Pirate System

Chapter 1 The Pirate King

The bright sun shone on the sea, and the layers of waves were shining brightly. A small platoon sailing sailed smoothly, the bow raised like the neck of a swan separated the sea, and the waves jumped like musical notes.

The long pouf-shaped oars stick out from both sides of the stern, rowing neatly in the sound of sailing horns. When the wind is calm, the oars become the main driving force of sailing.

According to common sense, if you want to sail smoothly, you need to do a lot of preparations. First, you must understand this sea area, you must have sufficient food and water, and at least you must have a compass that is not very clever.

But the people on this boat were not prepared for anything, and the captain of the turbulent captain didn't even know the name of this sea area.

On the deck of the boat, Tangke arrogantly put his hands behind his back. He was wearing a black trench coat, and his strong chest was exposed at the cardigan. The sailors gathered and waited quietly for the captain to speak. These sailors have deep-set eyes, bushy beards, and stocky builds.

After half a month's voyage, the supplies on the ship were all in a hurry, and there was little food and water left. If the belt was tightened, the twenty or so people could still eat for a week.

At this time, the biggest task facing Tangke as the captain is to stabilize people's hearts.

"It is very close to the port now, and it is estimated that we will arrive in seven days. But we have a small problem. There is not much left of bacon jerky and rice on the ship, so I decided that your daily food intake will be halved. "Tanke pointed to the five big and three thick sailors.

"Those who violate the order will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Those who are not convinced can be singled out with me. If they lose to me, they will also be thrown into the sea." Tangke said proudly.

He tried to deceive himself into it, but he didn't even know where the port was. The fate of the future can only be left to fate. He couldn't tell the truth or sailors would riot over food shortages.

"Captain, what about yourself?" asked a scrawny sailor. The other sailors also looked at Tangke.

"What about myself?" Tangke frowned.

"I mean your appetite," explained the sailor.

Tangke hesitated for a moment, scolding the talkative sailor in his heart, and replied bitterly: "I am the same, my food intake is halved. But the fish I caught belongs to me."

The sailors, no doubt, acquiesced to the captain's little favor.

"Another point to emphasize is that it is strictly forbidden to urinate on the mast. I don't want mushrooms to grow under the mast." Tangke said seriously, as the captain, he cherished the ship very much, which was his private property.

The sailors agreed one after another, and some couldn't help laughing, apparently fertilizing the masts a lot.

"There's nothing else to do, let's go."

As soon as the captain raised his hand, the sailors dispersed and took their places. Some dexterously climbed up the observation deck along the rope ladder, and some went down the ladder and entered the cabin. One of the slow sailors was kicked viciously by the captain, and he quickened his movements and ran to fix the ropes.

The captain must not be a suave gentleman in charge of this gang of bumbling sailors.

The sea breeze kept blowing on Tangke's black hair, and there was a sea smell in the wind, which was a breath of life. The wind direction of this sea area changes frequently, and it is not a constant trade wind, which will always make people unable to figure it out. Sailors must adjust the angle of the jib accordingly, so that the wind fills the sails and maintains the fastest speed.

The north wind is blowing now, and the nimbus cloud can be seen slowly approaching in the distance.

It looks like it's going to rain, which will alleviate the water shortage.

As soon as Tangke thought of this, the sky turned cloudy, and the sea was as unpredictable as a woman.

A few days ago, Tangke was still a landlubber, and he didn't know how to recognize the weather, but since crossing here inexplicably, he has acquired these skills. He was originally a gangster thug who worked in a karaoke hall and was responsible for maintaining order.

He is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage since he was a child. Because he has no elders to control him, he is used to living a life of freedom. He liked to fight with people since he was a child. It can be said that he fought from childhood to adulthood. Later, he made a living by fighting, watching for the boss and cleaning up those troublemakers.

He works on a street that never sleeps. The whole street is an entertainment venue. At night, the street is like a car show. People seek all kinds of pleasures in the feast of the lights. If you want to open a store on that street, it is impossible to just have money, you must have some background and power, and each store has to support a few thugs like him.

