Heavy rain, dull thunder awakened Pei Ziyun, got up and walked out of the room, a wind blows his face, the wind brought the rain, a boatman saw him coming out, and he hurriedly bowed: "My son, the wind and rain are heavy, be careful!"

"It doesn't matter, it's that stage?" Pei Ziyun looked up at the sky, Chun Lei was not much at this time, but the rain hit hard.

"My son, we have arrived at Donglingxia. We are ready to dock."

Pei Ziyun saw the crowd busy dropping sails, lowering anchors, building bridges, and tying the ropes. Without disturbing them, he turned around and saw that the shore was southwest to the east mountains, hills, and gentle slopes, and a Taoist faint appeared.

At this moment, when I saw a light coming in the rain, I was surprised, and then I looked at it carefully and greeted me: "It was the head, how did you come here in person?"

The result was a girl, who brought a few people, even if wearing a jacket, could not help the wind and rain, rushed to the deck, and invited the girl to the tea room.

The girl did not hesitate, she took off her coat and boots, and said that in fact, the world ’s dresses are still a bit open. The so-called “Qi Luo Xian sees the skin”, a skirt with a embroidered flower, then looked at Pei Ziyun and smiled: “ It's a bit cold, and you get us some soup to chill. "

Pei Ziyun immediately ordered to go down and smiled again: "It's not so urgent."

"In fact, it's not anxious, my anxiety is internal." The girl stood up and stunned, her voice seemed quiet in the wind and rain: "At this moment, I observed the disciples inside the door-I was very disappointed."

"Some married disciples, who have long been their wives, have assimilated their ideas, thinking about how to clarify things for the first time without involving her husband and children."

"And some insider disciples have never seen the world before, it's even more frightening."

"Su Yueguan has been passed down for hundreds of years. All things are exquisite, long-sleeved and good dancing. All things scare the legs. The so-called manners are worthless. Alas, isn't a woman really inferior to a man?"

"I brought a few people over this time. Actually, it was a way for them to see you. It was a long time and recognized the heroic spirit and determination of the heroes in the world." The girl said, looking to the window, the rain poured down and crackled. Hit the deck.

Speaking of which, with the appearance of a few women, they were dissatisfied, and some owed their lives: "The head of the family, the six sons married the same knower. In addition, there are a few official wives. Joining forces will surely make this prefect. Give in. "

"You listen, they want to come and go, the way is to ask the in-laws to put pressure on them, and then send silver, maybe they want to send a few female disciples as puppets." The girl turned sneer.

Pei Ziyun did not want to talk about the difference between men and women, and groaned a little: "There are actually many ways to solve this problem, and this one is just right."

I was about to continue saying that the chef had already brought the food container, brought in the teapot, opened the food container, and saw the golden pancakes, with a little sizzling sound and fragrant nose.

Several people rushed over the night, hungry, sniffing and swallowing saliva. They didn't speak at the moment. Each of them divided one and poured another bowl.

"This is Camellia oleifera. The main ingredient is sesame, some walnuts and red dates. If you use it, you can also add ginseng, and you can immediately quench your thirst with a sip ..."

The girl took it and drank, and smiled, "This isn't the wild priest pretending to be a ghost pill. How did you make it into camellia?"

It is said that the wild Taoist priests must have a style. This Pigu is a routine that is often used. In fact, it is to condense high-nutrition things, and some are still steamed. Pei Ziyun said casually: "Dark tea with this, nine steamed nine sun is not good to destroy nutrition, we are not wild Taoists, do not need to use this trick to get incense money, usually there is a simmer, no need to add gravy. "

"This one is not greasy, and it can quickly replenish the physical strength to expel the cold. It is very good with the meatloaf. It is cold and I have promoted it on my boat."

Speaking of which, Pei Ziyun finished drinking a bowl. He is a real person in charge of Songyun Gate. He is a real person in the imperial court. He is not hesitant to kill and kill. He is only polite to girls. At this time, he is unwilling to meet these women. Then said the above: "I just said that compromise was not bad, but the situation is different now."

"Daxu Chuli, everything is updated, people are forgetful. When the country was founded, the prefecture opened a bad example. If you compromise at the beginning, and you are considered to be deceived, then you compromise this year, and next year?"

"A compromised prefecture, what about the predecessor that succeeded it? Not to mention all the evil wolves like the county magistrate's chief officials."

"Tianzhai and industry are assets, aren't your women's bodies and morals an asset? Which official doesn't want to marry a beautiful lady, who has both femininity and morality, and fights for him?"

"This is the fifteenth day of the first day. We have a way of doing things, but we are forced to the end, afraid or die, or you have to rebel?"

"So this precedent is set, and the seemingly firm door is like an egg, and it will break when it is dropped-don't cure the table, but cure it."

