Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 38 Threshold Fruit

The follow-up troops of the navy rushed over and walked not far away.

The navy running at the forefront waved his hands and shouted loudly.

"Master Tina, he is..."

Tina didn't pay attention to what her subordinates were going to say, and directly exerted force on her feet, using the shaving in the sixth navy style, and instantly appeared in front of Qiuhe, waving her hands to attack Qiuhe.

Qiu He jumped back, dodged the attack, his mind was spinning, thinking about how to deal with her.

At this time, Qiu He suddenly thought that he didn't know any melee skills at all, and almost all skills had a certain lethality, and he could neither kill nor injure this person who was fighting him.

Now is not the time to be an enemy of the navy, so Qiuhe can only dodge passively.

Although Qiuhe's physical fitness was similar to Tina's, he didn't have any close combat skills, and his moving speed was slower than the opponent's. He kept dodging and was quickly caught.

Taking advantage of the opening, Tina quickly waved her hand, passed through Qiu He's body, and an iron bar appeared out of thin air, locking Qiu He's body.

Then Tina kicked again, through Qiu He's legs, and locked his legs, making him stop in place and unable to move.

Qiu He looked at his status bar, there was a 'bound' debuff hanging there, which could be relieved by drinking medicine, but Qiu He didn't take the medicine, just stood there, staring at Tina.

Qiuhe knew that Tina was a righteous navy, and the other party would attack him, most likely because of a misunderstanding, even if he made a mistake and the other party really wanted to kill him, he could quickly release the bondage and fight to the death.

"Pirate, I won't let you continue to do evil."

Tina stood in front of Qiuhe, staring at Qiuhe who was restrained by the iron bars, there was still a trace of anger in her eyes, but she did not continue to attack.

"Hehe, pirates! Is the current navy so powerful? Attack civilians casually."

Sure enough, it was really a misunderstanding, but fortunately there was no attack.

Qiu He guessed right, the other party really misunderstood, think about it, too, a man with no eyebrows and no hair standing there holding a long knife with blood on it, everyone would think he is not a good person . However, being really misunderstood, Qiu He was still upset, and his tone was naturally not much better.

"Master Tina, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, he is the bounty hunter I mentioned before, Qiuhe."

Tina's subordinates ran over and explained to her anxiously.

"What, he's that bounty hunter, he doesn't look like the photo at all, Tina, I'm surprised."

Tina stretched out her finger and pointed to Qiu He's hairless head.

"I'll go, you think I'm willing! This is done by fighting those pirates."

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, Qiuhe's heart is extremely depressed. What surprised Qiuhe even more was that he didn't even know when someone took pictures of him. What a group of terrible journalists.

"These on the ground..."

"These on the ground are the pirates who landed on the island. Before your navy arrived, I killed them alone."

"Why kill pirates so cruelly and insult their corpses."

Looking at the fragments of corpses all over the floor, Tina frowned tightly.

"This is the effect of my ability, and I can't help it. As for insulting the corpse or something. If you don't need a corpse or head as evidence to collect the bounty, do you think I would do such a disgusting thing? I am worthy of being the canary from the headquarters , don’t even know that.”

Qiu He also found it quite disgusting, but this is not an anime. It is inevitable that a strong explosion will blow people to pieces.

Tina turned her head to look at the subordinate standing beside her. Although the navy man looked a bit ugly, he still nodded, confirming that what Qiu He said was true.

Tina's complexion was a little ugly, but she didn't say anything, and directly untied Qiu He.

Qiu He moved her hands and feet, turned around and walked towards the pirate ship.

"Since you said that you can't insult the corpses, then I won't take their heads. It just so happens that you have so many navies here, you can directly help me prove it. I will go to the base to collect the bounty later."

Qiu He waved at Tina slowly, he was very happy that he didn't have to do such disgusting things as beheading people.

"By the way, there is still a corpse in the ruins above, don't forget."

Walking to the side of the pirate ship, Qiu He released an aerial shot, then jumped hard, and successfully jumped onto the deck of the pirate ship.

Rushed into the cabin, found several pirates who were hiding without any effort, gave each of them a peanut, and then swept all the wealth on board, stuffing the backpack to the brim.

Qiuhe walked out of the cabin, and Tina and several marines were standing on the deck.

"Why kill them?"

Tina looked at Qiuhe, and anger rose again on her face.

Because of what happened just now, they just watched Qiu He climbed onto the pirate ship, and they didn't realize what Qiu He had done until the gunshot was heard.

For these pirates who had lost their fighting spirit, the navy first caught them, and after the trial, they sent them to prison. Who knew that Qiuhe actually killed these pirates who had lost their fighting spirit in front of them.

"Haha, what a joke, if you don't kill them, why don't you keep them for the Chinese New Year?"

Glancing at Tina, Qiuhe jumped off the boat and ran towards the town, where there was still a group of pirates left unsolved.

Unlike him, the navy can find those pirates who are hiding.

"I'm angry, Tina, very angry."

Staring at the back of Qiuhe going away, Tina bit her lips lightly, a ball of anger simmering in her heart.

Although what Qiuhe did was a little too much, it was not wrong, and she couldn't use this as a reason to arrest the other party.

As for Qiu He going to the city now, Tina could easily think of what he was going to do based on what he had done before.

"Arrange a team to clean up here, and the rest will go to the city with me to catch pirates."

Tina led her navy to the city. She wanted to capture these pirates before the other party killed them. Even if they died, she had to let them go through the normal trial procedures before the judge sentenced them to death.

Chasing and killing the pirates in the city, in fact, Qiuhe can't get much. After all, the rest are basically miscellaneous fish, which can't give him much experience.

"The most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy." This task is completed without even thinking about it. Qiu He dared to kill pirates in front of the navy, but he could not kill pirates that had been caught by the navy. It became provocative.

He has lived on the island for so long, and there are some people on the island who have a good relationship. It just so happens that he also has the strength to solve this matter, and he can gain a little experience. Most importantly, he wanted to do it, so he did it.

Qiuhe is looking for those pirates who are acting alone, hiding, and disguised as civilians. They don't pay much attention to those pirates who are making trouble in groups. Naturally, the navy will clean them up. The easy-to-find pirates just need to be dealt with.

After half an hour of hard work, all the pirates who landed on the island were cleaned up.

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