Accompanied by the fleet, the Germanic officer corps successfully arrived in Jinzhou.

and was received by Zhang Xueming, and even had a luxurious dinner.

The conversation with Seckert, the old Germanic man, was also quite cheerful.

Regarding his request to go to Jinzhou Military Airport to watch the BF-109 fighter together, Zhang Xueming also agreed.

He wished he could sell a few more fighters.

After all, it's not cheap.

In the evening, General Seckert sent a telegram to the country.

And the recipient of this telegram was none other than anyone else.

Exactly the mustache.

The country was able to promote this trip to China, and the mustache also contributed to it.

Although he does not currently hold a major leadership position.

But the Nazi Party now holds the largest number of seats in the Reichstag.

He has the right to speak on many things in the country.

This telegram reported to him everything he had seen and heard today.

"Today Zhang Xueming sent his fleet to meet us.

At that time, I learned that it turned out that the Northeast did not have only one battleship, but two such powerful battleships.

Moreover, the tonnage of their other warships is also very large, and their hidden naval strength may be able to shock the world.

I also asked Zhang what he thinks about our country.

I didn't expect that he knew about you and your workers' party even in the East.

And to say that only your claims can save Germania.

This is in line with my opinion. "

When the mustache saw this telegram, he was also quite surprised.

"This Zhang is really an interesting person. "

"Successful sign-in, congratulations on receiving a submarine factory with 10 VIIB/C submarines each. "

"Congratulations on the successful sign-in, congratulations on obtaining a large steel plant (annual output of 5 million tons). "

These two rewards are still pleasantly surprised.

The system obviously knows how to give out sign-in rewards.

The distribution is very precise and in place.

Type VII submarines are obviously not needed for the Northeast Navy, which has Type 28 and 21 submarines.

The Type 21 submarine can be described as trans-epochal.

And the V11 submarine can only be described as the most classic submarine of World War II.

Although for the Northeast Navy, this thing is already an outdated product.

But for the will, this thing is definitely the first thing.

How could they, having tasted the sweetness of the First World War, abandon the development of submarines.

Not to mention the fact that it is still such an advanced Type VII submarine.

The second reward came at a very timely time.

Jinzhou Iron and Steel Plant has an annual output of one million tons.

But for the Northeast, which needs all kinds of things everywhere, it seems to be a little stretched.

The most important thing is that it can't be produced at all.

The steel needed for each project is squeezed out little by little.

And this time it was not only a steel mill that was rewarded.

It's still at the level of five million tons per year.

Plus the previous million tons.

When the steel base is completed, it will have an annual production capacity of 6 million tons.

According to the statistics of steel production in these countries.

This is only two million tons less than Britain's 8 million tons.

Basically, it can be ranked among the top five in the world.

As for the output of just over 2 million tons, it was directly crushed.

However, compared with the annual output of 45 million tons of eagle sauce, the gap is undoubtedly very huge.

By 1903, their annual production had already exceeded 40 million tons.

By 40 years, the output had reached 60 million tons.

You can also imagine why Eagle Sauce was able to explode with such a terrifying output.

However, 6 million tons is already an astronomical amount for Huaxia.

It is also fully sufficient for the development of the four northeastern provinces in the future.

You can also do all kinds of projects freely.

Early in the morning, Zhang Xueming joined Seckert and the generals of the officer corps.

Some officers have long been eager to try today's inspection.

At that time, when they saw the bidding data of Vulcan Industries, they were shocked.

At this moment, they are very eager to know if the performance of this fighter is really as advanced as the drawings say.

They have been suppressed for many years.

There is a great desire for a new advanced fighter.

"Guys, come with me, everything you want to see is in this hangar. "

Then the head of the air base waved his hand.

The electric door of the hangar slowly opened, revealing the true face of Lushan inside the hangar.

At the very center of this hangar is a brown painted BF-109 fighter.

On the other side, there is a larger fighter.

It was this time that the Air Force intended to market the Ju-87 Stuka dive bomber.

However, everyone's eyes were attracted by the beautiful BF-109 fighter in the center.

For an old-fashioned biplane.

In appearance, the BF-109 fighter can indeed be described as beautiful in size.

Moreover, it adopts the layout of a single wing under the cantilever and the landing gear can be retracted.

This is an era when the biplane fighter is still the mainstream.

This form factor design is very advanced.

After all, the cantilever underwing has high requirements for the strength of the fuselage structure.

At present, the aviation manufacturing processes and materials of various countries are not up to standard.

The most advanced fighter in Germany today is the HE37 biplane fighter, which was only launched in 28.

Its performance is more advanced than the British Bulldog biplane.

The maximum flight speed can exceed 300 kilometers per hour.

So when an advanced all-metal cantilever underwing was placed in front of them.

The visual impact is still very large.

This is like a third-generation aircraft and a fourth-generation aircraft, and even more so than in the gap.

"It was perfect, it was so perfect. "

Someone in the crowd couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

It's as if I've seen a goddess-level beauty.

"With such an advanced shape design and all-metal fuselage structure, it is really hard to imagine that such an advanced fighter can be seen here. "

"If I could take it off, it would be cool. "

At this time, an aircraft engineer from Ernst Henkel spoke up.

"Can we get a closer look at it?"

Zhang Xueming said with a smile: "Of course, you can look at it and touch it casually." "

Immediately, a group of people directly surrounded them.

