When an overwhelming swarm of warplanes appeared in the sky above the battlefield.

At this time, more than 100 Maozi fighters also rushed to the battlefield slowly.

There were fighters, as well as biplane light bombers, as well as large bombers.

Although the models are relatively mixed, the performance of these fighters is basically the same.

It is impossible to get rid of the limitations of the two-wing structure.

"The 1st and 2nd Fighter Brigades of the 1st Wing came out of the ranks, threw away the loads, and stopped them for me. "

In the formation, the fighters of the two groups quickly reacted.

One by one, aerial bombs and rockets were thrown down.

Then the next one rolled out of the formation, and accelerated in the direction of the incoming group.

The rest of the fighters also began to break away from the large formation and headed towards their respective target locations.

Their first targets were Soviet military airfields and artillery positions in the Trans-Baikal region.

At this moment, more than 20 Mosquito high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance planes have entered the skies over the Zabaikal region.

The information they collect will be collected and counted by the Air Intelligence Processing Center of the 1st Air Group.

It will then be sent to the Intelligence Processing Center of the General Staff of the First Army Group for screening.

In this way, the aircraft group will be commanded to strike at each target in batches.

Mao Zi's group was a little flustered in the face of dozens of wild horse planes that were rushing straight towards them.

One fighter after another began to speed up, trying to intercept the incoming group of fighters.

At the same time, the group of bombers located at the rear of the cluster began to turn around and return home.

"2 Group, you are responsible for those bombers in the back, and these fighters will be handed over to our group. "

"Roger. "

With the command of the captain of the 2 brigade.

Dozens of Mustang fighters began to bypass the fighters in front and pounce on the bomber group in the rear.

At this time, the fighters of both sides collided together.

Suddenly, the sky was on fire.

The Mustang fighter, which had the advantage of speed and maneuverability, gave Maozi a dismount from the beginning.

When the crosshairs trap the opponent's fighter.

The six 12.7mm machine guns in the wings were constantly spraying bullets indiscriminately.

Suddenly, more than a dozen Maozi biplane fighters began to fall down one after another with black smoke.

There were even several volleys that were hit and disintegrated.

As soon as they met, the two sides immediately agreed.

The Maozi warriors who were watching this scene below had mixed feelings.

Although they are not very knowledgeable about air combat.

But their side is completely at a disadvantage, and they can still see it.

"Comrades-in-arms, please tell my mother that I have not disgraced the motherland. "

Albeit completely at a disadvantage.

But with their tenacious style, they did not retreat half a step.

It's all about playing hard.

However, the disadvantage of the fighter cannot be compensated for by the will to fight.

When a Maozi pilot sees a gap.

Crash straight into a Mustang fighter.

At the same time, two machine guns opened fire, trying to adopt the method of exchanging machines for machines.

But the pilot of this Mustang fighter immediately reacted.

One rolls on its side, dodging two tongues of fire with grace and ease.

"His grandmother, Lao Tzu almost died in the country. "

"Wingman, where's my wingman?"

"It's coming, it's coming. "

The Northeast Air Force, which uses a four-plane formation, uses two two-plane formations to cover each other.

At the same time, the two-plane formation is also divided into long aircraft and wingman.

The wingman, on the other hand, is to cover behind the long plane when it attacks.

When it was seen that the long plane was attacked.

The wingman reacted immediately.

An acceleration quickly dives down.

At the same time, six machine guns spit out bullets.

When a dense stream of bullets hit a wooden biplane.

The bullet easily pierced through its weak armor, knocking the biplane into a sieve.

The pilot, on the other hand, was hit by several bullets.

Scraps of flesh and limbs flew everywhere, and blood splattered in the air.

It's a one-sided air.

Using a four-plane formation attack, the Mustang fighter group quickly completed their mission.

In particular, the four-plane formation invented by the German Air Force is very useful and efficient in this kind of air combat with huge advantages.

A two-plane formation of two fighters, Mustang fighters, was aimed at a biplane fighter.

Can this not be efficient?

So less than twenty minutes.

Dozens of Maozi's biplane fighters hated the sky.

And the battle on the other side was even more one-sided.

There are more than 30 biplane bombers.

Although they have dropped the bomb and carried out a frantic evasion.

But their movements were too cumbersome in front of the Mustang fighters.

It's all an aerial target.

Even their light bombers.

The battle between the two brigades was almost three minutes apart, and both were over.

Counting the fighters lost by Maozi before.

By this time, the number of fighters they had lost had exceeded 100 aircraft.

Reached about a quarter of the number of their fighters in the Far East.

"Your two brigades follow the fighter-bomber group to launch a ground attack and suppress the woolly bear ground artillery.

Pay attention to their anti-aircraft fire. "

Maozi is not a Japanese country, and they still attach great importance to air defense.

