President Shen Always Top Up Money

Chapter 161: sss opponent

There is a certain gap between the s-level and ss-level cards in terms of attribute strength, but Wu Fei believes that by virtue of restraint and the operation of the gods, after changing to a Tianshi card, he will definitely kill the undead riding the horse opposite.

It's just that the identity of the Heavenly Master who walks the gods is not as good as Prince Shen's long-range attack and close combat.Although Shen Tianshi will have a lot of weird spells, on the whole, his fighting style is relatively more biased toward the Master, so Yuan Lao needs to block it. In front, to ensure his survival and casting space.

The decision to make this adjustment is not due to blind self-confidence in one's own contractor, but from full understanding and trust in the deity. He believes that the act of God knows what to do, and he only needs to provide the most timely and appropriate cooperation.

The wind seemed to blow from ancient times, blowing away the black long hair of Heavenly Master. The man in the white heavenly robe floating in the air cast a faint glance into the distance, then turned around, raised his hand, and put the mask in his hand. Buttoned on the face.

Heavenly Master's left hand formed a thunder seal and waved towards the sacrifice of the undead knight and the witch.

Suddenly, dark clouds swelled, thunder rolled, and clouds changed.

With this action, the potential of wind and thunder, with his action, the electric light surged and condensed between the clouds, and finally merged into a deep purple spherical lightning, hitting the two contractors of the enemy, crashing down!

Thunder and lightning are at their best, and they can kill the evil spirits. They are the nemesis of the other's undead knights, and this one knocked out a third of the blood of the undead knights. Today, half of the blood of the Undead Knight is still left, and a third of the blood of the witch rituals received by the attack has fallen. Both of these identities are not very good at attacking, and they are more good at protracted attrition. The thousand-year-old man standing in front did not cause much damage.

Not long after Shen Tianshi played, he is still full of blood.

The dominant balance tilted to Wu Fei.

The planner of the other party was also well-intentioned. Upon seeing this, he directly switched the identity of the contractor and replaced it with an attacking identity card for Lao Yi and Tianshi. But as soon as they changed, Wu Fei followed suit and changed back to Prince Shen according to the situation. Although the other party later changed in a timely manner when he felt that the situation was not good, he did not lose his identity, but the overall situation was still in the disadvantage.

Now Wu Fei has issued a total of four contractor identities, consuming 10 resource points, and the four identities still maintain a high blood volume. The other party has issued five contractor identities and consumed 14 resource points. One of the identities has been damaged, and the remaining four identities are mostly in a state of residual blood.

The two sides have been deadlocked for such a long time, and the enemy planners clearly see that the situation is tricky. At the other end of the arena, a thin gray-haired young man who looked like a teenager from afar gave a fierce punch to his companion, a tall blue-haired young man, saying, "No, The other party’s contractor is too difficult to entangle, and the thorns and boulders are completely suppressed by him. The same ss-level identity is difficult to threaten them."

If the stalemate continues, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable to them, and this situation must be reversed as soon as possible!

If the ss level does not work...

So, what about sss level?

The gray-haired youth looked at his communicator. In the middle of the identity card book, a golden translucent identity card was suspended in mid-air by him.

Name: Thorns

Race: Demon

Identity: Demon Lord

Rarity: ss (n~sss)

Identity note: powerful demon lord. Please note that if you want to make a deal with the devil, you need to pay a price.


1. Every time the identity card is switched, the planner needs to use his or his teammate's identity card for sacrifices;

2. The sacrificed ID card will be randomly disabled from 1 to 3 levels;

3. The demon lord will draw power from the sacrificed identity card. The stronger the total power of the sacrificed identity card, the higher the rarity of the summoned demon lord and the stronger the level.

This is a pseudo-sss-level identity card, and its rarity is not an sss-level identity card, but after meeting certain conditions, it is possible to exert its sss-level strength, so it is called a pseudo 3s identity card.

He once tried it in a level. If he wants to summon an sss-level demon lord, he must sacrifice at least 15 ss-level identity cards.

Although the ss-level identity is very rare, it is not impossible for him and his teammates to make up another 15 ss-level identity cards.

