Planet Escape

Chapter 575

As the Earth Federation began to shrink and defend, the fleets of other civilized races in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy began to slowly gather. If you have read this chapter, please move to: Chinese. Read the latest chapter

But these civilized races are not stupid, even if there is only one civilized race of the Earth Federation in front of them, no civilized race dares to come and try the strength of the Earth Federation alone.

But the fleets of these civilized races became larger and larger, and soon the number of warships in the combined fleet exceeded 600 billion.

Xiang Gan was in the office looking at the results of the star scan, which made him completely disappointed with this huge coalition fleet.

Originally, he also wanted the people of the Earth Federation to have a sense of crisis. After all, it has been so smooth for so many years, and it is easy to make the people feel arrogant. But it turned out that the huge coalition fleet that he placed high hopes on was simply a bunch of mobs.

The third-level civilized warships and the second-level civilized warships are mixed together. Warships of different sizes and models are piled together. It looks very spectacular from a distance, but if you look closely, you will find that the fleet is really well matched. It's too inconsistent.

Can you imagine a mechanized infantry division composed of tanks, tractors, and bicycles? The huge coalition fleet in front of him gave Xiang Gan such a feeling.

Those second-tier civilized warships, which accounted for two-thirds of the coalition fleet, were of no use if they were not towed back and turned into scrap iron. To put it bluntly, whether these second-level civilized battleships can cause damage to the defense line of the Earth Federation is a problem.

Need speed but no speed, need firepower but no firepower, need defense but no defense, apart from using it as a target for the Earth Federation to practice, Xiang Gan can't think of any threat these second-level civilized warships can pose to the Earth Federation.

As far as the coalition fleet composed of these warships is concerned, not to mention that the number of warships is only 600 billion, even if the number is increased by ten times, there is no threat to the Earth Federation.

"Notify Zhang Lei that when the opponent's fleet comes to attack, don't use the computer to control the defense system, let the federal soldiers practice shooting." Xiang Gan said to the secretary after reading all the materials.

"Yes, chief." The secretary didn't know why Xiang Gan gave such a strange order, but he immediately conveyed the order.

Although the Earth Federation at this time did not build the flagship of the fourth-level civilized race, it followed the design of the fourth-level civilized race. Constructed a galaxy battleship. With the power of this galaxy battleship, it is enough to resist the attacks of these civilized races, let alone return the killer weapon of the starry sky.

That's why Xiang Qian dared to let the Earth Federation face all civilized races alone,

Let the subordinate races hide in the rear, because they are afraid that the war will affect the scientific research speed of the Earth Federation.

Ten years passed in a blink of an eye. The fleet of the enemy camp was finally assembled, and the internal command system was sorted out, and it began to move to the Earth Federation.

But that moving speed is really horrible. In order to take care of a large number of second-level civilized warships, the moving speed of the entire fleet can be described as a turtle speed. According to the speed of the opponent's fleet, to reach the position of the Earth Federation, it will take nearly 25 years to sail from the void of space.

This is mainly because there are no motherships of various civilizations to lead, and there is no curvature engine. It is simply a dream to let the warships of the second-level civilization fly at a speed of more than 100,000 kilometers per second. certainly. This is their plan to destroy the Earth Federation in one wave, so arriving early and arriving late are similar.

Seeing the slow flying speed of the opponent's fleet, they were in a hurry even if they were not in a hurry.

Xiang Qian really doesn't know, with their efficiency, after this fleet is destroyed by the Earth Federation, will they have time to organize another fleet again.

However, these things have nothing to do with the Earth Federation. Without enough resources to break through the fourth-level civilization, the Earth Federation can only work hard to research technology and use the most time-consuming method to upgrade the civilization level.

This is much faster than the speed at which the rules of the universe help improve the level of civilization. One only takes a few hours. The other takes hundreds or even thousands of years.

However, there is an unexpected benefit of raising the level of civilization in this way, that is, the technological system of the Earth Federation is increasingly deviating from the most basic technological system given by the rules of the universe. In this way, Xiang Qian is more optimistic about reducing the dependence on the rules of the universe. At least the earth has embarked on a new path. As for what is ahead of this road, it will take time to verify.

When the Earth Federation was at war with other civilizations in the Greater Magellanic Cloud System, this news was also transmitted to the mothership of the Sota civilization.

"Human civilization, interesting. Let the probe enter that galaxy to scan to see if the Holy Light civilization is hidden in that human civilization." The patriarch of the Sota civilization looked at the message sent back by the probe and said to the brain.

"Yes. Patriarch."

A Sota civilization probe located 12 million light-years away from the Milky Way quickly flew towards the Milky Way after receiving new instructions.


Twenty-five years later, the coalition fleet finally came to the outside of the Earth Federation galaxy warship and launched an attack on the Earth Federation.

For this group of mobs, Xiang Gan told Zhang Lei to act slowly, don't take away the opponent's fleet in a wave, so what else is there to play.

Therefore, after the opponent's fleet entered the attack range of the galaxy battleship, Zhang Lei did not issue an attack order, but only opened the force field shield and asked the opponent to fire a few shots first.

With Xiang Gan's connivance, the opponent's fleet formed a triangle formation and drove to attack the defense line of the galaxy warship.

For a moment, laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, and missiles that hold flames all fired at the galaxy warships.

However, after these attacks touched the force field shield, they were wiped out without even a splash. Only after the missiles exploded, some light and shadow effects can still be displayed, but the effects of these missiles are similar to fireworks, just looking spectacular.

Zhang Lei saw that the opponent's fleet was approaching 6 million kilometers from the edge of the galaxy warship before giving the order to attack.

Following Zhang Lei's order, the equipment inside the galaxy battleship began to activate, and the power generation equipment that had been suppressed instantly generated huge energy.

An electric current mixed with magnetic field fluctuations that can be clearly seen in the universe instantly rushed to each attacking weapon, providing the weapon with a huge amount of energy.

The three attack methods of electromagnetic rail gun, positron gun, and thunderstorm field erupted at the same time.

I saw millions of golden beams of light shooting up into the sky, illuminating the entire void of the universe, and then fiercely piercing through the battleships in front of the golden beams of light.

Then, at a speed not slower than the positron cannon, countless purple lightnings spread densely across the void of the universe like spider webs and spread towards the opponent's fleet. In less than 20 seconds, the cosmic void covering 6 million kilometers around the galaxy warship enveloped more than half of the opponent's fleet.

Then countless electromagnetic projectiles enveloped the opponent's fleet like a torrential rain.

When the countless lightning bolts disappeared and the cosmic void returned to darkness again, the opponent's fleet disappeared by a third as if it had been bitten by a monster. Two-thirds of the fleet remained, and half of the battleships were covered with electric sparks. (To be continued.)

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