Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 521 Everyone Gathers

To be honest, Liu Xing did not expect that the Huangyi Sect would develop so rapidly at the beginning, so Liu Xing casually arranged a position for Kokawa Kofu. Anyway, at that time, the Huangyi Sect was also There are only a few people.

But now, Liu Xing has some regrets. After all, there are now more than 3,000 followers of the Yellow Clothes Sect, and there are more than 10,000 potential followers, so it can be said that Guchuan Xiao, the third leader of the Yellow Clothes Sect, is now Husband, I am already a little overwhelmed.

Although Onikawa Koo's ability is still very good among his peers, it is only limited to his peers. Therefore, a person who has just got rid of his student status, Onikawa Koo, cannot compare with adults in many aspects. Therefore, Liu Xing It is planned to let Kogawa Xiaofu abdicate in favor of others.

However, Onikawa Koo is still the "Founding Father" after all, and during this period of time, Onikawa Koo has done quite well. Therefore, suppressing Onikawa Koo in this way may lead to Onikawa Kofu and Onikawa Koo's relationship. The dissatisfaction of Nobi Nobita and others. . .

Liu Xing couldn't help but think of the founding emperors of ancient China, especially those with low-level backgrounds like Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang. Some of the founding heroes around them felt good at conquering the world, because it was the time to employ people, as long as they had a little bit of talent Their ability will be entrusted with important tasks; but when it comes to guarding the world, they have more talents at hand, so they find that many of their original subordinates are just a bunch of idiots, or some of them are just a bunch of people. Therefore, many of the founding emperors found the country and stabilized it They will look for opportunities to demote and fire a group of so-called "founding heroes", or even directly kill them. . .

After all, times have changed, and so have the requirements.

Now Liu Xing is facing such a situation,

In Liu Xing's view, with Kokawa Kofu's ability and means, it would be great to be a middle-level cadre in the Yellow-worshipping Sect. As a senior leader, Kokawa Kofu is still a bit difficult to convince the public.

But as far as the current atmosphere is concerned, Liu Xing doesn't know how to speak and re-determine Kouchuan Xiaofu's position.

Therefore, Liu Xing could only smile and say in the end: "Okay, everyone knows the situation now, so everyone should go back and continue to do their own business and continue to investigate the situation of the deep diving meeting."

Seeing that Liu Xing issued an "expulsion order", everyone except Ishikawa Ling got up and left.

Now Ishikawa Ling's identity is Liu Xing's personal bodyguard. After all, although the gun management in the island country is not as strict as that in China, it is still very difficult to get a gun. Therefore, with Ishikawa Ling, the "Sword Master" as a bodyguard, Liu Xing Xing was quite relieved.

Of course, Liu Xing's real bodyguard is still flying in the sky.

After leaving Jekyll Island, Lendl went back to have a good chat with its boss, and now Lendl is arranged to stay on Earth.

Now Lendl is flying freely above Liu Xing's head. . .

Thinking of this, Liu Xing was relieved. Although Lendl's combat effectiveness was not very good, Lendl's investigative ability was still good. If the Deep Diving Society wanted to cause trouble for him, Lendl should be able to do it immediately. Discover.

Liu Xing sighed and said to Ishikawa Ling: "Ishikawa Ling, do you think it is necessary for me to ask my husband to give up my position?"

Ishikawa Ling knew Liu Xing's thoughts, so he nodded and said: "I think it is still necessary, because now Xiaofu's strength is not proportional to his status, which can easily cause dissatisfaction among the believers below, and now other secret churches have also targeted him. If there is an undercover agent doing something among us, then we will most likely encounter a big crisis."

Liu Xing nodded. Just like Ishikawa Ling said, if there are undercover agents from other secret churches who sneak into the Huangyi Sect, then they only need to use the loophole of Kokawa Xiaofu, which may cause internal problems in the Huangyi Sect. .

A thousand miles away, destroyed in an ant nest.

"But, how can I say these words? After all, Mr. Kokawa is a veteran figure of our Huangyi Sect, and he has not made any big mistakes during this period, so I can't find a chance. Liu Xing said with some distress.

Ishikawa Ling shrugged, saying that he was powerless now.

