Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 771 From Other Wormhole Points

The player's eyes showed timidity, but his momentum was not weak, "Am I not right?"

Xu Huo turned and went downstairs.

Last night, someone who lived on the third floor smiled and patted that player on the shoulder, "Don't worry, try it boldly, but this is about your second floor. It has nothing to do with us living on the third floor. Let's go first."

The other players ignored him and passed by him one after another.

Lu Zhenwang stayed at the end for the sake of traveling together and said to him, "Dong Qiu, you must never say that in the future, it will offend everyone."

The game does not clearly state whether guests will lose their "host qualification" if they destroy the villa, and a fool will waste his chance in order to find a "temporary host".

Dong Qiu said discouragedly: "I'm just worried about being the next one to be killed, don't you understand? We... are the weakest of this group of players, and it is very likely that they are cannon fodder."

So whether it's for the purpose of screening out killer players or stirring up internal strife among players, it's good for them.

Lu Zhen couldn't explain it in a word, she didn't look very smart.

You can't just jump into the game and hope everyone else is an idiot, can you?

How lucky must a real idiot be to survive to D rank?

But Lu Zhen was in the same situation. She cheered up the two fellow travelers with her eyes, and then went to Xu Huo in a hurry.

Can't leave the villa, the rules of the game are so straightforward, there seems to be not much for the players to do, some of them are getting close to other players, and others are scattered, standing in corners and other easy-to-defend positions, it seems careless Passing the time, but occasionally the sharp eyes will be swept away by other people, it can be seen that no one has let down their vigilance.

Everyone is subconsciously wary of everyone else.

So far, it has not been determined whether the guest will also lose the qualification of "temporary host" if they destroy the villa. Of course, be careful of being plotted by other people. After all, if you are not careful, you may be trapped in this instance forever.

Xu Huo walked around on the first floor.

The layout of the first floor is simple, with basic living room, dining room, tea room, kitchen, bathroom, three nanny rooms, a special cleaning room, and another room for the elderly.

This is supposed to be a vacant villa, basic furniture is still there, but the wardrobe is empty, there is no food in the kitchen and lockers.

Lu Zhen opened the cabinet in the cleaning room, pulled out the detergent and other things inside, looked at it, and put it in again. After doing this meaningless action, she finally couldn't help asking Xu Huo: "Are you looking for something?"

"No, I'm just familiar with the environment." Xu Huo went to the second floor in a hurry.

During the day, players can enter the rooms where other people live, but it is not clear whether there are props arranged in these rooms, and once the room is confirmed, it cannot be changed, which is equivalent to becoming a temporary private space, and conflicts may erupt if forced to enter.

So Xu Huo chose a room that no one was looking at, or no one was living in.

The study room is the most informative among all the rooms. For some reason, most of the books in this study room are about etiquette, different countries, different races, and even some about animals and plants.

That's right, there are etiquette among animals and plants. According to the content in the book, this is a strange phenomenon produced by animals and plants that have undergone special evolution. Animals of different species or meeting for the first time will greet each other in a special way while keeping a safe distance.

The author calls it "primary human behavior". It is said that a long time ago, when the order of human society was just established, integrity and keeping promises were the criteria for people to regulate themselves. It is like a war between two countries. , There will be a notification before the action, and then the two sides will start fighting when they are ready. If one party feels that it is not suitable, it can be postponed.

Evolved plants and animals have something of the same meaning.

Although they don't know how animals and plants develop this behavior, researchers enthusiastically promote the phenomenon of "animal and plant intelligence".

The result is obvious, and a book can be published to write about the etiquette of these animals and plants saying hello or rushing through the door.

However, the evolution of these animals and plants is very interesting. Looking at it from another perspective, their wisdom is growing, and the way to spread their breath is also evolving. In addition, these animals and plants with "advanced evolution" are still in the current game division that Xu Huo has been to. Never showed up.

That is to say, this dungeon site may come from the game partition ranked first in E27, or it may simply be another wormhole point.

In it he found a book about the origin and disappearance of the "hand-holding gift".

As the name suggests, the holding ceremony means that when two people meet, the person with lower status holds up the left hand of the person with higher status with both hands and half his head is shorter to show respect. After the country grows, the popular scope of hand holding has expanded rapidly, and it is no longer limited to nobles, but ordinary people are also using it.

Until the player appeared, a nobleman was manipulated when contacted, and almost took away all the people on this family tree during a large family gathering. This kind of etiquette was banned by the nobles, and no one in the whole country was allowed to use it. As well as the bodyguards and servants of the nobles, all have to abide by the iron rule of "three meters distance"-that is, anyone who meets the nobles must keep a distance of more than three meters, otherwise they will be regarded as enemies.

Xu Huo will be interested in this book not because of the special etiquette recorded, but because it mentions a special surname, Field. Some of the nobles in this country married into the Field family. In the last part of the book, it is written about this distant married woman. The aristocratic woman successfully promoted the etiquette of the Field family in the family and the game government.

He has heard the surname Field quite a few times. From the elite descendants of the Field family becoming the chief executive in the skinner dungeon to the super item relic incident later, it seems that the relationship between this family and the game government is very close, which has exceeded the general "important" position figure prestige".

The etiquette of the Field family can be promoted within the government of the game division, which is very illustrative, but it is not known what relationship this family has with the Star Group.

Speaking of which, so far, Xu Huo has not encountered the Stellar Group and its subsidiaries in any game division, and there is no information about the chairman of the Stellar Group whose face is printed on the white banknote.

He desperately wants to increase the player level.

Maybe after leaving Area 009, he will increase the number of copies every month.

Putting the book back, Xu Huo turned and left the study, but stopped suddenly when he reached the door, and raised the "bright red sword".

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