Prince of Tennis: Mental Manipulator

Chapter 75 : Let yourself fall into a dream

During the discussion, the duel on the court continued.


Mushen Yi hit the opposite side with a high-speed slam, and the tennis ball quickly flew across the net.

Although Yukimura knows that Mushen Yi's "mirror world" and "hypnotic world" are showing off at the same time, he can still only close his eyes to perceive, otherwise he will not be able to crack the "mirror counterattack".


When Yukimura closed his eyes to improve his hearing and felt the impact, he opened his eyes immediately and wanted to pursue it.

But at this moment, his eyes were affected. The black and dark pulling made him instantly surprised and distracted. The tennis ball also quickly ejected and hit the retaining wall.

"0:30! Mushen Yi is ahead!'

The voice of the referee and the cheers of the audience did not make Yukimura pay any attention. He smiled bitterly in his heart: "The visual impact of the hypnotic world."

Mushen Yi's hypnotic world is more terrifying than his five senses, which can interfere with the five senses and affect vision and hearing.

Even Yukimura faintly feels that the hypnotic world may even affect the perception of the sixth sense.

Taking a deep breath, Yukimura calmed down and started serving again.

Naturally, he will not let this down, but is looking for a solution.


The tennis ball flew quickly across the net.


What shocked the audience was that the tennis went directly to the net.

"Serve Turnover." Referee's voice sounded: "Please perform the second service."

Now the audience also knows that Mushen Yi's "hypnotic world" is also affecting opponents, making Yukimura's vision abnormal.

Yukimura simply closed his eyes and started serving again.


This time, Yukimura served with a muscular habit formed by years of swing practice.

This does not require sight and hearing, it is just an experience, a habit and a conditioned reflex.



The tennis went straight out.

"Out, double fault!"" The referee's voice rang loudly: "0:40! Mushen Yi is ahead!"

"This is Yukimura's reaction quickly, "The sense of touch is affected? Not only that, but there should be perception. This is obviously the sixth sense!'

This made Yukimura's face more serious, and under the control of Mushen Yi, a mental manipulator, he was unable to resist, even unaware of it!

The audience cheered and applauded with excitement, applauding Mushen Yi's strength. (cgbg)

In this atmosphere, Yukimura started serving again.

Only in the face of Mushen Yi's "hypnotic world" interference, Yukimura was still unable to resist and was quickly broken.

"0:1! Mushen Yi won this round!!

At the end of the odd round, both sides returned to the players area to rest.

The audience was discussing how Yukimura would crack it.

Just now Yukimura exerted five senses on herself, and finally came out of the mirror shot, then can he come out of the hypnotic world?

For this, quite a few viewers expressed their expectations.

In this atmosphere, the rest time passed quickly, and the match continued.

In the second round, it was Mushen Yi's serve round.


The tennis ball flew across the net and bounced.

Yukimura has already closed his eyes. Mushen Yi's mirror world is very disruptive to vision. He can no longer believe his eyes. Through the enhancement of hearing, he heard the whistling sound of tennis flying and the impact of tennis balls.

At this moment, Yukimura opened his eyes and chased to serve.

Call one-

After the sound of racquet's vacillation came, Yukimura understood that his hearing was affected by the "hypnotic world".

It's really ironic to say that I can't control my body and my five senses.

"15:0! Mushen Yi is ahead!"

The judgment sound accompanied by cheers, Yukimura took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

The mirror world has an impact on vision, and the hypnotic world has an impact on the five senses or the six senses. He opens his eyes and closes his eyes so much that he can only fall into passiveness forever.

Instead of this, it is better to play boldly!

When Mushen Yi started serving again, Yukimura closed his eyes directly. He completely extinguished his vision and plunged into a piece of darkness. Not only that, Yukimura acted on the sense of hearing and touch one after another.


Mushen Yi's high-speed serve came again, this time to the surprise of the audience, Yukimura stood motionless.

"30:0! Mushen Yi is ahead!"

The audience became a little puzzled.

"Is Yukimura giving up? This shouldn't seem like the character of a child of God!"

"The Minister of Rikkai is not that fragile, and seeing his face so determined, it doesn't seem like he is depressed and desperate, ready to give up!"

"Maybe Yukimura made up his mind and wanted to fight it once, but didn't know what he was going to do?"

Among the audience's discussion, Mushen Yi began to serve again, Yukimura was still indifferent, or that he had no ability to continue to react.

"40:0! Mushen Yi is ahead!"

The match point has arrived. If the ball is still lost, Yukimura will lose another round.

The audience wondered and expected, can Yukimura break out?

The result is one-

"2:0! Mushen Yi won this round!"

Yukimura just closed his eyes and gave up the match.

The more so, the more the audience expects, the ability to accumulate energy for so long should be some kind of big trick.

Yukimura was completely unaware of the outside reaction.

He eliminated his sense of sight, hearing, and touch, and then extended it to smell and taste. This is what Mushen Yi gave him.

Yukimura used to be limited to sight, hearing and touch, and didn't care about smell and taste at all. After all, playing tennis didn't need taste and smell.

At the beginning, Mushen Yi's guidance, the "self-protection mechanism" after the five senses of the human body disappeared completely, finally made Yukimura suddenly realize.

For several months, Yukimura was immersed in the research of the five senses and self-protection, until she finally got enlightenment not long ago.


After the five senses of the human body have completely disappeared, the body will fall into self-protection like suspended animation. At this time, the human brain will have an illusion.

Yukimura thus realized the dream!


This time he is not using dreams on his opponents, but using dreams on himself, so that he can completely fall into the illusion, so as to get out of the influence of the hypnotic world!

Yukimura is bold.

With this kind of mental attack, a slight accident may have an unexpected ending, but he did it anyway.

Because he only has such a trick to fight against the hypnotic world.

The result is one-

He succeeded!

He succeeded in self-influence!.

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