Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP seven hundred and fifty-four. Everyone has their own agenda

I am not strong enough personally, but I also want to live a comfortable life. What should I do?

The method is very simple, find a thigh to hug.

The name of the Mad Titan is not something to be boasted about. The "Population Pressure Reduction Plan" of killing half and leaving half has been implemented for a long time, and Thanos has already left a terrible name in the vast universe.

In the eyes of a race that yearns for peace, he is a fierce god that people avoid, but in the eyes of villains who are also mixed up in evil, there is no doubt that Thanos, who no one dares to offend easily, can definitely be regarded as the best candidate for refuge. .

The three Kree space pirates that Superstar contacted were all from a mercenary organization that had just been established. In terms of the size of the organization, not to mention the Chitauri and Vanguard under Thanos, even the Predator organization to which Yondu belongs is far inferior. To put it bluntly, if they hadn't stolen two warships when escaping from their home planet, robbed a batch of powerful standard weapons, and armed themselves into little oily and troublesome porcupines, they would have committed crimes in the universe. It's impossible to live to this day after all the evil deeds he committed.

It's not really a desperate situation, but if it continues like this, it's only a matter of time.

Therefore, after several internal meetings...well, to put it bluntly, internal fighting, the remaining group of space pirates finally unified their opinions and decided to find a reason to accept the embrace of their vassals.

Speaking of which, their first choice is not Thanos, but Ronan, the accuser who is backed by the Kree Empire and is also famous.

After all, after several internal fights, 80% of the remaining members of the organization were Kree, and other miscellaneous aliens only accounted for less than 20%. Combined with the fact that Ronan is an outright racist, several leaders in the organization unanimously believe that he will definitely accept their surrender.

But the development of things exceeded these people's expectations.

After receiving the news that this group of people wanted to take refuge, Ronan did not feel disgusted because there were a small number of aliens of his race in their team. However, as a Kree lord with a "red root", Ronan Nan has his own pride and looks down on this group of people who have been reduced to pirates.

He felt that letting this group of people join him would only lower his worth and image... Well, the main reason was that these stragglers didn't have much use value and were not worthy enough for Ronan to value him. In short, he almost refused without hesitation. They took refuge in this group of people.

It was at this juncture that Superstar came to the door with a mission, and during the meeting, he used his psychic powers to detect the pirate leaders' eagerness to find a force to pledge their allegiance to.

In this way, the two parties hit it off - according to the superstar's needs, the pirates will send people to help her complete the task. As a price, after the matter is completed, the superstar will be responsible for introduction and ensure that the pirates will be accepted by Thanos.

Seeing this, someone may ask.

Now that you have decided to donate a letter of nomination, wouldn't it be logical to be more active? Just three people, no matter how powerful they are, so what? With such a small number of people working, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like they are very sincere.

Actually it's very simple.

I am used to being a scout, and the routine of 'arrange a battle as soon as I come up and directly attack the enemy with an army' is not in line with the personality of a superstar. It was the plan she proposed that allowed the pirates to first select a few elites to accompany her. As for the vast majority of the remaining people, she arranged them in another place, waiting to be called at any time.

To put it bluntly, I just felt that there were too many people and I was not used to it, so I deliberately implemented the current routine of ‘infiltrating in small groups and deciding on follow-up action plans based on the development of the matter’.

As for why the Frost Giants were not treated equally and a representative among them was not selected, but all four of them were taken with him...

There are not many people anyway, so batching can only reduce one or two people, so the difference is not big.

Too lazy to put in the effort.

Moreover, if four people get together, if they encounter a situation where they have to betray them, they can do it all at once to avoid leaving any future troubles for themselves.

Of course, the biggest key was that after getting the Psychic Scepter from Thanos, his self-confidence skyrocketed. He thought he could control these Frost Giants and not be afraid of them turning upside down.

"If you follow me, you must obey my command, otherwise, you will know the consequences." Waving his hand to the Frost Giant who had just regained his freedom, Superstar Yi Qi commanded: "Go down, and get some more by the way. "Er Chaihe, come here. I need to rest for a while. If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later."

She is not as powerful as a superstar, let alone begging her...

Although they were feeling depressed, the Frost Giants still swallowed their breath and left the barn as instructed by the superstar.

The latitude is further north, and now that the weather has returned to clear skies in New York, snow is still falling outside the barn.

For other people, the cold climate may not be so pleasant, but for the frost giants who love the cold, this kind of weather is the most comfortable.

Even so, there was still no trace of joy or joy on the faces of the four frost giants who came outside the barn.

"Boss." He walked quickly and came to the leader of the frost giant. The frost giant holding a pitchfork couldn't help complaining: "How about we do it ourselves!"

"Yeah. I've had enough of her condescending face."

"..." Although the last one did not agree aloud, his expression and eyes showed unabashed approval.

The three companions all thought this way. As their trusted boss, how could the Frost Giant who headed them not have the slightest disturbance in his heart?

You know, the person who was despised by the superstar just now was none other than himself. Compared to the three companions, he felt the most intense humiliation.

Gritting his teeth, his anger was palpable. It is not difficult to see from this reaction that this person is indeed very angry and full of dissatisfaction.

But after a moment, the man who was called 'Boss' still shook his head slowly: "No, now is not the time."

"Timing? Boss, how long do we have to wait? I can't survive a day like this!"

"Wait until we find the way home." He stopped and looked at the three companions. A gleam flashed in the 'boss' eyes: "With the news we brought back and the treasure, the king's strength is at least If we can recover half of it, we will definitely wait for the right opportunity.”

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