Liu Xing sighed and said, "By the way, Ishikawa Ling, do you have any news about Zhang Jingxu and the others?"

Ishikawa Ling nodded and said with a smile: "I just had a phone call with Zhang Jingxu, and he is already on the plane with Lu Tianya. By the way, Brother Zhang has also been transferred to the island country, and according to the Judging from Brother Zhang’s level, he should stay in Tokyo.”

Liu Xing raised his eyebrows and pretended to be surprised and said: "What, Brother Zhang is coming to Tokyo too. It seems that we will have to ask them to have a meal later, but the most important question now is, should we tell our true situation?" Tell Zhang Jingxu and the others? After all, given the current situation, Zhang Jingxu and the others are very likely to discover our true situation."

Before entering this module, Liu Xing and others got together to discuss this issue. After all, if this issue cannot be dealt with well, then the drama of "brothers turning against each other" will have to be staged. . .

Therefore, after some discussion, Liu Xing and others came up with a way.

To put it simply, this method is that Liu Xing continues to "deceive" Zhang Jingxu and others, but he still has to admit that he is a worshiper of the leader of the Yellow Clothes Sect, but he also has to "whitewash" himself into a person who is in Cao Ying's heart. A good man in Han. . .

Therefore, now Liu Xing and Ishikawa Ling are showing off their acting skills, and then decided to wait until Zhang Jingxu and others arrive in Tokyo tomorrow, invite Zhang Jingxu and others to meet, and then tell Zhang Jingxu and others how Liu Xing became the leader of the Yellow Cloth Sect. . . Of course, it has to be the processed version.

After deciding on the plan, Liu Xing and Ishikawa Ling went back to their rooms to rest.

After all, I still have jet lag.

Early the next morning, Liu Xing was woken up by Ishikawa Ling because Zhang Jingxu and others had arrived in Tokyo and asked Liu Xing to come out to have breakfast together.

As a result, Liu Xing, who was still a little distracted, went to see Zhang Jingxu and others together with Ishikawa Ling.

Because Zhang Jingxu and Lu Tianya's residence had been arranged by Liu Xing before, Zhang Jingxu and his family lived very close to Liu Xing's home.

After meeting and exchanging pleasantries, Liu Xing and others casually found a shop to have breakfast.

Then, Liu Xing found an opportunity and said the words he had prepared in advance. The general meaning was that he would inherit the position of leader of the Huangyi Sect because of the situation.

Zhang Jingxu and others, who had been prepared for a long time, accepted Liu Xing's words naturally after a while of silence.

Ever since, a time bomb has been deactivated. . . Of course, this may only be temporary.

Then, the topic naturally turned to the deep diving club.

"Before I came to Tokyo, I specifically asked the people above to find out more about it. The Deep Diving Society has been developing very rapidly in Asia recently. It has almost completely controlled the senior people in the Universe Country. However, the Deep Diving Society seems to be now After absorbing the lessons learned from the Corpse Food Cult, they did not choose to stand up and completely control the political situation of the Universe Country. However, in fact, the Deep Diving Society has already controlled the Universe Country, so now the Universe Country plans to forcibly expel the American Lighthouse Country’s garrison. ." Zhang Wenbing said seriously.

Liu Xing raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise: "What, how can you be so good at deep diving? Why don't you give any face to the American Lighthouse Nation? Just expel those garrison troops out of the country. Aren't they afraid of retaliation from the American Lighthouse Nation? ?"

Zhang Wenbing shrugged and said with a smile: "What do the Deep Diving Society have to fear from the American Lighthouse State? After all, the Deep Diving Society has completely controlled the senior figures in the Universe Country, and the consortium controllers of the Universe Country are also People from the Deep Diving Society, so now the American Lighthouse Country can no longer influence the political situation of the Universe Country. In addition, the American Lighthouse Country does not dare to take action against the Universe Country again, so now the American Lighthouse Country can only impose economic sanctions on the Universe Country. And the Deep Dive Club doesn’t care about the country’s economic problems.”