After all, the Northeast Air Force is on the list in all countries of the world.

How could Maozi's side not strengthen air defense.

In the Far East, they deployed more than 1,000 anti-aircraft machine guns and a small number of anti-aircraft guns.

The real development of anti-aircraft artillery in the Soviet army was after the introduction of the Bofors 25-mm machine gun in 32. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because now the mainstream of all countries is still biplane fighters.

Basically, anti-aircraft machine guns are able to meet the needs of air defense.

So the number of anti-aircraft guns that countries are equipped with is not very large.

With the airspace of Belga after going deeper.

The huge group of air planes has turned into a group of attack planes of different sizes.

A squadron of Mosquito fighters, under the cover of two Mustang fighters, identified their first target.

Below them there is a small village.

And behind the village there was an artillery position of 4152 mm howitzers.

On the artillery position, Mao Zi kept stuffing shells into the barrel of the cannon, and then shot it out.

"The fighter is the fighter of the Northeast Army. "

Immediately, four anti-aircraft machine guns began to fire at it from a distance.

How could the air defense network composed of four air defense generals be able to stop the six incoming fighters.

The two P-51D Mustang fighters accelerated at once, using their altitude and speed advantages to attract the fire of ground anti-aircraft machine guns.

Sure enough, the anti-aircraft fire of the Soviet troops was attracted to them.

When it was about to reach the sky above the anti-aircraft machine gun position.

The two Mustang fighters made a very tacit turn and dive.

Several aviation rockets flew down in white smoke from under the wings.

Then he pulled up and flipped on his side, dodging the attack of the ground anti-aircraft machine gun.

"Boom.... Boom ......"

The rockets hit the Maozi soldiers under the horrified eyes of them.

Anti-aircraft machine guns and soldiers were enveloped in dense explosive fire.

The furious energy tore them apart almost instantly.

After the elimination of two anti-aircraft machine guns, the anti-aircraft fire was directly reduced.

They attacked again.

This time they did not use rockets, but machine guns on both sides.

Under precise strafing.

Flesh and blood flew from the anti-aircraft machine-gun positions.

Sandbags on the positions did not block the fire of six 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

After the anti-aircraft fire on the artillery positions was resolved.

4 Mosquito fighter-bombers also rushed over the artillery positions.

Watching their own anti-aircraft fire being resolved.

Where can the artillerymen below care to open fire.

One by one, they began to scatter in search of cover.

Their will to fight is indeed tenacious.

But it doesn't mean that their heads are as lacking a string as the little devils.

Knowing that there was no way to take these fighters, he refused to hide.

Bombs were accurately dropped into the gun emplacements below.

Immediately, a blaze erupted on the ground.

There was even a huge explosion because a shell was detonated.

The flames even rushed into the air hundreds of meters.

The original artillery positions are completely out of shape.

"The next goal. "

After the settlement of this artillery position.

The fighters of this formation began to look for the next target.

This is just a small artillery position.

In the rear of a certain hilly mountain area in Trans-Baikal there was a large artillery position.

Here gathered two whole brigades, all 1910/30 122-mm howitzers.

And the Air Force also pounced here like a shark that smelled blood.

An entire squadron of P-47 Thunderbolts, two squadrons of Mustang fighters, and an entire squadron of Mosquito fighter-bombers.

Hundreds of fighters attacked in turn.

This artillery position can be described as being blown up.

Artillery is constantly being destroyed.

And in the face of ferocious anti-aircraft fire on the ground.

On the Air Force's side, it is inevitable that there will be casualties.

The bombardment lasted almost half an hour.

During this period, Mao Zi has been struggling to save their artillery.

But they were up against the best fighters of World War II.

Their salvation will not help at all.

Hundreds of artillery pieces were destroyed.

What happened here also made the artillery of the entire Maozi begin to die down.

Disguise yourself and don't dare to take the initiative to expose it anymore.

Because in just one hour, all 10 of their artillery brigades were damaged to varying degrees.

The number of lost artillery pieces has already exceeded one and a half hundred guns.

And all this is caused by these fighters in the sky.

This is also the first time that the Air Force of the Northeast Frontier Army has unfurled its sharp fangs.

It was also this battle of Manchuria that changed the course of world aviation.

It has also made the theory of the victory of the Air Force a hot topic of discussion in various countries.

The importance of air supremacy in warfare has been elevated to a more important position.

Now that Maozi's artillery began to shut down.

Then naturally, it will be the turn of the North-Eastern Border Guards.

Next, they will show Maozi the anger that belongs to the Northeast Frontier Army.

Hundreds of artillery pieces, more than 100 rockets on display at the border are not for display.

It was at this time that a bomber group of 180 B-29 strategic bombers came to the skies over the battlefield.

Their arrival seems to have become the protagonist of this world.

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