Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 177: What a coincidence you're paddling too

Calvados's backpack was carried away by the woman and abandoned in this house, which means that the woman who killed him may have been here.

But this is not her home - after a simple search just now, Amuro Toru saw a family photo thrown at random in the corner of the bedroom. The hostess in the photo was bloated and completely different from the murderer seen on the surveillance camera.

Hearing that Shiraishi said there was a clue, Amuro Toru immediately entered the room, but he didn't expect to see a corpse lying in front of the computer desk.

"This is…"

After he approached, because Shiraishi moved the computer interface, the most conspicuous thing at the moment was the plate of sashimi on the table.

"Fugu sashimi." Amuro Toru briefly checked the corpse on the table, and soon had a guess:

"While it's not certain, this person should have died from tetrodotoxin - another homicide disguised as accidental homicide.

"And there is nothing valuable in the drawer of this house, I am afraid that, like Calvados, it has also been robbed.

"—I probably know what's going on here. They met the same vicious 'Black Widow'." The woman's cry was very inconvenient, and An Shitou simply gave this person a code name.

Shiraishi nodded in agreement. Judging from the two murders, "Black Widow" seems to be a scumbag who specializes in deceiving middle-aged rich men's feelings, then kills them and extracts money.

Just in case, Amuro Toru took a few pictures of the man's face and sent them to the organization, asking them to check if the man was related to the organization.

"If this Xishanwu has nothing to do with the organization, it means that Calvados just died in an ordinary serial murder case." Amuro had just touched the "Escape King"'s house, and already knew the name of the male owner. .

"Calvados has a good ability, but he can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, because it's reasonable to fall into the hands of a murderer."

Amuro finished revealing the short story of the deceased colleague, and added: "The murderer is likely to treat the necklace with the memory card as an ordinary necklace, and we still have time to recover it.

"If you can find Xi Shanwu's mobile phone, you might be able to find clues about that woman. If you don't... Then you can only use stupid methods and continue to cast a net to check and monitor."

While he was looking around, Shiraishi glanced at the screen, but did not see tasks such as "catch the murderous scumbag" and "rescue the middle-aged uncle", so he decided to deal with the case of the magician's granddaughter first.

Going to a party with a mask is safer than using the body. Anyway, Toru Amuro has to investigate the case, so it is better to deceive this mask buff extender together.

Although he may not be able to deceive him, at present, the mobile phone of the deceased cannot be found in the room, and there are no more clues about the "Black Widow" for the time being. If you go to a gathering of magic lovers, there may be unexpected gains.

With that in mind, Shiraishi walked to the computer, grabbed the mouse, and pulled down the interface.

Soon, he raised his finger to the computer screen and called An Shitou over: "When I came, this picture was on the screen."

Amuro approached, looked down, and saw two lines of bright red words:

"This is the second

- Shadow Mage"

The information is actually slightly different from before, but the good thing about electronic text is that when it is modified, it is not easy to detect traces.

Amuro Toru didn't know that this was a revised message, he frowned slightly, savouring the information inside.

If Calvados is the first, and the man in front of him is the second, it is just right to match the message.

But in his opinion, it is unlikely that Black Widow can commit suicide for the first time and hide from surveillance so skillfully.

In addition, there are still a few doubts - why do you still leave such a killing message since you have tried so hard to disguise yourself as a puffer fish?

And the door here has signs of being pried, but there is no door on Calvados's house.

Judging from the current known situation, Black Widow's killing method should be to gain the trust of the victim, enter the house as a lover or a mistress, and then wait for the opportunity to poison and drug. She has absolutely no need to break the door.

If I have to say it, this is more like a blend of two cases - the black widow kills the first person to leave, and the other person smashes the door to enter and leave a message on the computer.

...things are getting more and more troublesome.

Fortunately, the information of the organization is lost, so don't worry too much.

—On the way to search the room just now, Amuro received a message from the person in charge of the monitoring, and he did not catch any trace of the Black Widow in the few points he punctuated.

