Chapter 55

Mango is actually a bit stingy.

Well, it means squeamish.

It is easy to get sick, easy to attract insects, not tolerant to drought, not to be flooded, too much rain, not too little, even if the main stem grows to the thickness of the cup, it can be said to die.

Liu Pingan's mango, which has just been put into production for two or three years, has been planted for more than ten years.

It should not have been so late to see the benefits, because after the first batch of planted mangoes were successfully grafted, they encountered a rare snowy day in the local area. There was only a small snowfall, and the temperature dropped sharply. There are only ten or twenty grafted seedlings left.

Replanting and re-grafting, a delay will be another three or four years.

Even now, most of the mangoes that are already bearing fruit can see a small amount of money, but they are still replanting one after another, because there are always replanted seedlings and seedlings that have been grafted, and even young trees that have begun to test flowers and bear fruit are constantly dying. Lose.

There are many reasons for the death. It is certain that the management is not in place and the technology is not enough, and it is not uncommon for force majeure factors such as climate influences.

Just like this year, there was a frost just before the Spring Festival. Many young seedlings died. The leaves and treetops of the young trees that were already bearing fruit changed color and dried up and affected the trunk. The ones that died directly were not. One tree and two trees.

It hurts to look at it.

The original plan was to replenish mango seedlings this year. With grafting and replanting, it had to be a lot of toss. I didn't expect the system to be atmospheric, and it was done all at once.

All-round coverage or replacement, all the mangoes on the whole mango field are replaced with high-yielding trees. The main stem has a bowl thickness and the branches and leaves are stretched out, which directly achieves the effect of sealing the forest into pieces.

It's far from his original big size, and there are blank mango fields everywhere to compare.

When looking at the thumbnails in the virtual and real cloud disk, the feeling of neatness is really not mixed up at all.

I couldn't help being in the mango field with my headlight, oh, now it's called the mango orchard. After wandering around in the mango orchard, Liu Ping'an was even more satisfied.

The fields in the orchard are still those fields, even the stone-built fields that are half a person high haven't changed much. Uh, if you look closely, they seem to have changed. It seems that they have been straightened a lot and made even more It's neat and stable, and even looks a bit more beautiful.

Obviously, the mangoes grown in the fields have been scientifically planned, and the spacing between rows is just right, which is conducive to ventilation and light, and never wastes the land. Liu Pingan’s original planting method of digging tree pits based on feeling is similar to this layout. In comparison, it's a complete scum.

What made Liu Ping'an overjoyed was that the peanut grass that had been raging in the orchard was gone, clean, and even the roots and seedlings were gone. I thought it should have been covered directly.

It's good to cover it, it's like burning incense and kowtow for the bad benefits, and Liu Ping'an almost burst into tears in his eyes.

When it comes to the peanut grass thing, he really hates it. He didn't have it in the fields. When he planted the fields, the reservoir water was released from the river and he didn't know how to bring it.

At first there were very few, just like one or two vines. They didn’t take the root seriously, and they were completely taken care of. As a result, they planted roots and then opened branches and leaves. By the time they were not planting seedlings and replanting mangoes, they were already It spread in a small field.

Until now, it has been flooded, and at least half of a mango field has been invaded by it.

It’s not that I’ve never thought about it, but the underground root system of this thing is too developed, the roots are twisted and twisted, and they are quite crisp and break at the touch of a touch, and every root of the broken roots, including vines, can fall to the ground. You are not afraid of drought or fear. Water can grow into a cluster again in ten days and a half months, and it makes the scalp numb.

It can't be cleaned by digging and shaking with a hoe. Even if it only drops a little bit of the tip of the chopsticks, it can lurch and continue to develop, snatching nutrients and other things to death, and where it is raging, it can't grow anything.

It’s not that I have never thought about using herbicides, but a lot of medicines took turns, and none of them worked. The vine seedlings on the ground can die, but the underground rhizomes are basically okay, not to mention they are immune to toxins. , At least it can't kill them all.

Anyway, the vines on the ground did not wait for the vines to dry up completely before densely packed young seedlings grew.

The inexhaustible leek is considered a fart, this damn peanut weed is inexhaustible and can't be dug.

Liu Pingan once went to the Internet to check this thing and wanted to find a way to deal with it. As a result, the first recommendation from the search engine was an article by a certain god, saying that peanut grass, also known as fake mung bean, can clear away heat, detoxify and improve eyesight. The whole plant can be used as medicine, and there are many benefits to eating it at ordinary times.

Clearing away heat and calming the liver, moisturizing the intestines and laxative, preventing high blood pressure, and also losing weight.

Liu Pingan was fascinated at the time. What is this? Is this the peanut grass that I hate? Isn't it another species with the same name?

If it really can be used as medicine, it really has such high edible or medicinal value, why didn't I see a boss to collect it?

But looking at the pictures that others have provided, it seems that they are indeed the same thing, which makes him doubt about life. Is it possible that he, an old farmer, is a god-man who is an expert and is not on the same planet and the same world as Life?

The solution was not found, and I was half to death. The so-called information age is still quite unreliable.

What's even more annoying and unreliable is that two days later, Douyin posted a few videos. The shot was peanut grass. The pretentious little Big sis screamed there with a delicate voice: "Oh, this peanut grass. It's so tender and beautiful, let's get the cold salad and it's delicious!"

Oh, your sister, I'm speechless.

Don’t eat pigs and sheep at home, okay?

It's good now, so it's covered directly, so the big scourge, if you say nothing, it's gone.

Steady old man.

Surprising joy alive and well.

The bigger surprise is that there is a small bungalow in this orchard. It is not big on a high fort in the middle of the field, but it is no problem to put a bed, a table and some farm tools.

What’s even more amazing is that there is a manhole cover at the door of the house. The manhole cover comes out through a pvc pipe. After the fort, the branch pipe is divided by a tee joint. It should be very convenient to irrigate the whole orchard by looking at the direction.

God knows, this high castle is basically formed by a mixture of large and small rocks and white mud. The soil is not good. There is nothing to plant. A hoe can jump several sparks. If you want to plant two or three mangoes, you will die. Once, I can only plant some vines to feed the pigs.

Such a ghost place can actually dig a well, and the water from the well can be used to irrigate such an orchard?

Not to mention the problem of water or no water, so deep water can be pumped up to use electricity...

Oh, there is electricity.

After turning the headlights around, I discovered that this small bungalow was electrified, and an old-fashioned square electric pole that had been eliminated was erected behind the house. There was also an electric meter box on the electric pole, which was built from the rural power grid a little farther away. String.

There is still room with electricity and water, this is really a surprise.

The system is awesome, the boss is great!

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