Chapter 369 The Astrologer


Wu Fei was imprisoned by Shen Xing in his mansion.

He is free in this house, but he cannot step outside the gate of the house.

When he was about to leave with Cardinals and Aunt Lisa, Cardinals handled the resignation procedures for him, so it wouldn't be surprising if the school found out that he was gone.

What's more, at a time when people were panicking and people were taken away by the Special Division every day, even if someone discovered Wu Fei's sudden disappearance, I'm afraid no one would meddle in their business.

Wu Fei found more information from Shen Xing's words that day—

He called the witches' cover-ups "clumsy," which means that he himself should have the ability to easily identify which people are witches.

But as the deputy director of the Special Division, why didn't he arrest these people?

If he was trying to protect the witch, why would he sit in such a position with blood on his hands?

Wu Fei had seen him handle those cases, and if he had any favor or sympathy for witches, he wouldn't be called "a devil with gray-blue eyes".

For a while, he couldn't figure out where Shen Xing was, and what his position and purpose were.

But one thing is for sure, since he was able to accurately catch himself out of the city that day, he must have recognized Cardinal and Aunt Lisa as well.

But he deliberately let them both go.

Possibly an online opening?

Of course, it is more likely that in this way, no one in the city of Zhuyena will take care of Wu Fei and will want to take him to escape.

He will be imprisoned and controlled only by Shen Xing.

Even so, Wu Fei was grateful that Shen Xing achieved this result by letting them go, rather than imprisoning or executing them.

He might be a bit Stockholm too, to defend the man who restricted his freedom. But it is more likely that the person who did all this was Shen Xing, so he would have no complaints.

The only thing Wu Fei is worried about now is the unsolvable curse. This curse has already taken effect on him, and there is no solution, all he can do is to prevent it from fulfilling on Shen Xing - and "love" is something that no one can control, whether it arises or disappears, it is difficult to control, he cannot control it. To control whether Shen Xing loves himself or not, no matter how you look at it, it seems that the only way is for him to leave before the curse takes effect.

Although he has no emotional experience, from the examples of friends around him, long-distance relationships are generally not long-term, and time and distance may really dilute all feelings.

So the question went back to the original one - he was locked at home by Shen Xing, and he had to find a way to escape.

"Duh" twice, the window of the balcony was knocked.

Wu Fei walked over to open the window, and the owl brought the latest newspaper of the day.

After Wu Fei got the newspaper, he couldn't wait to read it. Now he can't leave the house, and the newspaper has become the only way for him to contact the outside world.

But the information brought by the newspapers was not good.

The weather this year is not very good, there have been continuous droughts in many places, the drought has led to widespread famine, and there have been small-scale disturbances/disturbances in many places.

And today's newspapers bring even more explosive news.

"The Duke of Chayol County Ville launches a rebellion/rebellion?" Wu Fei read the headline on the newspaper word by word.

The whole newspaper was reporting on several pages in a row, and he realized that maybe something was about to happen.

Wu Fei soon knew the reason - Duke Vail's rebels had already marched to Hawke County, and as long as they took Hawke County, they could take the capital of Juyena directly.

Not long ago, the king had ordered the various princes to support Hawke County, and Julienne also strengthened the alert.

Many pages later introduced the latest situation of the war in detail, as well as the background of Duke Vail, and Wu Fei read them one by one:

The county of Chayol is a hereditary domain of the family of the Duke of Vail, and has always been ruled by successive Dukes of Vail. The current Duke of Ville is the eldest daughter of her father, the Duke and Duchess of Old Ville.

Five years ago, the Duchess was accused of being a witch and executed by the Duke of Oldville.

After losing the blessing of his mother, the Duke of Ville and his younger brother were also expelled from the territory of Chayol as "sons of witches". Soon after, her younger brother was also murdered by her stepmother, the Duchess of Chayol, who succeeded her.

The Duke of Ville accumulated his strength in exile. The old Duke of Ville died of a serious illness a few months ago. At the funeral, the Duke of Ville returned to Chayol with his own troops. After a struggle, he inherited the "Duke" 's title.

Then, in order to get her mother's name right and revenge, she started a rebellion/rebellion.

And because of the title of "Son of Witches", Duke Vail's actions were supported by the witches. Many displaced, uprooted, and hidden witches have joined the Duke of Vale, and over the years they have once again been able to use their magic in the open.

Many media representing the voice of the royal court have angrily denounced Duke Ver as the son of a witch must also be a witch. The evil and dangerous witch should be wiped out as soon as possible, otherwise it will bring turmoil and war like this.

