Planet Escape

Chapter 565 Assimilation of Technology System

That night, when Xiang Gan was about to go to bed, a condensed projection appeared. ↑,

"Prophet Vitan told me about the situation in the great universe." Ning Ning said directly, but when she said it, her expression was a little strange.

"Well, what did he say, tell me about it." Xiang Gan regained his energy immediately, and he hasn't asked the Prophet Witan about many questions about the big universe. So after hearing Ning Ning's words, he lost all sleep in an instant, waiting for Ning Ning's explanation.

"Before you talk about this question, tell me that when you were making plans with the think tank, you really didn't know the situation of the big universe." Ning Ning asked strangely.

"I don't know. This plan was made after we were reborn. At that time, I couldn't contact you at any time, let alone contact with the Prophet Vitan. What's wrong, is there something wrong with this plan?" Xiang I am very curious, why does Condensate ask this question.

"There is no problem, but the plan you made is very similar to the situation in the big universe." Ning Ning began to talk to Xiang Gan about the big universe.

It turns out that after all civilized races leave the parallel universe, they will be taken away on the spot by the civilized races waiting at the exit of the parallel universe.

After all civilized races are beaten away, they will become scientific research assistants for those six-level peak civilizations. He is said to be an assistant, but he is actually a wage earner, and he is also a wage earner who sacrifices the development potential of civilization to work for the sixth-level peak civilization.

Because before breaking through the seventh-level civilization, even the sixth-level peak civilization can only prolong the life of the tribe by 120,000 years. That is to say, when all civilized races leave the parallel universe, the lives of people of all civilized races will soon reach their limits, and it won't be long before most of them will die.

When more than two-thirds of the scientists in the race are dead. The technological development of the entire civilization will almost stagnate. Only very few civilized races can continue to develop at this time, but that is just an example.

What should the civilized race that has just left the parallel universe do at this time. Of course, it is to find a complete six-level civilization technology system to absorb and supplement it into its own civilization technology system.

But actually. Although the civilized race lacking scientists can absorb the complete sixth-level technological system of other civilizations, it is difficult to break through the seventh-level civilization through this system. Because this system is not researched by yourself, but absorbed by others. So if you want to use this technology system to break through the seventh-level civilization, then you must conduct scientific research according to other people's scientific research ideas.

After all the civilized races leaving the parallel universe are taken away by the sixth-level peak civilization, the sixth-level peak civilization that takes them away will give them a complete sixth-level civilization technology system,

Let them research.

At this time, the civilized races who have obtained the complete technological system of the sixth-level civilization can choose to stay within a fixed range or wander in the big universe. No one cares about you.

But if you want to break through the seventh-level civilization, you have to absorb the technology system of this sixth-level peak civilization.

After absorbing this technology system, you will continue to study according to the ideas of this technology system, because their technology system is indeed advanced, and it is impossible for you to give up this technology system to study your own backward technology system, just like you do not use quantum computers It is the same as insisting on using a silicon-based chip computer.

Moreover, the lifespan of your civilized scientists does not allow you to develop step by step, so after obtaining this technological system, no civilized race will choose to ignore it.

Once you conduct research according to this technological system, then terrible things happen. Because no matter which level 6 peak civilization's technology system. There will be several conjectures. The theories of these conjectures are very correct, and once these conjectures are confirmed, they can break through the seventh-level civilization.

Under such circumstances, which civilized race would not study these conjectures. After all, once these conjectures are confirmed. It will immediately break through the seventh-level civilization. Who can resist this temptation.

But is it fast for you, a civilized race, to research on your own and gather with other civilized races? Of course not, so the civilized race that gave you the six-level peak civilization technology system asks you. Do you want to join the Science and Technology Sharing Research Center, will you join?

Of course I joined. Fools don't join, the big deal is that the technology developed by oneself is not shared.

That's right. All the civilized races who joined the Institute thought so.

But the sixth-level peak civilized race that established this research institute is stupid, of course not. Since you have joined the research institute, I can show you the scientific and technological materials of the quasi-level 7 civilization, but if you want the scientific research materials of the quasi-level 7 civilization, you need contribution points.

How the contribution points come from, of course, is in exchange for data that is helpful for conjecture research.

In this way, all civilized races that have just left the parallel universe will become wage earners of these six-level peak civilizations, and use all their energy to study these conjectures. As a result, after waiting for tens of thousands of years, they discovered that there were no evolutionaries born in their civilized race, and all the clansmen were about to become ordinary people.

And their technology system has long been thrown away, and the technology system they are studying now is all generated from the data obtained from conjecture.

At this time, although these civilized races have the technology system of the sixth-level peak civilization, and may also have the technology theory or some technology of the quasi-level-7 civilization, the potential of these civilizations has been exhausted.

A civilized race without evolutionaries, even if it breaks through the seventh-level civilization, is just the bottom of the seventh-level civilization.

This is the horror of the assimilation of the technological system, and it is also the tragedy of civilizations below the seventh level.

"The seventh-level civilization won't intervene in these things? Doesn't the seventh-level civilization need other civilized races to help research scientific research issues? Even if it is a seventh-level civilization, the lifespan of the tribe is only 12 million years." Xiang Gan wrinkled asked with a frown.

"Seventh-level civilizations of course need a larger base of civilized races to help them conduct research. Otherwise, where do you think those conjectures come from? Those conjectures were all researched by seventh-level civilizations or eighth-level civilizations, but those conjectures need The calculated data is too huge, and they don't have the time or the patience to analyze it a little bit.

Therefore, these seventh-level civilizations will control some sixth-level civilizations to spread their conjectures and technological systems belonging to the seventh-level civilizations, but these technological systems have serious problems.

For example, the same two technologies, the effect that these two technologies can achieve is the same. But one of the technologies has potential for development. Even if it becomes a seventh-level civilization, it can continue to be used or continue to be researched.

But another technology has no potential for development. After becoming a seventh-level civilization, that technology can only be eliminated for various reasons. However, civilized races that have not broken through the seventh-level civilization cannot discover this problem at all, and may think that this technology has more development potential than the first technology.

Among the technologies of the sixth-level peak civilization technology system, there are many such technologies, which seem to have great development potential, but are actually rubbish. " Condensation said.

Xiang Gan didn't ask any more questions after listening, because he could get the answer to the question he wanted to ask just by thinking about it.

But the more he thought about it, the colder his heart became.

Because it is not difficult to analyze a problem from the condensed words, that is, the civilization form of the big universe is completely pyramid-shaped in which high-level civilizations dominate low-level civilizations. And this kind of pyramid shape is not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of fundamental technology.

High-level civilizations directly use advanced technological systems to rule low-level civilizations. This kind of rule is more terrifying than oppression with strength.

Oppression with strength will capsize one day, but oppression with a technological system, unless there is a civilized race that is more suitable for this technological system than the advanced civilization that spreads this technological system, otherwise such technological suppression cannot be surpassed.

This is like talent. Some civilized races are good at biotechnology after all, and the biotechnology of the entire civilized race is very powerful. But if you allow these civilized races to focus on mechanical technology, then whether this race can study and understand is one thing, let alone any major development in mechanical technology. (To be continued..)u

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