Several engineers from Heinkel were even on the verge of sticking their eyes to the fuselage.

The details of the fuselage structure were observed everywhere.

It seems that he wants to discover some secret from it.

"It's so beautiful, it's a masterpiece in the history of the human aviation industry, and we can't even reproduce this fighter with our capabilities. "

This is a masterpiece?

If only they saw the larger P-51 Mustang or even the B-29 strategic bomber. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I don't know what words of praise can come out of my mouth.

"Can it really fly more than 500 kilometers per hour?"

This BF-109 fighter is the C model in the series, and it is also a classic model.

It is powered by a 720 hp liquid-cooled piston engine.

The maximum flight speed can reach 545 km/h.

At the beginning, Zhang Xueming could not have come up with the most advanced model at all.

The most advanced models are powered by engines with 2,000 hp and a maximum flight speed of over 700 km/h.

Since it is a business, it must be like slowly squeezing the ointment.

Besides, even though it flies at only 545 km/h.

However, in all aspects, the performance can still crush the surrounding countries.

In their opinion, this speed is also very fast.

It's not weak on weapons, either.

Armed with two MG177.92 mm machine guns, the mid-axle machine gun was eliminated.

"I want it to fly into the sky. "

"Of course, there is no problem, immediately arrange for the pilot to fly it. "

For all the reasonable requirements of customers, Zhang Xueming is very happy to meet.

"Boom, Boom, Boom ....."

As the engine emitted a puff of black smoke, the propeller began to spin.

After the pilot releases the brakes.

The light fighter slid quickly down the runway.

After a few hundred meters, it flew like an eagle.

And the person who flew this fighter was none other than that.

It was Gao Zhihang, one of the ace pilots of the Northeast Army.

And he is now the colonel of the Fighter Wing of the 1st Air Brigade.

Under the control of his superb flying skills.

The BF-109 fighter jet flew in the air like a spirit floating in the sky.

The flight speed and maneuverability of the lower monoplane fighter were demonstrated.

Able to become the main fighter of Germany in World War II.

Whether it's handling, reliability or maneuverability.

The BF-109 is already impeccable.

No, when seeing the wonderful flight of the BF-109 fighter.

Many of the generals and officers almost had their eyes straightened, but Harazi did not stay.

In their opinion, it is not only the aircraft that is very beautiful.

Its flight action also looks so smooth and beautiful.

When you like something, then it has almost no drawbacks.

It's the same as their current state.

In about half an hour, the air show ended.

The BF-109 fighter successfully landed.

Its performance also conquered the crowd present.

This fighter can fly so wantonly, and the performance may be very different from the data on their bid.

When he saw the engineer at Henkel nod.

Seckert also nodded, signaling that he understood.

But he wasn't in a hurry.

Instead, he pointed to the JU-87 in the hangar and asked, "So what's going on?"

Since it is here, it must be shown to them.

They can still see this little trick.

However, the style of this fighter looks a little uglier.

But in terms of size, it is a lap larger than the BF-109, and it does not look like a fighter.

When Zhang Xueming heard this, he immediately said: "It is the first dive bomber we developed. "

"Dive bombers?"

When he heard the name, Seckert's eyes lit up slightly.

Dive bomber tactics emerged during World War I.

Due to the sighting system, the hit rate of horizontal bombers was very low.

Dive bombing, on the other hand, is a different approach.

You can pull up the bomb at a very close distance from the target and hit the target accurately in one go.

They had seen dive bombers, but they were indeed biplanes.

And such an advanced downplane dive bomber has never been seen.

Seeing that everyone is interested.

Eventually, the dive bomber was also pulled out for a flight show.

Mobility and the like are not important, its main performance is the hit rate of the bomb.

Carrying a 200-kilogram training bomb, it lifted off into the air.

The terrifying screams of the Stuka dive bombers echoed in the air.

When it is only a few hundred meters above the ground.

A training bomb fell from the sky.

In the end, it landed precisely in a circle with a diameter of only three meters.

Immediately, this performance stunned everyone, and there was a round of applause.

Several officers and generals of the Air Force have aroused great interest in this unsightly fighter.

As the Blitzkrieg duo.

Now that there is a BF-109, how can the Ju-87 dive bomber be absent.

What's more, Zhang Xueming also opened a production line specifically for it.

"It is the most advanced dive bomber of our army, with a maximum speed of 320 kilometers per hour.

The belly can carry two 250 kg bombs or one 500 kg bomb.

There are also two hardpoints on the wings that can carry 450 kg of aerial bombs.

And its combat range can reach 1000 km. "

After hearing about this bomb load and range.

Suddenly, their eyes lit up.

It's not hard to guess from the look in their eyes.

They are about to add one more model to their purchase.

In the evening, the officer corps headed by Seckert held discussions.

The next day, I found Zhang Xueming.

The purchase of 100 BF-109 fighters and 30 Ju-87 dive bombers was indicated.

Next, the two sides negotiated the unit price of the fighter.

In the end, it was decided that the purchase price of the BF-109 fighter was 50,000 oceans.

The unit price of the Ju-87 dive bomber is 80,000 oceans.

This order alone reached 7.4 million oceans.

At the same time, they are also willing to pay a fee of 2 million oceans.

The Northeast will provide venues, meals, etc., for German pilots to fly and train in the Northeast.

This can be regarded as a preliminary military cooperation between the two sides.

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