The witches lurking in the city of Julien must be the spies of the Duke of Ville, and they must be caught and executed as soon as possible.

The arrest of witches in the city has also become more severe, and many witches who were still hiding in the hope that the situation will improve and those who are suspected of being implicated in witches are also forced to find ways to escape.

However, there is another saying that Duke Ver's mother is just an ordinary person, not a witch in fact. It was just that the old Duke of Ver wanted to murder her, so he found someone to frame her as a witch and executed her in the name of a witch. However, this statement cannot be verified or falsified, and it has no impact on the current situation, so not many people pay attention to it.

The war became more and more serious, and the atmosphere in the city of Julien became more tense. The work of Shen Xing and the special division became more and more busy, but Wu Fei rarely saw follow-up reports on the war from mainstream newspapers.

It wasn't until a month later that he saw the news in an obscure tabloid: "The Duke of Vail has occupied the entire territory of Hawke, and will soon invade the king's city."

When Shen Xing came back in the evening, Wu Fei couldn't help but ask him, "How is the situation outside now? I read in the newspaper that Duke Vail is going to call."

"Don't worry, it's very safe here." Shen Xing said.

"Then do you think they will call in?" Wu Fei asked.

He was thinking about another thing in his heart—the place where they lived was located in a high-end urban area in Juyena. Most of the households here were high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the kingdom, and the law and order was always good. But if the Duke of Vail came in, then he might be able to find an opportunity to run out of the chaos.

"Just wait and see." Shen Xing's answer was ambiguous.

Wu Fei couldn't get out of this house. He walked to the balcony on the second floor every day to see from the top to the bottom. There were no people on the streets. Occasionally, a few pedestrians were hurriedly walking down the street. However, many shops have closed their doors to thank customers, completely missing the bustling scene before.

Everyone in the city of Julien has been banned from leaving the city, the prices in the city have skyrocketed, and the atmosphere of depression and tension continues.

It is said that Duke Vail's army has been stationed outside the city to confront the defenders in the city, but the residents of the city have not received any news from the outside, and only some gossip is spreading in the dark.

One evening about two weeks later, Wu Fei suddenly heard the sound of turmoil outside.

In the direction of the northeast palace, a fire can be seen faintly.

Fireworks-like sound transmission magic exploded in the sky, and someone's voice shouted over and over again: "Duke Ver's army has entered the city, and now it has entered the palace!"

This may be an opportunity. At this time, no one will pay attention to his actions.

Wu Fei had already thoroughly studied the magic circle that Shen Xingbu had around the mansion. Now the nearby protective magic has been activated, and these magic powers will affect and impact each other, so this is the time when the power of the magic circle trapping him is at its weakest. .

The eye of the magic circle is the gate. Some time ago, he also asked the real witches like Cardinals and Aunt Lisa how to control and use the power of witches. Now he has condensed the energy and attacked the gate hard.

once, twice...

After about half an hour, the door began to crumble, and hope was in sight.

Wu Fei couldn't help showing a smile, he wiped the sweat from his face, and just wanted to continue—

The door was pushed open from the outside.

Shen walked in.

The smile on Wu Fei's face froze.

"What are you doing?" Shen Xing asked.

"No, it's fine, I heard it was a little chaotic outside, so I wanted to take a look at the door..." Wu Fei whispered.

Immediately, he preemptively asked Shen Xing, diverting the other party's attention to avoid him finding himself attacking the door:

"Why did you come back at this time?" Wu Fei asked, and then he thought of a possibility, "Are you here to pick me up and run away?"

If the witch-friendly Duke Vail finally won, then Shen Xing, the deputy director of the special department, would inevitably be liquidated in the future, and it would be wise to run now.

"No, I'll come back to accompany you to watch the ending of the ending." Shen Xing said.

After speaking, he changed his clothes as usual, made himself a cup of tea, and sat down calmly in the living room with the tea behind him.

In that way, it seems that he really looks like a person who has nothing to do with himself, watching the show.

His identity is definitely not as simple as the deputy director of the special department.

Standing still, Wu Fei couldn't help but ask him, "Who are you? Why did you come here and enter the Special Division?"

Shen Xing turned his head slightly and looked at him calmly.

The street outside was still very noisy. Through the open window, Wu Fei could hear screams, magic explosions, buildings collapsing, and people running. All kinds of sounds were mixed together, and the turmoil was just around the corner.

But this house is very quiet, it seems to be unaffected, the man's voice is very clearly transmitted to his ears—

"I'm an astrologer."

"I'm here to watch fate happen like fate."


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