Wen Yan looked at her stubborn sister and sighed softly.

My parents divorced very early due to emotional discord. I and my sister have been living with their father. My father is busy running around every day to make money. He died of a heart attack a few years ago, leaving only himself and his sister to depend on each other.

Xiaoxiao has no love from her parents, and the only thing she can rely on is herself.

Therefore, he tried his best to satisfy all her requirements.

This is his sister, she deserves the best of everything.

Many people told him that this is not good and will spoil Wen Xiao, and make him start to be suspicious, worrying that she will really suffer because of being too spoiled, so she will not be allowed in or out of the bar, and she will not be allowed to go after dark. Go home and don't even let her play online games.

But seeing her look like this, I suddenly began to wonder if I was really doing it right?

She is seventeen years old.

In just a few seconds, Wen Yan thought a lot. After a long time, he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the top of the girl's head.

"I will ask Secretary Zhou to buy you the latest holographic game pod tomorrow, and play it at home in the future, but remember not to exceed five hours a day."

Wen Xiao looked at the tall man in surprise.

"You're old too, don't you need me to tell you something?" The man's low voice sounded, and it reached Wen Xiao's ears, making her a little touched, "Safety first, don't be silly to be sincere to everyone," Even the closest friends should retain the most basic vigilance."

"I know," Wen Xiao looked up at his old brother, "Brother, if you are really worried, why not come and play together?"

Wen Yan was stunned for a moment and looked at Wen Xiao blankly.

"Do you know the boss of this game company? If you don't have time to level up, just let him promote you to the full level," Wen Xiao said with a smile, "When you have time, you can play with me! "

"Okay." There was a smile in Wen Yan's eyes, "rest early, you can see your game pod when you get up tomorrow morning."

"Brother is the best!" After saying goodnight to his brother with a smile, Wen Xiao went back to the room to rest.


Once Wen Yan made his move, he had everything to eat, drink and play.

The unused guest room on the second floor was directly converted into a game room. Two luxurious holographic game cabins were placed in the center, and the newly erected display cabinets were filled with floating figures.

A huge high-definition map of the Floating Continent is hung on the wall, and the leader BOSS of each region hangs majesticly in the air.

"Looking good!" Wen Xiao saw this huge map as soon as he entered the house, and his eyes lit up, and he rushed over and looked at it carefully.

"This is the official high-definition picture. It's what Fei's work." Wen Yan said casually. "I heard that the original painting was sold for 20 million. It's a pity that the buyer refused to transfer it. I had to ask the game company for one. Rubbing version."

"If you like it, if you have his work next time, just ask the secretary to buy it."

The tone of "The King of Coolness in the Sky" really makes people feel extremely happy...

Wen Xiao stared at his brother staringly, and finally had less complaints about A Li's identity arrangement this time.

Wen Yan still has a meeting, and after having breakfast with Wen Xiao, he left the house.

Wen Xiao lay down in the game cabin happily and began the next game life.

Unexpectedly, it hit a big scene as soon as it went online.

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