Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2091 Speculations about Dr. Wu

"I heard that it is different from the time in our perception. The time in our space is similar to a 'straight line', while in some spaces it is a 'curve'." Xu Huo said.

At that time, he had seen the "curved time", which was something that actually appeared in front of his eyes. However, in the end, there was no specific concept of "curved time". Even if it might appear in front of people in some form, no one knew it. Understandable.

However, it does not prevent those who have heard of it from using it as a basis for imagining traveling through time and space.

But after Xu Huo experienced the evolution of time, he increasingly believed that time was impenetrable, even if the player traveled through wormholes with different time flow rates, even if only a few days had passed in his own partition, and several days had passed in the dungeon partition. Months or even longer, the changes of time on the players will not change. Even if they return to their own partition, it may seem like they have gone back to the past, but in fact it is a relatively slower movement of time forward.

Xu Huo possesses the "Three Seconds of Life" super prop that can go back in time. He has seen "curved time" with his own eyes. He speculated that Dr. Wu might be looking for a jumping point in curved time to go back to the past to save his wife and daughter, but "curved time" Still can't reconcile with his existing knowledge.

"I don't understand curve time," Shen Liang waved his hand, "I just heard it from a player I met. The other player seemed to have known that it was related to Dr. Wu, and said that Dr. Wu might have completed the curve time jump. This allows you to use dungeon mode but avoid the game because time keeps repeating."

"It's not that time keeps repeating," Meng Wenguang interjected, "it's that our memories have been erased."

They are not in a time loop at all, they just lost their memory and mistakenly thought they were on the first day they came in.

"I don't want to think about it anymore." Shen Liang said: "But since this is related to the power of time and Dr. Wu, maybe some kind of curved time is really needed to solve the problem."

He looked back and forth between Xu Huo and the others, "Which of you has ever evolved?"

Meng Wenguang and Feng Hui looked at Xu Huo reflexively.

"I only hold time props." Xu Huo said: "In addition, it is a bit too arbitrary to expect a super evolver. If only time evolvers are needed here, ordinary players should not be brought in."

"That's true, but no one said that this must be a dungeon." Shen Liang leaned against the window and stared at the steaming food in the distance. He took a deep breath and said, "There are rules in dungeons. Who can do it here?" For sure.”

Feng Hui noticed his gaze and asked, "Can those be eaten?"

Shen Liang turned around and showed an ugly smile, "Have you ever seen a performance without physical objects? It's probably like that."

Being able to make a high-level player starve to the point of swallowing saliva while staring at the fake food, Feng Hui was shocked and asked Xu Huo, "Are we going to follow Dr. Wu until night?"

"Dr. Wu" is basically working and can't even speak a few words for an hour. There seems to be no point in staying here.

"Since he also said that it might be related to Dr. Wu, guarding Dr. Wu is the most convenient way." Xu Huo looked at the studio door.

At this time, Meng Wenguang's communication device rang.

"The message Yue Rui sent was half an hour ago. She inquired with nearby residents and said that the security in Pumpkin City has always been good. When the first case of home invasion, robbery and murder suddenly occurred, no one witnessed it. Everyone who saw the official announcement thought it was a rumor. In addition, self-rescue tools have been popularized in Pumpkin City. Many families are equipped with them. If someone calls for help or the camera determines that a crime is being committed, a warning will be issued immediately and nearby patrol officers will be automatically contacted. "

"This self-rescue tool and the software it is equipped with are all developed by Little Star Company."

The first thing you encounter when entering Pumpkin City from the Time Tower is the announcement about the frequent occurrence of "robbery cases". This is certainly not an accident. According to the Old Sword Society, Dr. Wu's wife and daughter are likely to have died in home invasion robberies. , he frequently leaves images of the death of his wife and daughter, indicating that this is the crux of the matter.

The time in Pumpkin City is refreshed at 9:17 pm, maybe the home invasion happened at that time.

But even if it happened at 9:17, it was a false image. Dr. Wu probably didn’t create this place to allow players to go back and save a false image. Last time in the Midsummer Night Galaxy, he was saving the dreams of people kidnapped in orbit. Repeated many times in the article, no matter how he reacted after getting on the train or stopped the train from running in advance, he could not prevent the final result. This actually shows that Dr. Wu actually understands that no matter whether he interferes in advance or uses various means, it will be very harmful. It is difficult to change the established results.

Then there may be only one meaning left for the existence of Pumpkin City, and that is to allow players to understand the power of time.

Dr. Wu stored perfect potions everywhere in the game regardless of reward, and even found some low-level copies. In fact, he was giving some new players a chance. It is difficult to say that he was not cultivating players who were not controlled by the game through such means, regardless of What is his ultimate goal? It cannot be denied that he has brought hope to many players, and the guiding image last seen in the Midsummer Night Stars can also reflect some of his thoughts - he seems to be Raising players randomly.

The perfect potion randomly placed, the images of the death of his wife and daughter that appeared many times, the message fragments saved about him, the humanity test arranged in the copy... Dr. Wu affects a group of players in his own way.

It was previously speculated that he had been working hard for two hundred years to resurrect his wife and daughter, but now it seems that it has become a cover-up to hide the true purpose.

Of course, this is just Xu Huo's guess, but this venue obviously leaves no escape route for players to fail. Dr. Wu moved the chairman of Little Star Company and Hengxing Group into the venue, which will only remove all unnecessary unnecessary things to the maximum extent. Threat factors.

In other words, if Dr. Wu's expectations are not met, the player will never be able to leave here.

I don't know if his "innocent heart" can save his life when he can't connect to the game, but Xu Huo still hopes to gain some growth from the valuable experience left by this senior who is far beyond ordinary humans.

"There may not be much to gain from following Dr. Wu. Let's find the address of his family through other channels." Xu Huo said, "Leave one person here, and the others will disperse to the company for up to an hour. If you can't find it, go There should be many other competing companies trying to poach Dr. Wu, and maybe someone can find his home."

This idea was also notified to Wang Ling and Yue Rui. Wang Ling did not reply for a long time, but Yue Rui responded very quickly, and she made good progress. She went deep into the residential building to find a fan of Dr. Wu, and got it out of him. got an address.

"Let's go there first. If it's true, you can come back."

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