Zhang Jingxu nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, the American Lighthouse Nation should already know that the Universe Nation is controlled by the Deep Diving Society, so as long as the leader of the American Lighthouse Nation has enough brains, he should understand that he It is no longer possible to intervene in any form against the Space Kingdom, so the American Lighthouse Nation can only suffer this dull loss. At most, it can only stand up and threaten a few words... Of course, it is not ruled out that the American Lighthouse Nation has a seizure. , after all, the current president of the lighthouse country of the United States may not be in his right mind."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Zhang Jingxu's view. After all, the current president of the American Lighthouse Country is a typical businessman and a "patriot". Therefore, if Deep Diving does not give the American Lighthouse Country face, then the current president The president will definitely stand up and threaten retaliation.

Then it will be even more fun.

Liu Xing began to look forward to the next development.

As for the Deep Sea Diving Society, it is very low-key in the island country. Although one of the predecessors of the Deep Sea Gospel Society, the Deep Sea Gospel Society, is also a large secret church in the island country. However, because the underground form of the island country is too complicated, many internationally famous The secret churches of the last name have all set up branches in the island country, and there are many secret churches in the island country that are more powerful than the Deep Sea Gospel Society. Therefore, the Deep Sea Society no longer wants to cross the river, and they are still living in obscene ways in the island country. development.

Therefore, Zhang Wenbing did not inquire about the situation of the deep diving club in the island country.

So the conversation continues to change.

This time the topic came to the campus life that Liu Xing and others were about to start.

"Classmate Liu Xing, classmate Ling Ishikawa, classmate Zhang Jingxu and classmate Lu Tianya, now I have to congratulate you on starting your own college life. You must know that college life is the best time in life." Zhang Wenbing said with a smile.

Lu Tianya shook his head and said seriously: "That's not necessarily the case. We now encounter mythical creatures and deal with various secret churches every three days, so I think our college career should not be long before we have to meet Aili. I encountered the deep dive meeting that Sister Si mentioned."

Liu Xing nodded and said with deep understanding: "Yes, I think so too. Now we are sure that the Deep Diving Society has established a club as a branch within Tokyo General University, so we are preparing to enter Tokyo General University." After that, the first goal is to determine which society it is, and then get rid of this society as soon as possible. After all, no one wants to spend the next four years spending time with people from the Deep Diving Society."

"Listening to what you are saying, I feel that within a year or two, Tokyo University will become the dust of history like Moritomo Academy..." Ishikawa Rei said softly.

. . .

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

After all, except Lu Tianya, everyone else is a player, so Liu Xing and others know that in these four years of college career, they have to complete at least eight to ten modules, and the difficulty of these modules will also be higher than before. It is very likely that Tokyo University will become "history" after a major earthquake.

For example, the deep dive club couldn't think of anything for a while, and came to Tokyo University to arrest students for a large-scale sacrificial ceremony, or directly carried out a terrorist attack. . .

Therefore, Liu Xing also feels that the future of Tokyo University is worrying. . .

"So, now we have become a broom star." Ishikawa Ling said something shocking again, leaving Liu Xing and others really speechless.

But to be honest, the players in the Cthulhu Run game lobby can all be said to be bad actors. Anyway, people will die wherever they go. . .

Therefore, Liu Xing couldn't help but want to mourn for his future college classmates.

It’s not them that’s wrong, it’s the world. . .

At this moment, Liu Xing's phone suddenly rang.

Liu Xing took out his cell phone and took a look and found that it was Alice calling.

It seems that Alice has also arrived in the island country.

"Hey, Alice, have you arrived at the island country?" Liu Xing answered the phone and said.

Alice on the other end of the phone laughed and said, "Yes, I have arrived in Tokyo. Where are you now? I will drive here directly."

Liu Xing told Alice the location.

Ten minutes later, Alice joined Liu Xing and his party.

After ordering breakfast, Alice said: "I have received an order from the Deep Diving Society to be responsible for establishing a contact point in the Tokyo area, so I plan to return to my old business and open a bar in Tokyo."

Liu Xing nodded and asked with a smile: "Well Alice, do you still know the branch of the deep diving club at Tokyo University? Which club is it? Or who is their leader?"

Alice shook her head and said with some confusion: "I really don't know about this. Although I have tried every means to get information, it seems that because this branch of the Deep Diving Society has a very important mission, the confidentiality factor is very high. "

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