A bunch of messages first detonated Weibo, and the post bar is now full of screen rhythms. Then slowly it began to become a debate about whose marksmanship is accurate between NB211 and Liu Han...

And a bunch of people came to Liu Han's live broadcast room and started to brush these things, and a bunch of people followed suit. It's just that Liu Han didn't see it. At this moment, he was looking for his fourteenth prey.

Chapter 581

In the first game, Liu Han had 19 kills, and the team had a total of 25 kills.

Wei Shen and the others also saw that Liu Han had a lot of energy, so he also acted as a favor, and gave up all the scattered heads that should have been given up. The purpose is to let the team rush up the points for the number of kills by Liu Han after the team has four rows of points.

And the water friends of the live broadcast were very happy. After all, even Liu Han doesn't often do this kind of 20+ killing show. The right time, place and people are indispensable, so after the first round of chicken, a bunch of gifts plus 666 appeared in the live broadcast room, which was very lively.

Then, the second game, the third game...

For a whole afternoon, Liu Han didn't stop rushing points until after 5 o'clock in the evening. At this moment, he has successfully broken through the RATING score of 2600 with his efforts this afternoon, and came to the 12th place.

And 4AM has appeared three in the top ten. GODV and Cardi came to the second and fourth place. According to this format, they can directly win the first place in about 10 rounds.

But Liu Han stopped playing, but waved to the audience to indicate that he was going to stop broadcasting for dinner, and then he was going to start training at night.

The water friends have been watching for a whole day. This kind of game that regards PUBG as Starcraft, and it is flat and crushed all the way. Han, in the sound of 888, Liu Han closed the live broadcast.


After dinner, the training game starts at 7:00.

Liu Handing's content in today's scrimmage is also quite extreme. All the players are junglers throughout the whole process, and they are poor. The purpose is to exercise the team's responsiveness and situation judgment when the start is not smooth.

And after the start of this plan, in the whole three training games, they have not won the first place once, and the best place is the fifth place.

But fortunately, everyone has an estimate of this situation. In the first game, the jungler was flustered and did not have a clear judgment on the situation, which led to an early exit.

In the second round, Liu Han began to pay attention. From the route at the beginning to where they should go after they landed, there were few people, and some brush points that they subconsciously ignored when they were playing were re-recorded in their minds.

That's the way the scrims are, I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid of you being pitted, but I'm afraid that you won't improve.

Relying on a tactic to mess around, or not seeing your own strengths and weaknesses, it is very hurtful to use a tactic all the time, because then you might as well abuse passers-by in qualifying.

Now this game is just getting started. Although I don't know what the follow-up development will be, Liu Han feels that this game should be similar to League of Legends in the future. Everyone started out ignorantly relying on marksmanship, followed by tactics, which is the stage of Liu Han and the others. And after some time, or a few months, or a year or two, it may return to the essence of the game, the marksmanship.

Because League of Legends is like that right now. From the early days, each team had its own tactics, but now all tactics have been dissolved in the blood of the players. The main thing is to catch the opponent's mistakes, and then find the most suitable one among the ever-changing tactics. Win the game.

But no matter what kind of tactics, in the end, they can't escape killing people, taking dragons and pushing towers, which is inseparable from the original form.

Liu Han felt that maybe PUBG would be like this in the end. So ever-changing, scrims are just a way to expose one's own shortcomings. When the shortcomings are exposed, they can be directly compensated for after they are discovered, and RANK is an important way to ensure that their marksmanship is getting better and better. No one can fall, no one can relax.


After the three training matches, everyone started to watch the video over and over again. At this time, Liu Han's family was not the only one, and everyone could speak freely.

The position of the commander, the execution ability of the teammates, whether there would have been a better choice if they took another path, etc. Everyone has a lot of ideas in their hearts. After the fact, Zhuge Liang is the easiest.

However, Zhuge Liang may be useless once after the fact, what about three times, five times and ten times? In a similar situation, I believe that everyone will subconsciously correct their behavior. After all, you have suffered some troubles here...

Because there were many problems exposed in today's training game, everyone started to discuss after 9:30 after the training game ended, and it didn't end until nearly 12:00. When Liu Han saw that the meeting was over, he said hello to everyone and left.

Tomorrow at 9 o'clock on Tuesday at the airport, stay at home for at most two days and then have to fly to America to record songs. The second fool has already expressed that he doesn't want to miss a minute and a second with Liu Han. He has to go home and rest quickly, and then pick up someone the next day.

It was a little late when I got home this time. Yang Mi had already gone to bed early. After Liu Han walked into the bathroom, he washed the smell of himself, and then lay down quietly.

After Yang Mi felt her lover's breath, although she slept in a daze, she still habitually arched her back. After reaching Liu Han, her arm suddenly swayed back, and then she kept fanning in mid-air. She clasped her palms, and those who didn't know thought she was hot.

But Liu Han immediately understood what Sister Yu meant, and then put his arm directly through her neck, and then hugged Sister Yu in his arms.

Yang Mi was hugged by him like this, and she didn't move, and her breath gradually returned to a steady and long breath.


"Husband, husband, wake up."

In his sleep, Liu Han felt that someone was pushing him, and when he opened his eyes in a daze, he saw Yang Mi was looking at him.


He looked at each other blankly, his mind still half asleep.

"It's almost 8 o'clock, hurry up and pick up someone!"


Yang Mi's words made Liu Han sit up with a squeak, then glanced at the time on the phone and hurriedly got into the bathroom.

It was estimated that he had been playing games for too long yesterday, and the conclusion after the game was also long, so he overslept.

After cleaning up his personal hygiene, Liu Han kissed Yang Mi's forehead, then walked out of the house with a boiled egg and a bag of milk, and drove straight to the airport without even caring about the hot car.

Chapter 582

"Sister, don't unfasten your seat belt, the plane hasn't landed yet!"

Xinxin held down Tuesday, and said speechlessly after seeing her anxious look.

Although he held her down, he still saw the impatience on his face on Tuesday.

They've been on a plane for 17 hours, slept enough, sat enough, and now everyone misses the feeling of being on the ground.

"Xinxin, I'll just leave in a while, can you take a taxi back by yourself?"

He looked anxious on Tuesday, and his tone of voice was a lot more anxious.

"Okay sister, brother-in-law has arrived?"

"Huh! He doesn't dare to be late, he must want to die now, hehe, we'll start when we get home..."

The old driver's Tuesday he went directly to the assistant's ear and began to whisper.

"Hey...Sister, be reserved, be reserved."

The little assistant hurriedly covered her mouth, for fear that the louder voice would be heard by others.

On Tuesday, shaking his head and shaking his head, he got rid of the assistant and whispered:

"No, I can't hold back, my sister has been dry for a long time, and needs a heavy rain! You are still young and ignorant. When you understand it, you will know what's going on! Oh, especially if you are looking for a man with good kung fu. My friend, that feeling... tsk tsk, the spiral explosion has risen to the sky!"

The little assistant blushed very much at what she said, and said in a low voice:

"I... I also had a boyfriend when I was in college, and that's actually... that's what happened, what's so strange!"

"It's not the same, my little Xinxin, so you are still young. Your boyfriend's kung fu is not good, then... that's not the case, but if you live well, tsk tsk tsk... suck~"

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