Because of the nature of his work, he has a lot of free time. When he has nothing to do, he will play some computer games, such as the newly released annual masterpiece "Pirate King".

"Pirate King" focuses on sailing and outlines a grand maritime world, but unlike other ordinary sailing games, this game incorporates many fantasy elements, which game reviewers call the sailing version of the Lord of the Rings.

At the beginning of the game, a powerful sentence will pop up: sailing in the turbulent waves, drinking and laughing in the fire, this is the hymn of pirates!

Players in the game take the identity of pirates and carry out various pirate activities, such as looting, naval warfare, kidnapping and the like. This ferocious profession is full of fantasy and makes people fascinated by it. Although sea trade can also be carried out in the game, the income is meager, and only looting will get rich rewards. The main line and side tasks of the game are also related to the identity of pirates. The goal is to dominate the entire sea and form an invincible fleet at sea.

Strong enough to be able to go to any corner of the sea, only in this way can he be regarded as the king of the sea!

There are not a few sailing games, and it can be said that each has its own characteristics, and the focus of this pirate king is on fantasy. In the game, players can build all kinds of exotic ships, including ghost ships, sea monster ships that can dive, magic ships equipped with magic cannons, and even ships made of dragon bones!

In addition, sailors also have a variety of abilities, there are swordsmen with peerless elegance, noble and powerful magicians, and dark and mysterious wizards. It is these fantasy elements that make this game's naval battles unique.

In the game's promotional video, there is a magnificent naval battle video, a "ship" built on the back of a whale and another "aircraft carrier" full of griffins. become a powerful air strike force. The video did not record the entire battle, but only captured a few wonderful pictures, which made people watch with excitement.

The way of life of pirates deeply attracted Tangke, he has been paying attention to the release of this game, got the game at the first time, and can't wait to install it on the computer. He set up an account in the game, gave the characters his name, and got a boat and more than two dozen sailors.

These sailors have hook-throwing stunts, which are able to accurately throw the rope hook on the enemy ship when the two ships are approaching, and then climb the enemy ship's deck through the rope.

After Tang Ke led a looting mission, he drove a small boat out to sea. Not long after he went out to sea, he fought two sea monsters at sea. He was having a great time playing, when an earthquake suddenly occurred. Under the violent shaking, he slammed his head on the display screen, and immediately saw wounds and blood.

This incident triggered a strange change. He fell into the whirlpool, and he was full of brilliance along the way, and countless pictures flew by quickly. He flew to the end of the light, and after falling out of it, he was already standing on the bow, facing the boundless sea!

The twenty or so strong men on the ship called him the captain, as if it were only natural.

Tangke grew up fighting, a bold man, and was not afraid. He remained calm, and after observing for several days, he found out the basic situation. The sailors on this ship are familiar, just like the sailors in the Pirate King game. After he arrived here, his physical strength increased, and he learned a language and sailing knowledge.

The shape of this ship is also the same as in the game, with a small skull flag hanging on it, indicating that this is a pirate ship!

Tangke took off the skull flag the next day. The world is alive and cannot be taken lightly. The pirate flag is too ostentatious. Pirate ships raise the pirate flag only after finding the prey, and the pirate flag has other deep meanings. For example, the red flag represents slaughter, and it is not hung up casually.

And this world, is it in the game, or another world? Tonk is still unknown.

When things got to this point, Tangke accepted the fact of crossing and assumed the identity of the pirate captain, with a thin machete around his waist and the helm in his hand, ordering the sailors to break through the waves.

He used to be a thug, but now he is a pirate. Anyway, they are both villains. The nature of the two is not much different. He will not feel stage fright. Go up and loot it.

Along with him was the game system of "Pirate King", which was now rooted in his mind. As long as the mind moves, it can be easily dispatched. However, the system interface is now gray and cannot be clicked in. A row of prompts appears in the lower right corner of the screen:

Due to the transformation of the world map and the serious conflict of data, the game system is being integrated.

Current progress: 90%...In progress, please wait.

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