His eyes widened suddenly, his nostrils widened, and his mouth opened slightly.

These three surprised expressions all showed on the little girl's face.

Liu Han, who is full of screens, suppressed GODV. Liu Han said that Nuomi’s post was open:

"The strength of GODV is obvious to all, can this be black? 》

"Hang up? Hehe, those who say this operation is fake should buy the game first. 》

"Glutinous Rice Response: There is no opening, just say what others say, be yourself! 》


"what's the situation?"

Milan was stunned, and after flipping two or three pages of each post, she remembered to call Liu Han first.


"Master 190, now the posts are all saying that you suppress GODV, and frame others for cheating..."

After hearing the news from Milan, Liu Han was also taken aback.

He was busy all morning today, and he really didn't pay much attention to the news on the Internet. He didn't expect that the post bar was full of his own rhythm.

As if it had caused a chain reaction, a bunch of people who had just woken up saw this. They contacted Liu Han for the first time and found that the line was busy, and then they began to bombard with prestige.

The "beep" sound of Liu Han's mobile phone never stopped.

"You hang up first, I'll go to the post bar to see."

After that, he hung up the phone directly, then got up and walked to the live broadcast room to turn on the computer.

He is not afraid of others taking the rhythm. After all, PDD has taught him many times by words and deeds. If the anchor is popular, it will be very popular. Then you will naturally be attacked by many people, whether it is the navy or the people who are unhappy with you, these people can be found everywhere. Therefore, Liu Han calmed down at the beginning. According to Milan's words, it is "whatever black, anyway, it will not lose meat."

But what he hates is brainless black, the little apprentice called him to inform him that the people in the post bar bring glutinous rice and his rhythm, he can understand. After all, his gun is indeed suspicious. If it is innocent, then what you said is really irresponsible. If you do something wrong, you will honestly apologize, and if you are beaten, you will stand up honestly. This is certain, after all, I have added so many troubles to people out of thin air, which I have to bear.

However, Liu Han said he did not understand that he brought the GODV rhythm.

While looking at the screen of the computer turning on, he recalled it in his mind. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out when he brought the GODV rhythm. So plan to fix this first. As for the magic sound glutinous rice... wait for the news from Jin Xiuhuan's side and it will be over.

After logging in to Tieba, Liu Han immediately sighed speechlessly when he saw the post on the screen.

What and what? When did you say GODV dishes? There is even more nonsense... When did you get blown up in the training match? What kind of scrims are there now, big brother? Is the League of Legends version of PUBG?

First selectively ignored his and Nuomi's posts, Liu Han turned a few pages, and he breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the rhythm of himself and GODV.

These are all chasing the wind and making a fool of yourself. If your own words are misinterpreted, then this is easy to deal with. Find the video to clarify it and you're done.

Then, he started to read the post about himself and Nuomi again. After reading it, he found that it was mainly the war between dog legs and glutinous rice flour. It was okay, and the two sides have not reached the point of greeting each other's family members. It seems that PUBG's little bars have controlled the rhythm. At most, it's some kind of hearse drifting and the stalk of the grave.


After reading about it, Liu Han first called Jin Xiuhuan. If he learned the data, he was sorting out and comparing the data. The results will be available in the afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Jin Xiuhuan also asked whether he wanted to hide it and deal with it in a low-key manner. Because this incident mainly involved panda bears and funny fish, he was worried that Liu Han would be attacked by others from a friend's point of view, and it was not easy to be a human being. Moreover, if there was a scandal, the panda bear's game would also be affected to a certain extent.

Liu Han thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to tell the truth directly. If you're really wrong, apologize yourself and you're done. Although the peers are enemies, doing so is suspected of ruining people's jobs. But a mistake is a mistake, and I really owe my peers an apology. Moreover, in terms of competition, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and paper cannot contain fire. The banana plan will be harder to do if it gets poked out at that time.

After Jin Xiuhuan agreed, Liu Han hung up the phone and called Wang Shichong again.

This guy was still sleeping, but he woke up immediately after hearing what happened to Liu Han. After thinking for a while, he quickly reached an agreement with Liu Han. Let’s talk openly about this matter. If Liu Han is wrong, then both Panda and Liu Han will apologize together. Although this will have a certain impact on the competition, at least the credibility of the Banana Plan has been preserved, and it is likely to be an opportunity to take the business to a higher level.

As for GODV, Wang Shichong said that it was not in the way, and he personally called GODV to explain the situation. But Liu Han wisely stopped him, and then asked Wang Shichong to send the call to himself.

This matter was caused by him, and he solved it himself.


West Huzhou, in a certain community.

Wei Shen played games until after four in the middle of the night yesterday, and he was sleeping soundly at this moment. In the entire training room, except for one Dragon God who woke up relatively early, the others were still dreaming.

And when Wei Shen's cell phone rang, Long Shenjue hurriedly walked into his room and picked it up. The fat man was a little angry when he got up. It would be bad if the landlord called. Wei Shen also had a fight with the landlord about the rent two days ago.

As a result, after taking the phone, Long Shenjue glanced at it but found that it was an unfamiliar number in the magic capital, and he immediately picked it up with some doubts.

"Hello? Hello, who is it?"

After hesitating for a while on the phone, Long Shenjue heard a voice saying:

"Hello, this is GODV, Wei Shen?"

Long Shenjue was also a little puzzled, so he did not reveal his identity, but asked bluntly:

"Who are you?"

The voice over the phone immediately said:

"Uh, hello Wei Shen, I'm your jungler, Panda's PUBG anchor, is it convenient to chat?"

Chapter 529

The Dragon God definitely knew about Liu Han.

No, to be exact, there are very few Chinese players who play this game who don't know about Liu Han. After all, the man who has been playing this game since the beginning of the internal test, and has successfully used this game to become a popular anchor with millions of people, has risen too fast. He reached heights in just a few months that others may not reach in a year or two.

But all this is very far away for Long Shenjue, although he also admires Liu Han's marksmanship. But he only learned about Liu Han's detailed information last night. There is no way, the almighty netizens have cleaned up Liu Han's information so that they can go back and spray back when they are spraying with the dog-legs.

At this moment, when he heard the self-introduction over the phone, he was a little stunned.

"Uh... Hello dog brother, I'm not Awei. I'm YQHP's coach Long Shenjue, Awei is sleeping, I'll call him, you wait a moment."

Although Liu Han's phone number was roughly guessed by him, after all, this team was formed by Wei Shen himself, so some things still depend on him to judge.

"Wake up, wake up. Someone is looking for you, and your jungler is looking for you."

Wei Shen, who was in a daze, felt his shoulders shaking constantly, and then heard in his ears:

"Your uncle has come to find you..."

"Master? My uncle is looking for me? Isn't he in his hometown? Oh, how many times has he said that his son is not talented in e-sports. How can a person who has played games for two years and is still struggling in the golden tier play LPL... "

Wei Shen muttered and opened his eyes, and then saw Long Shenjue holding the phone and looking at him. He answered the phone without thinking about it, and then asked confusedly into the phone:

"Master, what are you doing?"


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