Planet Escape

Chapter 187 Not living at the same time

Inside the space gate is a grotesque world, which is different from the gravitational tunnel that Xiang Qian and the others used to travel faster than the speed of light with a star-level gravitational engine.

Entering the door of space is like entering another world. This world is colorful, with colorful streamers hanging around, and there are no obvious traces of tunnels. Through optical equipment, it is possible to see colored light balls far away.

In the direction of the earth, there is another huge door exuding silver-white light. This door is the same as the space door that the earth enters, and it is not very far from the earth.

About less than five minutes later, the space gate that the earth left appeared in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy.

After the earth left the gate of space, the silver-white gate of space gradually became smaller and disappeared soon.

"Starry sky, scan the surrounding galaxies, and use the gravitational field detection device to draw the gravitational ripple star map of the Large Magellanic Cloud." When the earth reached the Large Magellanic Cloud, Xiang Gan said immediately.

"Okay, boss."

While scanning the starry sky, Xiang Qian made the screen display an image of the Milky Way.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is 160,000 light-years away from the Milky Way, which means it takes 160,000 years for light to travel from the Milky Way to the Large Magellanic Cloud. So if you want to see what the Milky Way was like 160,000 years ago, you just need to observe the Milky Way from the Large Magellanic Cloud.

But at this time, the Milky Way displayed on the screen is not the Milky Way 160,000 years ago. Because the Milky Way on the screen is the same as the Milky Way recorded on the earth. are exactly the same. Then the only explanation for this situation is that the five minutes when the earth enters the space gate is equivalent to 160,000 years in the outside world.

As for whether this conjecture is true. Xiang Gan didn't bother to pay attention. If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the current Milky Way galaxy has once again experienced a cosmic catastrophe, and another batch of civilizations are heading to the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy. And the location of those civilizations is right inside the space gate.


The gravitational ripple star map is drawn. "


Looking at the gravitational field ripple star map of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Xiang Qian can clearly see how many star systems there are in the Large Magellanic Cloud. How many extreme celestial objects can also see the huge black hole at the core of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Although the gravitational ripple star map cannot directly display the image of the planet. But the gravitational force emitted by each planet will not change. Light might fool you in the universe, but gravity doesn't.

Moreover, the production of the star map is very time-consuming. The direct distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud is 15,000 light-years. If you want to make a complete star map of the Large Magellanic Cloud. It takes at least a few hundred years. This still needs to refer to the gravitational ripple star map, otherwise it is normal to spend thousands of years. Of course, if the technological means can scan 15,000 light-years in one second, then nothing will be said.

Xiang Gan searched for a long time according to his memory, and finally found the gravitational ripples emitted by the binary star system.

"Xingkong, pass this gravitational ripple star map to Zhang Lei, and let them go directly to the location of the binary star system I marked." Xiang Gan said to Xingkong after finishing marking.

"Okay, boss."

Five minutes later, Zhang Lei said goodbye to Xiang Gan. The engine of the Moon Fortress started, and slowly left the earth's orbit, heading towards the depths of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"Starry sky. Inform Yang Guang to send a battleship to explore the three surrounding star systems. Inform the engineering department to upgrade the 23 satellite fortresses, and give them the blueprint of the lunar fortress, so that they can carry out the transformation according to the blueprint. Open Gravity generating device. Go to the second coordinate I marked."

Following Xiang Gan's order, the entire Earth Federation machine began to operate. All parties began to act around Xianggan's order.

At this time, old man Li's communication request came.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Xiang Qian asked.

"According to the optical scene, the scene from the Milky Way is the same as when we left, that is to say, 160,000 years have passed in the outside world during the five minutes we were in the space gate. But I remember that there are According to records, the entire Lilan tribe has existed for only a few hundred thousand years, perhaps less than 160,000 years.

Then according to the rules, the great cosmic disaster starts once every 120,000 years. That is to say, when we were in the gate of space, the great cosmic disaster happened again, and the same civilization as the earth had already entered the gate of space.

But there is a problem here, whether the hundreds of thousands of Lilan people and our hundreds of thousands of years are in the same time dimension. Hundreds of thousands of years is a long time for a civilization, but it is very short for the entire universe. I don't think the big cosmic catastrophe that starts every 120,000 years refers to the normal time, that would be impossible at all.

Because the life of a planet is counted from its birth, and if it wants to reach a first-level civilization, this time is at least ten thousand years. This does not rule out the extinction of various factors such as natural disasters before civilization reaches the first level. Then we have to calculate the number of living planets in the universe, and not every living planet can give birth to life. Once life is born, it may not necessarily produce wisdom, and after wisdom is produced, it may not necessarily reach the first level of civilization.

Therefore, according to comprehensive calculations, according to the time of the universe, it is simply unrealistic to have a disaster in the universe every 120,000 years. After experiencing it several times, the number of living planets is simply not enough to support the outbreak of a large cosmic disaster.

Although I don't know what the purpose of the cosmic catastrophe outbreak is, I know that it is simply impossible according to such a time schedule. So I think that the passage of time in the small universe where the Lilan tribe is located is the real speed of time flow. And the speed of time that we perceive now is definitely many times faster than the speed of time in the small universe. "Old man Li said seriously.

Xiang Gan was shocked after hearing this. He really hadn't thought about the issue of time. Because in the eyes of human beings, 120,000 years is already a very long time. So at that time, the problem of a great cosmic disaster that the Lilan tribe said would occur in 120,000 years was not considered at all.

Now, after listening to what old man Li said, this is really the question, what is 120,000 years to the entire universe. And not only the number of living planets, the birth of civilization, but even the aftermath of the catastrophe in the universe cannot be ended in 120,000 years.

Just like the Milky Way, now that the central black hole of the Milky Way has disappeared, the entire Milky Way will fall into a gravitational war. The Milky Way at this time is very dangerous, not to mention the birth of civilization on the planet of life, even if civilization is born, it will be directly crushed into fly ash by the chaos inside the Milky Way.

"Teacher, is there a way to judge the real speed of time?" Xiang Gan asked with a frown.

"There is no way now. Time is something that cannot be measured at all. I just remind you to let you pay attention to the change of time. I have a vague feeling now. Maybe the speed of time is different and the impact on us is also different, but it is still there. There is no way to prove it." Old man Li also said depressingly.

"Then I'll let Yingying make a prediction." Xiang Gan suddenly thought of Yingying.

"It's useless. Before we find a way to really distinguish the flow of time, Yingying can't predict it. What do you ask her to predict? Are you asking her to predict whether it will be ten minutes after ten minutes?" or "Ten minutes of my life" A minute is not the same as the ten minutes of the universe'? Before there is no reference, even a prophet cannot judge the time, after all, time is too abstract." Old man Li said, shaking his head.

"Alright then, I'll pay attention." Xiang Gan nodded and said.

Turning off the communication, Xiang Gan leaned back on the chair, his mind was full of time issues. At the same time, he also began to recall whether he had read documents about time in his previous life, or the materials about time left by prehistoric civilizations.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I don't have any memory about this aspect. It's as if this event never happened to human beings in the previous life, and they didn't feel the time gap at all. Even if they felt it, they thought it was the general theory of relativity, and didn't think about the relationship inside it.

What is the difference between the big cosmic catastrophe once in 120,000 years and the flow rate of normal big cosmic time, and how to calculate this 120,000 years, Xiang Gan's mind is full of question marks. (to be continued)

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