"If you don't walk into the casino, don't bet on gambling, no one can design you. Enjoy your future life."

Hu Haiquan got up and looked at her with a sizzling fire. "North Rain, you are a vicious woman."

"Thank you for exaggerating."

"You, you are shameless." Hu Haiquan blinked and looked at the woman in front of him, as if he had never met before.

She changed and she changed completely.

Once he knew the northern rain, it was kind. Even if he knows that he is holding her, he will never be so to him.

"Who are you?" Hu Haiquan naturally blurted out.

The faint gaze of the north rain stared at him, saying one word at a time: "I don't love your northern rain."

Hu Haiquan is a glimpse.

Hughes took her hand and the two left.

After they left, Hu Haiquan squatted at the waist and dragged the heavy steps out of the community. Just turned around a corner, a white van suddenly stopped at his side, and he was taken when he had not reacted. The car.

It took less than a minute for the whole journey, and the van whizzed past, and no one around noticed it.

When Hu Haiquan woke up again, he found himself locked in an iron cage. There are many people around him around him, and their eyes are numb, like a lifeless doll.

Hu Haiquan glared at the iron bar and shouted at the door. "Is there anyone?"

One person next to him said impatiently: "Don't shout, no one will care about you."

"Where is this?"

The man whispered: "We are now on the sea to Y."

"Y country? What do they want to take us there?" Hu Haiquan asked urgently.

“Do you know the black market?” The man waited for him to answer. He said, “We are going to be sent to the black market. If you are lucky, you will pick it up. You will be able to serve people with special hobbies. It will live longer. ""

"If it is not good luck, it will be pulled to the ring. The people on the top are lying down. I am squatting with the young man, your skin is good, you should not go to black boxing. If you wait for those people, you can still live for a long time. some."

Hu Haiquan did not feel lucky, but his face became white and white.

He kept yelling, and finally the outside guards came in and made him a fat man before he settled down.

Hu Haiquan knew that this was all arranged by the man, and only he had this ability.

He regretted it and regretted that he had gambled and regretted selling the rain.

If she did not sell her, she would not have met the man.

No matter how he thinks, once he is locked here, he will never want to go out. The only people who can go out from here are the dead.

Hu Haiquan was taken away and sold. Bei Yuyu soon knew, who is the hand, do not need to know.

Whether it is the police in country A or Hu Haiquan, she knows that he has his share. Even Joseph’s time, it seems coincidental, it seems that because of a joke, it is not.

He must have read her notes.

All that remains is the clubhouse. If she wants to smash that clubhouse, I am afraid to involve the forces behind it.

On this day, Bei Yuyu asked tentatively: "Hughes, who was the boss of the club that I bought?"

When she mentioned the boss behind the scenes, his pupils shrank.

Hughes touched her gently and ridiculously, "Ian Harold."

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