Sheng Zhiyu naturally came to look for Sheng Qianmo, but when he found Sheng Gong, he found that he was not there, but he saw the little girl he raised in the palace.

Although Cheng Zhiyu doesn't care about the affairs of Yulin Academy, he also knows that today is the day of Yulin Academy's assessment. He was quite surprised to see Shu Nuan staying in the palace at the moment. I came back after passing the exam.

After hearing this, Cheng Zhiyu felt playful, and asked Shu Nuan: "Do you want to see your prince?"

Shu Nuan froze for a moment and said, "The prince is in the barracks."

Cheng Zhiyu smiled and said: "Yes, I will take you to find him."

Shu Nuan suddenly felt like shrinking back, and said hesitantly, "It's not good."

Shu Nuan subconsciously glanced at Li Yuan behind him, but Li Yuan had nothing to express, after all, King Sheng never told him not to go to the barracks for Shu Nuan.

Seeing her hesitation, Cheng Zhiyu directly made the decision for her and asked the people outside to prepare the carriage. Shu Nuan didn't even have time to change his school uniform, so he went with him.

On the way there, Shu Nuan was still very nervous. After all, Sheng Qianmo had never taken her to his military camp, and she didn't dare to do it herself. She was caught by Sheng Qianmo when she didn't return to the palace in time after school last time After being reprimanded, how dare she run around.

And this time, although it was said that Sheng Zhiyu was going to take her to find Sheng Qianmo, Shu Nuan was still quite uneasy.

After arriving at the barracks, because the person who came was Cheng Zhiyu, the guards in the barracks recognized him, but he still couldn't help but tell him: "Prince Cheng is very busy today, I'm afraid he won't have time to see the Fifth Prince."

Such an answer was obviously expected by Cheng Zhiyu. He was not in a hurry, and he pushed Shu Nuan to the front in a calm manner, and said to the guard: "Go and report to your prince, just say that his palace There is a little beauty inside who came to play with him!"

The guard stared at Shu Nuan in front of him in a daze.

Shu Nuan also frowned slightly, but pursed his lips and said nothing.

Only then did I know what the purpose of Cheng Zhiyu brought her here...

Seeing that the guards were still standing still, Cheng Zhiyu urged him again, "Hurry up."

The guard nodded, and then hurriedly sent someone to report.

At that time, Sheng Qianmo was in the military tent discussing the battle situation in the northern border with a group of subordinates, and everyone listened carefully or expressed their opinions.

Li Qi asked to see something outside the military tent, Cheng Qianmo frowned and let him in.

Li Qi repeated the notification sent by the people below to Sheng Qianmo. After hearing it, most of the people present felt that Li Qi had no eyesight, and at this time he would bother King Sheng for such a trivial matter, but the deputy commander Ning Chengyuan, however, had an expression of enjoying the show, especially after hearing Li Qi's words, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Sheng Qianmo.

In the end, to everyone's surprise, Sheng Qianmo was silent for a moment after listening to Li Qi's words, then raised his eyes and said to them: "You guys discuss first, the king will come back later."

Then he left a group of subordinates and went to see his little girl...

The rest of the subordinates looked perplexed, they didn't quite understand how this little beauty came from, to make King Sheng leave his important matters behind and leave without hesitation...

But Ning Chengyuan was very happy, he thought that he would call out Su Huang and the others after he was done with his work today, and laugh at what Sheng Qianmo did today!

However, even though he was overjoyed in his heart, Ning Chengyuan still had a sullen face on the surface, continuing the unfinished topic with these people quite seriously.

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