Grey-haired fingers stopped on the "switch" button.

His blue-haired teammate frowned lightly and stopped, saying, "Ashes, do you really want to use the lord card now? There are three more levels. If our advanced ID cards are disabled, then the next Guan will be sad."

"... Moreover, the lord is our hidden trump card, and now it is exposed here, which is not worth it."

The gray-haired young man called "ash" has simply pressed the "switch" button and started to choose the cards of "sacrifice": "I know, but we are now losing."

"Our current ranking is the top 30%, and we must win at least three more games to have the opportunity to rise to the top 10% and enter the pinnacle arena." He said, "With three games, you can guarantee that we can win in the next three games. But the opponent obviously has no sss-level contractors, so as long as the 3s-level lord is summoned, we will at least win this round."

"If we still can't get into the pinnacle arena this year, then we will still be on the bench, obviously with similar capabilities, and even I think we are much better than the waste from Hongyan, but the resources we get are always one-tenth of theirs. Good resources will always be given to them first. The worst is our turn. Seeing that because of insufficient resources and the gap between the other party is getting bigger and bigger, are you still willing to live like this?"

The thin young man did not show any expression on his face when he said these words. It seems that such a flat and emotional face has become a part of his daily life, but the deep unwillingness easily flows out with his calm words.

The blue-haired youth did not persuade any more, but took out his identity card in silence and gave it to the other party to sacrifice.

"I just want an opportunity to prove myself." Ash said.

After the sacrifice was completed, he stopped his hand and a black six-pointed star array appeared on the ground.

The magic circle is as dark as night, as if soaked in mysterious evil forces. Gradually, the black actually lighted up, and it became brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter, and a thick black beam of light rose from the middle under the sun!

Among the pillars of light, a strong demon flapped his wings, freed from the black chains that bound him in the magic circle, and flew out into the sky!

Seeing the body shape, it is no different from the previous undead knight, but the momentum has been completely different.

This is the coercion and strength that only sss-level contractors have.

The gray-haired youth looked at the powerful demon flying, and slowly lowered his hand: "... but if I can't enter the pinnacle arena, I can't even have such an opportunity."


A powerful black force struck quickly from far and near.

Wu Fei felt wrong, and just wanted to remind Yuan Sanfan to be careful. The black sandstorm that covered the sky quickly struck Yuan Lao and Shen Xing.

At that time, Shen Xing used the identity of a blood clan prince, and he quickly floated into the sky with a subconscious figure. Yuan Lao, who is a fire mage, was unable to dodge. A black whirlwind blade quickly attacked him under the cover of sand and dust. Yuan Lao hurriedly propped up a fire shield to block the blade, but at this time, one The black sword with a handle suddenly emerged from the sand, and he went straight to him!

It was followed by a strong and unmatched demon lord with double horns and carrying magic wings.

On the virtual screen of the communicator, the ss-level fire mage's qi and blood instantly reset to zero, and his figure also disappeared on the field.

Yuan Sanfan was stupid for a moment.

Wu Fei reminded him next to him: "Switch the identity of Lao Yuan."

But at the same time, Wu Fei also saw information about the identity of the other party's new contractor.

Sss-level demon lord.

In theory, the ss-level identity will certainly be stronger than the s-level identity, but the s-level identity is not impossible to block or even defeat the ss-level identity; but the sss-level identity will be much stronger than the ss-level identity, the ss-level identity Identity is basically impossible to defeat sss-level identity.

Wu Fei raised his head and looked anxiously into the distance, floating in the air, only a faint black spot, almost invisible to the blood prince. The difference between the ss level and the sss level is not easy to make up, not to mention that the prince card is a special reward that he wins. He does not have such good luck and really draws an ss-level blood prince. Naturally, he cannot strengthen Shen. The identity of the prince.

Must find a way to help walk.

But... Although he hasn't drawn an ss-level blood prince, he has actually drawn another ss-level ID card, which was also a highlight moment of his luck.

Now they have 10 resource points left, but the opponent has only 3 resource points left. So why not... gamble again.

Wu Fei opened his communicator and clicked on his ID card book.

He can deal with sss-level ID cards, he is not without.

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