying in the recovery, opened a heavy eyelid and woke up from the fainting. The pain in his chest made him cough and opened his eyes to see the big face of recovery. Suddenly, the little guy's face became pale, and he began to struggle and screamed out: "You bastard, let go of me, let my father and grandfather know that you will be frustrated."

Jiang Xuan’s voice is very sharp, and the puberty has not yet arrived. This voice is still as crisp as a female voice, so the voice he shouted also caused the recovery to slightly frown, the ear was sore, and the recovery did not want to hear Jiang Xuan’s shouting. It is a stretch of a palm, directly on the tender face of Jiang Xuan.

A slamming sound, Jiang Xuan's small face, more clear five fingerprints, but also the original small white face of the white swell is very high and even began to glow blue and purple, showing how heavy this slap.

Jiang Xuan’s mouth was bleeding, and he felt the pain in his face. The little guy’s eyes began to flash with tears, extreme grievances and extreme anger, crying silently with a small mouth.

"Don't dare to speak out, I still smoke you. I am not used to you like Lin Feng. In me, you are not a small son of a sinister city."

The recovery was cold and cold, and the eyes were full of sarcasm and ridicule. Afterwards, Jiang Xuan, who was not crying about the grievances, went all the way to Ziyanshan.

A few hours passed quickly, and the last remaining sun in the sky was about to fall. The entire western sky began to turn from deep red to dark brown, eventually turning into black, starry, and a bright moon hanging in the sky.

It was completely black, and the recovery took Jiang Xuan and finally flew back to the Ziqi Mountain. In order to seduce Lin Feng’s active hook, he took advantage of the tens of millions of miles to catch Jiang Xuan from the back mountain of the evil city and bring it back. Lin Feng also rushed, and finally killed Lin Feng to smooth the hatred in his heart.

The recovery was filled with Jiang Xuan’s random walk from the mountain pass of Ziwei Mountain. The guards wearing purple robes on both sides did not stop at all, because Zizi Mountain has more than one hill owner, which is the recovery capacity.

"Where did the hill owner come back from?"

Several guards looked at each other and their faces became a bit strange and incomprehensible.

"I heard that our hill master is quite big. I have been fighting with people in the evil mountains some time ago, and I have not fallen into the wind." A guarding face screams and drinks, as if he had experienced it on his own day.

"I also heard that our hill master seems to be defeated by the other side, and finally went straight into the deep pit, haha, it was so funny."

Several guards began to laugh unscrupulously, full of praise for the sound of recovery, and the opponent of the recovery is Lin Feng, but it is worthless.

About half an hour later, Lin Feng chased here, looking at the distant purple air, a mountain with a fog hidden forest is 100,000 meters high, can not help but start feeling, the original mountain of the eternal kingdom is like this Towering, compared to the land of God, it is really stronger than a little bit.

The steep mountain roads have been squatting to several pavilions above the mountains, and the left and right sides are all lush high wood forests. Although it is already late at night, it is as bright as white. Lin Feng does not know why Ziqi Mountain is like this. The stars are dense, but the mountains are still glorious.

However, Lin Feng did not feel the view of the purple mountain. Through the residual atmosphere in the air, it was completely confirmed that Jiang Xuan was here. It was recovered and brought to this place. Lin Feng began to faintly worry that Jiang Xuan would not do anything. Otherwise, I will condemn my heart for a lifetime.

Lin Feng stepped out and flew to the mountain pass of Ziyan Mountain, ready to walk in, but was stopped by the guards of the gatekeeper.

Several guards had just talked about the exhilaration. With a look of elated, suddenly one more person interrupted their conversation, which was naturally not very good.

"Where is it?" The guard headed by the head looked coldly at Lin Feng and screamed.

Lin Feng glanced at these guards, the strength of the Emperor's five heavy, placed on the Zizhu Mountain responsible for the gatekeeper, so that Lin Feng is not victorious, this eternal kingdom is not ordinary, the Emperor's five-strong power is placed in the Jiuyi continent or Shenlu At least one party is strong.

Lin Feng looked at a few people with no expression. Finally, he walked up the winding mountain road. Several guards saw that it was not good. It was not a blessing. It was a mess.

"Brothers, stop me and give it to the high priest."

The head of the guard screamed, and then stepped out, the left hand grabbed Lin Feng's shoulder, his face suddenly brightened, but Lin Feng just coldly stunned the man behind his eyes, let the man feel the breath of death.

Several other guards also clenched their fists and rushed to Lin Feng to attack. Yamaguchi suddenly had a feeling of chaos, but Lin Feng dealt with these little tricks, not to waste time.

After the half interest, several guards all screamed and flew out, hitting the high trees on both sides of the Ziwei Mountain. The severe pain made them unable to get up, just like being interrupted by the meridians.

Lin Feng glanced at a few people, and then went straight up the mountain road to go up. Today, even if it is a Longtan Tiger Cave, he has to come in alone and save Jiang Xuan as a little guy, otherwise Lin Feng will never forgive himself.

Moreover, because I have to fulfill the responsibility of being a teacher, the students are taken away, and the teacher bears the brunt!

Although several guards could not get up, they still have the ability to transmit danger. They only need a strange whistle to sound. The disciples who are responsible for the guards on the entire Ziwei Mountain Road are all shocked. Everyone knows that the whistle represents this, Someone is making trouble!

Lin Feng walked from the bottom of the bottom of the mountain to the top, and the top of the mountain road was running down the steady disciples. All the hands were holding the heavy soldiers and rushing to Lin Feng. Lin Feng walked all the way, these disciples of the Emperor level There is no threat to himself. From the foot of the mountain, Lin Feng hits the mountainside.

At this time, there were only a few half-step elders in the realm of the gods. Looking at Lin Feng, the same thing was said, and the attack began. For these half-step gods, Lin Feng’s avatar would not be afraid, although it was impossible to defeat However, these elders will be able to fly in the hands of Lin Feng.

The slopes are getting steeper and steeper, and the mountain roads are even more difficult to walk. Therefore, Lin Feng steps a little stone steps, flying directly from the mountain roads, and rushing to the mountains and pavilions.

"Where to go?"

Behind the scenes of the elders of Ziyanshan roared desperately chasing Lin Feng behind them, but Lin Feng is not only a heavy avatar of the deity, but they are also able to catch up with them.

Lin Feng swayed 100,000 meters and stepped directly on the foothills. I saw these pavilions and pavilions. The style was magnificent and the whole building style was amazing. I also felt a trace of awe, because it lived there. It’s not someone else, it’s the one of the two most horrible ancestors of the evil city.

However, Lin Feng can't control so much. Now he is already in the old nest of Zishen Shenzun. If there is no accident, he should look at himself somewhere. Lin Feng does not need to think about it. The recovery will lead him to come. Isn't it just to annihilate yourself in the Purple Mountain?

Lin Feng really understands the recovery capacity. At this moment, the recovery is in a room high up in the pavilion. Standing in front of the window, I look at Lin Feng. I have a cold smile on my face. I am tied with Jiang Xuan behind me. Jiang Xuan has no meaning no matter how hard it struggles. Now, even the words can not be said, and all the meridians have been sealed by the recovery.

"Hey, Lin Feng, this is what you are looking for. If you enter Ziyan Mountain, don't want to leave here."


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