Planet Escape

Chapter 590 God's Perspective

Xiang Gan's arrangement is to avoid the danger of the contract transfer of civilized races.


The most critical factors in this plan are time and speed, that's why the Earth Federation let the subordinate races set off first, and the subordinate races of the subordinate races set off after 1000 years.

The result of this is that the distance between the two fleets is at least several million or even tens of millions of light-years away. Under such circumstances, even if the civilized race contract is reversed, the distance between the two parties is so far, there is still room for buffering.

Moreover, Xiang Gan asked all civilized races to turn off long-distance communication and keep communication silent, so that the two batches of civilized races who set off before and after could not be contacted at all. Even if any civilized race discovers the transfer of the civilized race contract at that time, it will not be able to issue orders to the suzerain civilization, because the other party will not receive it at all.

Since they can't receive it, there is no problem of violating the civilized race contract. After all, no matter how harsh the civilized race is, it will not write the day when it must be connected to the civilized communication of the suzerain in the civilized race contract. Even if it says the terms of unconditionally obeying the order of the suzerain civilization, it must be audible.

Under such circumstances, unless a civilized race does not obey the order of the Earth Federation, it will basically not be destroyed by the affiliated race due to the transfer of the civilized race contract.

This will ensure that the Earth Federation will have the greatest power to use after it reaches the Virgo galaxy cluster. You must know that the civilized race contract signed by the Earth Federation and the affiliated races has specific clauses for the Virgo galaxy cluster.

Think about the 3,000 galaxies in the Virgo galaxy cluster being occupied by the civilized race of the Milky Way, and then within 60,000 years, the rewards of the universe's operating rules are all concentrated on the Earth Federation.

Under such circumstances, Xiang Gan couldn't even imagine the speed of technological development of the Earth Federation.

It was also on the basis of this plan that Xiang Gan dared to say that he would be singled out with the sixth-level peak civilization when the third stage of the selection was over.

As for the issue of whether the Earth Federation and the affiliated races will be controlled by the rules of the universe when they set off together, Xiang Gan has never considered it at all. First of all, the speed of the Earth Federation's flight cannot be caught up by the affiliated races, and secondly, after blocking the reception of external information. The Earth Federation simply cannot receive information from affiliated races.

And the most critical guarantee is Xiang Gan's special ability. As long as Xiang Gan is fine, the Earth Federation doesn't have to be afraid of the power of the universe's operating rules. Combining these three points, Xiang Gan has the confidence to let the subordinate races set off with the Earth Federation.

Along with a warship of the Earth Federation in the outside world, it took the small universe and flew away from the Andromeda galaxy.

The affiliated races of the Earth Federation also left the Andromeda planet.

However, after flying away from the Andromeda galaxy, the small universe of the Earth Federation left the battleship, and under its special ability, hung the space channel on Regteros.

And the space channel carried by that battleship is just a simulated image. Used to deceive that sixth-level peak civilization race.

Regteros took the two small universes forward quickly, and flew towards the Virgo galaxy cluster at a speed of a thousand times the speed of light. This speed is not comparable to that of the affiliated races of the Earth Federation, so even if the two sides set off at the same time, the Earth Federation will soon be able to leave those affiliated races behind.

After all, even if it is guaranteed, Xiang Gan will not carry a bunch of time bombs with him unless his mind is broken.

In the blink of an eye, more than 10,000 years have passed, and on this day, the Earth Federation is about to enter the transfer area of ​​the civilized race contract.

At this time, Xiang Gan is holding the civilized race, waiting for the coming of the power of the universe's operation rules.

The moment the small universe entered the transfer area of ​​the civilized race contract, Xiang Gan felt the power of the cosmic operation rules inside the civilized race scepter. When he started to check the civilized race contract, he found that the content of the civilized race contract had been replaced by the power of the rules of the universe.

next second. Xiang Gan tuned the collective power into the civilized race scepter, and began to control the power of the universe's operating rules, allowing it to change the civilized race contract back.

Soon, the power of the universe's operation rules disappeared, and the content of the civilized race contract returned to normal.

However, at this time, Xiang Gan felt the huge power of the laws of the universe and the ubiquitous physical rules around him through the scepter of the civilized race.

Xiang Gan was stunned by this discovery, he didn't expect the scepter of civilized race to have this function.

Before, he could only touch the power of the universe's laws of operation when the power of the universe's laws of operation was activated, but usually he couldn't feel the power of the laws of the universe's operations.

This is the same as knowing that there is a lot of electromagnetic radiation around you. But you won't find out at all. Only when you use the phone, the electromagnetic waves can be converted into specific data, allowing you to control the electromagnetic waves.

But now, Xiang Qian passed the scepter of civilized race. To be able to directly contact the power of the rules of the universe, this is simply a big prize for him.

The power that can control the rules of the universe's operation anytime and anywhere can do anything. To put it a bit more exaggerated, that is, you can do whatever you want.

Xiang Gan tried to withdraw his power from the scepter of civilized race, and then entered it again, but the result was still the same. You can feel the power of the laws of the universe in an instant. At this moment, he was finally relieved. If he could only keep in touch with the scepter of the civilized race all the time, then he really couldn't do it.

Now as long as he thinks, he can communicate the rules of the universe with the scepter of civilized race, which is really important to the Earth Federation.

If we talk about his ability before, it's like having a mobile phone in his hand, but that mobile phone can only answer calls. If he can control the laws of the universe only when the laws of the universe call, then this mobile phone has been upgraded now. Not only can he make calls anytime and anywhere, but he can also surf the Internet.

Now Xianggan has entered the world of the rules of the universe through the civilized race scepter.

When the rules of the universe are not activated, they are the physical rules of the universe, and there may be deeper things, but those are not what Xiang Qian can consider. Now he can only use the scepter of civilized race to feel how huge the rules of the universe are.

After Xianggan's thinking enters the inner workings of the universe, the entire perspective instantly improves from the eyes to the level of the entire universe.

In his eyes, all kinds of data in the small universe of the Earth Federation are completely clear at a glance, even the direction of the turbulent flow of time and space outside the small universe, he can see the same. At the same time, some abstract things such as space and time, dimensional levels, etc., also appeared very vividly before his eyes for the first time.

If it was said that Xiangqian's brain thinking speed was riding a bicycle before, then now his brain speed has surpassed the speed of light by tens of millions of times. This is the gap in absolute levels.

Now Xiang Gan has a feeling that he is God, because he clearly feels that as long as he thinks about it, he can cause the turbulence of time and space to explode and destroy the parallel universe. (To be continued.)

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