Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 495: This fbi is a big problem

The timing was so coincidental that Shuichi Akai was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he had made a mistake just now.

At the same time, he suddenly had a feeling - this scene, he seemed to have seen it before...

The excessively strong firelight made everyone close their eyes in a conditioned reflex, and then, in the large swath of smoke, the semi-focused motorcycle and the man in black fell into the grass by the roadside.

Shiraishi had installed a special bomb on his motorcycle in advance.

The so-called special design means that the power is not large, but the light is very bright, the sound is very loud, and the smoke is very thick... In short, once it is detonated, it looks like an amazing explosion, but it will not cause too much damage to the surrounding.

Therefore, the explosion did not affect the FBI vehicle below too much. The damage it caused to the vehicle and the people inside was not as great as the damage caused by the driver rubbing the car against the guardrail with a shake of his hand.

However, as a person riding a motorcycle, Shiraishi was inevitably blown back to the Poké Ball.

He immediately restarted the mask once, rubbed a little residual explosion, and then let himself lie down on the landing spot of the motorcycle.

After that, he put away the split cat, recalled the Q version assistant, and asked her to fill the mask with weights for weighing scales.

According to the law of Q science, the mass of objects that the system can generate and disappear out of thin air is limited.

Usually the mask is very light, it is convenient for disappearing and appearing in seconds.

But now, Shiraishi doesn't plan to let FBI spend time brainstorming black technologies such as robots, so he needs to solve hidden dangers in advance - in short, fill in the most exposed weight first. As for other problems, it is difficult to find out without careful inspection. .

This series of operations are carried out relatively concealed. Under the veil of intense fire and smoke, the FBI and their off-site assistance failed to find the problem.

When the FBI recovered, what appeared in front of them was a smoking motorcycle and a smoking organization member on the lawn.

The red side of this world has obviously never seen such a scene.

They rarely kill people, let alone kill people who were originally intended to be captured alive, but looking at the situation just now, even the explosion and the fall, 80% of the members of this organization are already gone...

Several cars braked to a sudden stop, and after everyone got out of the car, they subconsciously glanced at Shuichi Akai.

Akai Shuichi didn't hide his movements when he shot just now, and even now, the gun is still in his hand.

James pressed his forehead tiredly, and looked at him disapprovingly: "Xiuyi, you are too impulsive."

"..." Akai Shuichi always felt that it wasn't his own problem.

But he didn't know how to explain for a moment.

Akai Shuichi himself is not a person who is good at explaining. He said the words and felt that he was overwhelmed, so he gave up, and went silently to the organization member who seemed to be dying to check the situation.

Pulling off the slightly deformed helmet, a familiar face was revealed under the mask. Although the familiar part is only the upper half of the face, and a curly hair. But it was enough for Shuichi Akai to recognize who he was.

- This person with the code name Keren, who is highly suspected of being undercover, really impressed him.

At the same time, Shuuichi Akai finally confirmed that this explosion was not because he missed the fuel tank, but Kelen's own pot.

In the last port incident, after Akai Shuichi settled Judy, he actually returned to the port secretly, checked the situation there, and followed up on follow-up reports.

The report did not mention that there were dead people at the port, so Shuichi Akai thought that Keren's body was taken away by members of the organization.

But now it seems...

Although it is not known exactly how Keren did it, he seems to be very good at escaping with explosions.

Today he may be trying to repeat the same trick, but now it seems... this is a performance failure, overturned?

Does it have something to do with the shot you shot?

Akai Shuichi felt a little guilty.

While he was glad that he didn't actually kill the precious undercover who had sneaked into the organization last time, he also felt that the undercover comrade was really unlucky and might have to die again soon.

... Anyway, since everyone's goal is to bring down the organization, then rounding up is considered a companion, and you must try your best to rescue it.

The motorcycle next to him was still smoking, and a secondary explosion could occur at any time. Akai Shuichi didn't stay in place for too long.

He threw the torn helmet aside, intending to send the undercover spy to the hospital first.

At this time, Conan ran over, not afraid of death, and wanted to confirm who he had caught.

After seeing the uncovered face clearly, he was stunned.

Gin and their "old place", the signal was not good, and it was raining at the time, Conan only heard a few key words stumbled.

Although very occasionally, Gin will mention the code name of Cologne, but in Conan's eyes, the code name of the black cat should be "Bourbon", so the vague "Colon" on Gin's side was regarded by Conan as not clearly shouting. The "Cohen" - the sniper who, according to Ai Haibara, was very powerful.

And Keren himself hardly uttered a word.

Although Conan vaguely guessed that there was another member on their side, he never thought that it would be a black cat.

That's right, Conan now firmly believes that this is the black cat. At present, the uncovered face of Keren is very familiar to him from the top, but also from the bottom. In short, it looks like the same face.

...Unexpectedly, the six or seven members of the opposite organization, they randomly picked one to catch, and they even picked the black cat.

What I didn't expect was turned out to be a success.

But this success did not bring any joy to Conan at all. He didn't want to see the black cat being blown up by someone and then killed.

Conan stayed in place for a while as if struck by lightning, and suddenly looked at Shuuichi Akai, who was walking past him with Coron, and walked towards the car, with a hint of anger in his tone: "Why do you need to hit the fuel tank?"

At the same time as questioning, various conspiracy theories have already started in his mind, guessing that Akai Shuichi, a lone ranger, has been brainwashed by the organization. On the surface, he has left the organization, but secretly still maintains some kind of shady connection with the organization...

Then the black cat accidentally broke the So Akai Shuichi wanted to take advantage of his position today to kill the black cat.

Even if Akai Shuichi wasn't targeting the black cat, in Conan's eyes, this kind of person who took extreme measures to prevent the target from escaping and who might kill the target really didn't look like a good person.

As Conan said that, he had secretly turned on his anesthesia table: "There are many ways to stop him from escaping, but you..."

"I'm aiming for the tires."

Akai Shuichi interrupted him.

Then, without stopping, he walked straight into the car.

Akai Shuichi didn't have time to quarrel with the children, because when he checked his pulse just now, although he felt something that was probably a blood vessel beating, Keren felt a little cold.

A drop in body temperature is sometimes worse than a high fever. If you delay time with this child, you may miss the best time for rescue...

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