
"Dong dong dong."

A man with short blond hair in waiting room No. 1 was sitting on the sofa a little sluggishly. He was nervously putting on, taking off, putting on, taking off the hat on the table. It seems that the whole person is a little abnormal.

Seeing his appearance, the slightly fat black man next to him said:

"Yo, SLIM, are you okay?"

After being called by the black man, the blond man broke away from his spiritual world and sighed while looking at his trembling hands.

"It's not bad, MAN. These are the after-effects of detoxification, and they will fully recover after a while."

After hearing the sudden knock on the door, the slightly fat black man looked at him worriedly, then got up and opened the door.

"Benny? What's wrong?"

As he spoke, he gave up his seat.

After Benny walked in with a smile, he politely said to the black man:

"Thank you, T.G."

Then, he looked at the blond man sitting on the sofa ready to get up and said:

"SLIM, let me introduce you to some friends. They will be in charge of the LIVE version during the intermission."

The blond man nodded after hearing this. He was wearing overalls pants, a hooded jacket, and Nike shoes. He suddenly put on a peaked cap, and then a ruffian breath instantly hit his face.

"Isa, HAN, come in. Come and meet SLIM."

Because Elizabeth was blocked by this black man named "T.G", she couldn't see who was inside, but after hearing Benny's words, she took the lead and walked in instantly. In the entertainment circle in New York, she really never frightened anyone.

But as soon as she walked in and saw the white man with the hat, Elizabeth was stunned. After Liu Han walked in, he looked at this buddy and vaguely felt that his face was familiar. And when Tuesday He came out from behind Liu Han, he covered his mouth unconsciously. The last Alan Walker said suddenly after seeing this man clearly:


Seeing the appearance of the four, the man named SLIM first stretched out his hand towards Elizabeth:


Then, just as Liu Han was trying to recall the name of this man, Alan Walker first stretched out his hand and said in a pilgrimage tone:

"You... hello, Mr. Eminem..."

That's right, this man named SLIM is the rap king of America, who broke the white man, SLIM.SHADY, who broke the pattern of rap dominated by black people. Eminem.



Liu Han, who is not very chasing stars, always feels that this name is familiar. After seeing his lover frowning and thinking hard, he immediately understood on Tuesday that his lover didn't seem to know this man, so he whispered in Chinese:

"Many people in China call him the ruffian Eminem..."

After hearing this title, Liu Han suddenly realized that although he doesn't chase stars, he is famous among American emperors. He is also very famous in China. s song. And looking at Alan Walker, who was already excited after hugging Eminem, Liu Han suddenly felt that knowing this buddy should be of great help to Tuesday...

At this time, he found that the rap king stretched out his hand to himself:


Chapter 388 Inspiration

Eminem came to participate in today's program, in fact, at the invitation of Benny. And he understood why Benny invited him.

After he died because his best friend was shot and failed to treat him, he was completely depressed. And because he was too sad, he was contaminated with things that shouldn't be touched. If the most serious one was not discovered in time, he might have already become a corpse due to overdose.

When a person walks a circle from the gate of hell, he will re-examine himself. And Eminem is the same. Therefore, he turned down the album he was making, refused all invitations to activities, and walked into the drug rehab center under the expectant gaze of his daughter.

This time, he didn't fool anyone, and he didn't want to fool anyone. Resolutely cooperated with the doctor to complete all the rehabilitation work in the drug rehab center before walking out.

After learning of his coming out, Benny Zucker, who has been with him since Eminem's rookie period, invited him to appear on his own show to tell those so-called rising stars in the rap industry, this ruffian. M is back.

Eminem accepted the invitation also because first, he and Benny had a very deep friendship, and second, he really needed to go out for a walk. For this album, he threw away everything before, and wrote it into the song with a whole-hearted feeling. Recently, however, he has fallen into a depletion phase of inspiration.

He, who has always written lyrics by himself, needs a process of adaptation after abandoning his past glory and habits. So, the radio became his best choice. On the one hand, he does not have to face the fans with various emotions, and on the other hand, he is not ready to appear in front of the world again.

With a high emotional intelligence, he keenly heard Benny's words. He first introduced Elizabeth, and then introduced HAN. So following the order of entering the house, he first found Liu Han.

The moment he held Liu Han's hand, the rap king inevitably shivered. An electric current instantly spread through his body~


"HAN, let's go first, you can wait for a while. When the intermission stage is reached, there will be a staff notification - yours."

Outside the broadcast room, Benny kindly took Liu Han's shoulder and asked. Just as Liu Han was about to say something with a smile, he heard Eminem say in his sharp-edged tone:

"HAN, then I'm going in too..."


After the three returned to the waiting room, Elizabeth first glanced at Tuesday, who was walking back and forth. From time to time, there were various tones in her throat, and she looked at Alan Walker who kept closing her eyes and moving her fingers. He quietly slid the back of Liu Han's hand with his fingertips.

"I always feel that you have a perfect affinity for people."

She said something in a low voice when she saw Liu Han's eyes turn around.

Liu Han shrugged and turned on the TV in the room. Benny, who was preparing his lines, and Eminem, who was sitting next to him with headphones, appeared on the TV.

"OK, welcome to listen to the "Voice of New York City" radio again at a familiar time, I'm Benny Zucker. Say hello to the guys who are stuck in traffic on the road and watching the live broadcast of the radio station in front of the computer..."

When they heard the voice on the TV, Ailan and the two fools moved their eyes to the TV at the same time. Both of them knew in their hearts that a performance that was very important to them had entered the countdown.


"Dong dong dong."

After the knock on the door, a staff member with a single-mic headset politely opened the door and said to Elizabeth:

"Miss Olsen, it's your session in five minutes, and it's over now."

Elizabeth nodded, then glanced at Liu Han. Liu Han stood up, walked over to Tuesday He's side and rubbed next Tuesday He's shoulder hard, looking at her slightly pale lips due to nervousness, and suddenly kissed her.

After a full minute of kissing, Liu Han let go of Tuesday, which was already spinning, looking at the two idiots with no nervousness, but the two fools whose eyes were already hazy asked softly:

"Are you still nervous?"

He instinctively shook his head on Tuesday, what is the tension? She doesn't know anymore. Now my mind is full of thoughts of returning to my bedroom with Liu Han, and then...hehehe.

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