"If you want to cure, you need to kill the officer." Pei Ziyun said with a smile on his face, and talked about this terrible thing calmly. The woman present heard it, and her hands trembled with fright. I don't know, all staring blankly.

Even the girl couldn't help but take a breath and thought, "If that's the case, what about the specific bylaws? You won't send someone to be an assassin!"

"I'm not, kill the officer directly, backfire, and fear that you will die immediately."

"And killing the officials directly, the court is angry, it is a big disaster, and this prefect is thinking so, so there is no fear." Method. "

"The first step is to greet the soldiers first, and talk to the prefecture-you must have done it?"

"It has already been done, but we know that the government is full of official words, saying that we must plead for the people, and we will not let it go!" Said a female Taoist.

Pei Ziyun wasn't surprised. He glanced gloomily again and said, "That's the next step. In fact, it's very simple. He is an official. He is a top five official. He is the official of a government. Law does not invade. "

"Any spell is useless except for a limited number."

"But what about his family, his servants, and his children?"

With that said, it seemed that a door had been opened and everyone was talking.

"Don't want to be bad again. We have to act with reason. It is not possible to directly kill those people. We have violated the king law and angered Long Qi." Pei Ziyun drank oil tea and said, "Who has no family Children, so you have to be honest and mean. "

"We don't kill people, just grab his servants for interrogation, and the knocker said under the criminal law, why can't he confess? In fact, he can't give under the law."

"Stealing love, corruption, murder, even infidelity, all kinds of hidden things, what can we not get?"

"On officialdom, would there be no political opponents?"

"Even if there are no political opponents, those red-eyed imperial princes are looking for impeachment everywhere, trying to kill officials and reden their black hats."

"Send these guilts, unless the prefecture is bright and upright, and there is nothing wrong with it in a lifetime. It is perfect. Otherwise, those who are light will lose their jobs and will be sentenced to death."

"If it's perfect, it's just that he's perfect. Is his family and children perfect?" Pei Ziyun looked at the wind and rain coldly.

"In the former dynasty, there was an official, and the residence was made of burlap tents, and the utensils were bamboo. Some poor scholars were reluctant to use them. They usually eat meat only once a month."

"But it's just too serious to look down at the Tao door, thinking that this is a sacrifice, ordered the dismantling of Taoism in the territory, and 10,000 pilgrims knelt at Taoguan to protect and begged to stay."

"This official's temper has come up, and he will smash incense in public and set a monument forever. He will tell everyone that if the horse can't fall down the middle idol, he will recover his life."

"It turned out that Ma Biantuo could not fall down the idol. This man was furious and said that this sacrifice deceived the people. I wish to die together. In the end, the idol was broken and he won a great victory."

"What's next?" Even the girl hadn't heard before, asking.

"The following is very simple. This man is upright. Although the officer is not very high, but the nickname is good, but it is a good end. However, some of his children and grandchildren stared up and practiced the law. It was not the Taoism, and it seduced his children. It was absurd to break the law again, and then one beheaded and the other imprisoned, and it became a beggar within a few years. "

Pei Ziyun sighed and sneered again. "It's not a matter of who is right or wrong. If the patriotic loyalty is straightforward, he can be reckless. If he wants to do it, he will do it, wouldn't he become a straight tyrant?"

"This official asks for benevolence, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. For Daomen, his descendants should have this report."

"Without it, we have strength in this world."

"Without awe, you are guilty."

A gust of wind rushed down the rain, brushed for a while, and gradually eased away. Everyone's minds were so speechless that they couldn't help giving birth to chills and horrors.

"Everyone has a cup of tea, we should go to the house without delay!" Pei Ziyun asked, "What are the famous temples nearby?"

The girl cleared her throat with a light cough, and said, "Each county and county in Chenghuang Temple has it."

"No, it's not a city temple. It's a divine god. It's not the same as us. It's impossible to deal with others. It's impossible to deal with officials."

"And it's not good to say, the city rank is a bit high, and dealing with them is not easy."

"There is a river temple nearby, which can be regarded as an orthodox god, but it is not so high. It is only thirty miles away from the city. What do you think?" The girl thought for a while and asked.

"Okay, that's it." Pei Ziyun said without hesitation.

"Let ’s go to the Temple of the River and arrange it. The few of you immediately went to Fucheng, and forgive the prefecture Yemen was asleep. Temple of the River, let's have a public trial. "

"Clean the foundation of the prefecture."

"Then hand these over to his political enemies, and let his political enemies drive him to hell." Pei Ziyun said coldly, and then smiled, "What about Ye Er?"

The scene was supposed to show her.

"Yeer was supposed to come, but she was tenth, and I left her to repair in Fudi." The girl said with a smile.

"That line, start immediately!" Pei Ziyun said, leading the crowd out of the deck and sinking into the rain. .


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