Please Kill the Demon

Chapter 473 Medicine Jar [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

There was a deathly silence on Black Pine Ridge.

After this place became a gathering place for poison masters, there were no wild animals anymore. Now that the Poison Master is dead again, naturally everything will be silent. Only the swaying of the branches when the night wind blows past makes one's heart tremble.

People from the Jian Guo Mansion have come to check during the day. Although the poison master died here, all kinds of residual poisons they left behind are still hidden everywhere, and it is not even known which piece of land will kill people if they step on it.

After all, the poison masters on the mountain are not all monolithic, and everyone will arrange some defensive measures in front of their own homes. Preliminary inspection results show that these residues may take hundreds of years to disappear. It is better to directly renovate this mountain with big means and turn it into a new mountain.

However, this big action has not yet been carried out, but many notices have been posted at the mountain pass, indicating that the poisonous mountain is about to collapse, warning people not to enter.

In fact, this notice is a bit superfluous, and no living creature has dared to approach this area for many years.


After a long silence, suddenly a black shadow rushed past. It flew past the place where the blood flowed everywhere last night, and then stopped on a branch of a tree.

This figure looks like a wild beast, lying on all fours, black and blue all over, and a pair of bright eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

But if you look closely at its facial features, it's clearly a human! The bluish-black color of his whole body is a kind of strange pattern, which spreads over a large area of ​​his body.

"Ho—" He let out a deep panting sound, which was no different from that of a wild beast.

In the next second, his four limbs simultaneously slammed violently! rub--

The figure appeared in that dilapidated courtyard in an instant, and his trajectory was almost impossible to catch in the night, as fast as lightning.

But the moment he landed in the courtyard, a white glow suddenly lit up from under his feet, hey——

As the light flowed, a cage was instantly surrounded.

This beast-like figure jumped up fiercely, trying to break through the white light. But when he turned around, he found that the white light didn't stop him, but passed through easily.

But after passing through, he landed in the courtyard again.

It's illusion.

"Hey—" He let out a deep roar, and turned to break through in another direction, but was forced back by a sword light in front of him!


The figure dressed in white looked like a fairy flying from the sky, and a sword fluttered to the ground, forcing the black shadow back.

It was Jiang Yuebai.

But seeing her left hand holding the decision, the sword light turned, and in an instant it turned into a thunder pool, piercing the golden dragon and silver ting to swim away!

The black shadow could no longer dodge, was hit by a golden dragon, and immediately fell to the ground stiffly.

Jiang Yuebai changed hands again, and countless thunderbolts twisted into several ropes, piercing and wrapping around the black shadow, binding him heavily.

"Ah——" Black Shadow roared, but the harder he struggled, the stronger the counter-shock force brought by Lei Suo, and the electricity paralyzed his whole body, and he couldn't move for a while.

Only then did Jiang Yuebai approach lightly, and with the help of the electric light, he could see the figure's face clearly.

But seeing that his brows and eyes are immature, he doesn't seem to be as old as himself, that is, fifteen or sixteen years old. The bluish-black lines all over his body, like living things, drummed and drummed with his breathing, and every drumbeat seemed to bring him great pain.

His eyes were blood-filled pupils, full of chaos and madness.

After thinking about it, she raised her hand and issued a meditation formula, only to see white light shining on the young man. A little bit of radiance seeped into his skin, and his expression finally calmed down.

This meditation tactic is basically a way to calm the altar and calm the mind, and it is very effective at this moment.

Jiang Yuebai immediately asked, "Who are you?"


When Jiang Yuebai found this black shadow yesterday, although she lost it after chasing it, she thought about it afterwards.

Why did he come to this dangerous place?

Qiongqi's massacre is unlikely to have survivors, and others will not come to Black Pine Ridge. Then he came here, is there something he wants here?

Wandu Mountain is vast, and it is unrealistic to find that person. But since he came to Black Pine Ridge once, he might come again a second time.

The case has been pursued here, and this seems to be the last clue, so with the idea of ​​trying her luck, she arranged a large formation here, preparing to try to wait for the rabbit.

If this black shadow comes again, then Jiang Yuebai will definitely not allow him to escape again.

Then tonight he did come.

I can only say that my luck is not bad.

Hearing Jiang Yuebai's question, the young man whose emotions gradually stabilized finally said in a very jerky accent, "I... I am a medicine jar."

"Pharmaceutical jar?" Jiang Yuebai was puzzled.

Afterwards, the boy slowly told Jiang Yuebai about his background.

It turns out that among the poison masters in Heisong Ridge, there is a strongest and most evil one named Song, and others call him Master Song.

This Poison Master Song never used wild animals to test medicines, he only used people. He dug out the basement under his own courtyard, imprisoned many children, and let them serve as his "medicine jars" for testing medicine.

These children grew up in this environment, even if they survived, they would gradually become beast-like existences, with extraordinary bodies and inhumane nature.

And when he grows a little older, like this young man, he will be sent by Poison Master Song to collect medicine and catch poison in Wandu Mountain. They were all planted with a strange poison, and they had to take the antidote every day. If they didn't take the antidote for a day, they would fall into madness and die violently. Therefore, no one dared to escape, and they all had to come back within the specified time to hand in the spiritual plant and the poison in exchange for the day's antidote.

If he didn't get anything, he would be severely beaten when he came back, and if he didn't get anything for several days in a row, Poison Master Song would stop giving him the antidote and let him die violently in front of everyone as a warning.

And the boy Jiang Yuebai caught was just such a medicine jar. He entered Wandu Mountain that day for a long time without harvesting, and dared not come back.

Just when he was about to die of poisonous hair in the mountains, he suddenly discovered a strange herb that could relieve the pain of poisonous hair. He swallowed the weed, and persisted for a while longer, only to save his life and return to Black Pine Ridge at night.

But as soon as he came back, he saw blood flowing into rivers on the mountain, which was when Jiang Yuebai found out last night.

He thought it was Jiang Yuebai who did it, so he fled crazily. After entering the Wandu Mountain, he found that kind of strange grass again, so he persisted until now.

But there is no antidote, and he will never be free. That's why he wanted to see if Poison Master Song was dead, and if he could find an antidote.

"I see……"

If everything he says is true, then he too is a poor man.

But Jiang Yuebai didn't loosen his restraint, but just let him get up to find the antidote. The boy got up, kicked open the door in the courtyard, pressed a mechanism, and it opened a basement.

The basement was empty, only stained with blood. I don't know how many people died here innocently.

"No..." The young man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "They are all gone... They are not dead. It must be Master Song, Master Song took them all away!"

"Not dead?" Jiang Yuebai's thoughts changed after hearing what he said.

The massacre in the black pine forest is full of wreckage, if one or two poison masters are not among them, it is entirely possible. But if all the children in the basement were mixed in, they would be able to tell the difference.

So he can confirm that these medicine jars are not dead.

Where did they go?

And smelling the smell in the basement, she suddenly felt a little familiar.

this smell...

Where did I smell it?

Good morning.

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