If it wasn't for Matsuda Kuroye's intuition, and he led him to the house, the clues might have been cut off.

Rather than slowly sifting through the surveillance, the second "murderer" who came to kill is more likely to have the information about the Black Widow.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro took the mouse from Shiraishi's hand and browsed the web.

After that, he told Shiraishi about his conjecture and the next thoughts.

Seeing Matsuda Heiye following his words, sometimes nodding, sometimes falling into contemplation, Amuro felt relieved, and once again had the feeling of watching the younger generation grow up, and the wound on his hand didn't seem to hurt so much.

The two quickly reached a consensus and decided to start with the Magic Lovers Alliance and continue to investigate.

The logistics of the organization were notified to come to deal with the aftermath, and the two planned to leave while discussing what identity they should sneak into the party.

Just then, the computer beeped a beep.

The two were stunned for a moment, then turned around at the same time, and saw that there was a new message prompt in the upper left corner of the forum, it seemed that a private chat had come.

When he opened it, the id of the person who wrote the letter was displayed as "Disappeared Pani". Shiraishi remembered that this was the second target of his granddaughter Takahisa Tanaka.

There are fourteen or five pages of chat records, spanning more than a year.

The relationship between the two people is not too close, but it may be that they have a common conversation during the poisonous tongue process, and they occasionally chat a few words.

The last few records were sent today, and it was the dead "Escape King" who spoke to the other party first.

[Escape King 10:19:54

How do you plan to go to the offline party tonight? 】

[Escape King 10:25:16

I remember you also lived in Mihua Town? I wanted to take my wife with me, but she couldn't go because of something. So I want to go with other people, so that the road will not be boring, want to go together? 】

Then there is the reply from the "disappearing Pani" just now:

[Disappearing Pani 14:32:21

OK! It happened that we discussed a magic trick on the way, and when we got to the place, you acted as a trust for me, let's scare them, haha]'s really dozing off. Someone brought a pillow.

"I've got my identity." Amuro let out a smirk, he thought for a while, typed a few lines on the keyboard with his inflexible hand, and sent it with Enter.

Tanaka Takahisa finally found out the address of the "Escape King", ready to come to kill.

a few hours ago.

When she was about to escape from the door of Wang's house, she saw a woman wearing a sun hat and sunglasses in front of her, dragging a large suitcase and walking out of Xishan's house.

The woman locked the door with her backhand, wiped the house key clean, and threw it back into the house through the gap in the window. Then she looked around and quickly left.

Tanaka Takahisa hid in the corner and waited for the others to leave before arriving at the door of Nishiyama's house.

The woman just now was a little strange, but now she was full of murder plans and had no time to think about it. She walked over and rang the doorbell, but no one came to open the door.

Confused, Takahisa Tanaka picked the lock and entered the room—the style of the door lock of Nishiyama's house is not complicated, and for a person brought up by a magician, it is not difficult to open it.

When he found the "Escape King", Takahisa Tanaka was surprised to find that the man was dead.

She was dazed for a moment, then thought of the woman who had just left and covered her face.

...Did she kill people?

Although I don't know who Xishanwu has provoked again, but no matter what, it's fine if the person dies.

Takahisa Tanaka left a message on the computer as planned.

Then she hesitated, pretended to be "Escape King" again, and sent a private chat to "Disappearing Pani".

Before she couldn't find the "disappearing Pani", so she could only plan to kill him in an offline party - this person is not like the "Escape King", the escape Wang Xi Shanwu is the chairman of the Magic Lovers Union, and he is a high-profile person. Traces are easy to find.

But now, if you can use the account of the "Escape King" to ask the "disappearing Pani" who has some friendship with him in advance, and kill him secretly like killing the "Escape King", you don't need to go to the party to kill. .

There are too many people who are proficient in magic at the party, and if they are caught and stopped, things will become very troublesome.

However, after sending a private chat, no one responded, and the other party might not be looking at the computer.

After all, Takahisa Tanaka had never killed anyone, so she felt guilty staying next to the corpse, and she was afraid that someone would come back suddenly.

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