Qi Meng Xuanji

Chapter 105: Any similarity is not a coincidence

For a long time, all countries have been blinded by the battle for the throne that destroyed all the princes many years ago, and they have determined that they will not accept the issue of the emperor's heir.

More than ten years ago, the five princes of Ji country fought against each other for the position of prince. Three of the princes died one after another in the frame of their brothers. In the end, the second prince and the fourth prince were elected together. On the day of Emperor Chengtian's birth, he launched a mutiny with the intention of forcing the palace to seize power, but both failed and were imprisoned. The two princes actually committed suicide one after another in angrily. There are still a few grandsons under the knee of Emperor Chengtian, the oldest is less than five years old, and the battle for the throne has ceased.

Legend has it that under the sad heart of Emperor Chengtian, he worked hard again and tried his best to govern. The national strength and the people's livelihood have been improving in the past ten years.

Countries have always been more at ease with this gentle and childless neighbor, and now I heard that a young prince suddenly appeared, and the well-known Prince Zhao Qi, all secretly warned.

Fortunately, in addition to being handsome, filial, filial and famous, and loved by Emperor Chengtian, this prince Zhao Qi has not heard of any other specialties. He has neither military power nor financial power in his hands, and it seems that there is no party in the DPRK. It will take a few more years for the climate to happen, so everyone didn't care much after the shock.

When Xuanji heard this explosive news, which was not unexpected, she smiled secretly: That person really walked towards her goal step by step. One day, those who did not put him in their eyes discovered that he was a tiger who only wanted his life. At that time, I don’t know what expression it will be.

"It's more a story than a story. This prince Ji's life experience is simply twists and turns!" When Yi Qingyun talked about this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Xuanji nodded, of course, this was originally a copy of the story prototype she provided, can it be twists and turns?

According to Ji Guo’s official source, Zhao Jianshen was originally born by Concubine Yu. Because Concubine He was so powerful at the time, she had been persecuted in secret for many times. Concubine Yu was afraid that she and her child would be murdered, so on the day of Zhao Jianshen’s birth, she used a civilian baby boy to rule the prince. After leaving the palace, he was secretly brought up by his best friend, Princess Wu, and the civilian baby boy in exchange was the sixth prince who unfortunately died at the age of five. Concubine Yu was also weak and died soon after the birth of the prince. Princess Wu did not want Zhao Jianshen. It was dangerous, so it was not until recently that he explained Zhao Jianshen's life experience to Emperor Chengtian, and he tested it under the witness of the important officials of the clan.

The harem of Ji Guo was surging more than 30 years ago. There are many concubines and princes whose causes of death are unknown. It is not difficult to find a few to make up stories. It is still a mystery who Zhao Jianshen actually was born with the emperor. He did pick a pair. The least political influence is the way to solve the problem of her identity, but Xuanji has some sympathy for the woman who gave birth to Zhao Jianshen. Her son is about to become emperor, but she will probably only be hidden in the shadows forever, and cannot be openly known to the world. The prince Ji Guo who is about to mega-power the nations was born to her.

Yi Qingyun looked a little unhappy at Xuanji, thinking that she had been bored in the palace recently, so she patted her chest and said, "Big brother is free today, how about taking you out for shopping?"

Xuanji said: "Okay, you can go see uncle by the way."

Yi Qingyun raised her eyebrows as soon as she heard it, and Xuanji quickly calmed the jealous guy by coaxing and acting like a baby.

"What's the origin of that Lan Xi? Wugong is not weak and the whereabouts are secretive, can you trust it?" Yi Qingyun personally drove out of the palace in the carriage before asking about Lan Xi about Xuanji in the car.

This iceberg beauty, at first glance, is not an ordinary woman of the rivers and lakes. In the past few days, I have seen that she has often sneaked out of the palace. I don't know who is in contact with them, but they are very alert. Although Yi Qingyun found it, she couldn't make a close investigation.

Xuanji said vaguely: "It doesn't matter, she won't harm us."

auzw.com Prime Minister Wan’s house is not far from Prince Xi’s Mansion, but it will be there in a while, and a housekeeper has already come out to welcome them into the inner courtyard.

The steward who led the way was an old man from Wanfu. The man who accompanied Princess Ningyue's grandmother into Ruwanfu back then was very affectionate to Xuanji, but today she has a sad face.

Xuanji asked what was the matter, and the butler whispered: "The old lady is in a bad shape, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that it won't work. The young master guards every day. The day before yesterday, I somehow quarreled with the master in the study, and vaguely heard the young master say, the old lady If there is a case, he will leave Wanfu. The princess, the young master has always loved you the most, please persuade the young master!"

Xuanji and Yi Qingyun looked at each other, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Wan Suhe’s son was Wan Suhe most importantly. Wan Suhe was indeed the most talented and capable of several brothers, but the two fathers and sons were not very close, even There seems to be a deep estrangement, and Wan Suhe is faintly confronted with his father.

With Wanzhuo’s power and Wan Suhe’s ability and reputation, he was only serving as a small civil servant in the court, which is already confusing. In addition, he is clearly an idol-level outstanding husband who has not married yet, even more. It's amazing.

It's nothing unusual for a golden bachelor in his forties in modern times, but in this era, it is incredible. Zhao Jianshen was married at the age of fifteen. Although Bai Zhixiao and Bai Zhiyao, who are also the capitals of the capital, did not marry at the age of 20, they have actually been ordered by Prince Mu’s family. It only depends on which princess they will marry in the future. Although there is no original match in the two families, Concubine and concubine are not a few, but Wan Su and the real woman around him do not have a life like a Puritan.

Yi Qingyun sent Xuanji to the inner courtyard, but it was inconvenient to go in again, and he agreed with Xuanji to pick up and leave by herself.

Xuanji was led to the old lady's room, and Wan Suhe was there as expected, and when she saw her coming, she nodded slightly.

When I first met Mrs. Wan Lao, her physical condition was already not very optimistic. She was ill in bed and confused, less when she was awake, and more when she was lethargic. Seeing Xuanji probably thought of her daughter, happy and sad, she caught Xuanji and shed tears for a long time. Xuanji was afraid of affecting her body, so she didn't dare to stay longer every time she came.

They two mother and son love Ning Yue's mother and concubine very much, but it is a pity that this beautiful and weak daughter passed away at a young age. Regarding the experience of Wan Suci, Ningyue’s birth mother, Xuanji is not very clear. She only knows that she was framed and killed by miscarriage. As for what kind of nasty things have happened in Prince Xi’s Mansion, for example, how could Ningyue fall into Long when she was good. Jiang waited, Xuanji didn't want to know.

Seeing his mother was asleep, Wan Suhe gently pulled Xuanji and exited the room.

"Uncle, did you quarrel with grandpa?" Xuanji asked.

"He doesn't deserve to be your grandfather!" Wan Suhe, who has always been as elegant as water, said surprisingly.

Xuanji blinked at a loss.

Wan Suhe raised his hand and twisted his eyebrows, and sighed: "There are some things I didn't want you to know, but I'm afraid that if I leave the capital in the future, you will come with me if you are framed by yourself."

Tomorrow when the recommended ticket reaches 5000, I will add 1 chapter for 3 consecutive days, 2 updates per day, until Da Zhao comes out to see people.

I found that I received fresh flowers and slabs for watering. I don’t know what it is. You can collect more flowers, so the slabs are free. I don’t want to build a house.

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