Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 204: Changtian Technology is out of money

When Yuedong Internet and IDG cooperated, Chen Xiao put forward an additional condition.

The additional condition is to let IDG lend Chen Xiao 20 million RMB.

The 20 million RMB Chen Xiao has used most of it to acquire Jiangzhou Machinery Factory Zhongjing Company and transform its equipment to make it suitable for the production of pure carbon crystals.

That is to say, Chen Xiao has no money now.

The initial stage of technology products is to burn money. Even if Changtian Technology is now making profits from Lingyue MP3, its speed is far behind the current speed of Chen Xiao's money-burning.

Unless Lingyue MP3 can be mass-produced on a large scale, Changtian Technology can still break even so far.

Here comes a paradox.

Because Chen Xiao has no money, carbon crystal storage cannot be mass-produced.

And because carbon crystal storage can't be mass-produced, Chen Xiao can't make more money.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao hehe.

Sure enough, the step is too big, and it will pull the egg.

In the past six months, Chen Xiao has expanded his industrial chain too much.

He felt that it would take him a while to digest it properly.

Yuedong Internet can indeed make money. If it continues to develop at this scale, it will be able to make tens of millions of profits by the end of the year.

In the next few years, when the Internet encounters an outbreak period, Yuedong Internet will have a period of rapid growth, and it is not a problem that the annual profit will reach hundreds of millions of yuan.

But because the time period is too long, Chen Xiao can't wait.

However, according to the agreement between Yuedong Internet and IGD, the annual dividend attributable to shareholders is only 10% of the profit.

The remaining part of the profits will continue to be invested in the development of Yuedong Internet.

Chen Xiao sat on the laboratory sofa, drank a cup of strong tea, and thought about how to make money.

The best way to make money is of course financing.

If you want to raise money, you must come up with core technology.

There are currently three tranches available for financing.

The first part is Yuedong Internet.

However, Yuedong Internet has just completed the first round of financing, and there is no major breakthrough in products and users. At this time, Yuedong Internet has directly completed the second round of financing. Not to mention the dilution of the shares, there will not be a high premium, which is quite uneconomical.

The second part is the carbon crystal storage of Changtian Technology itself.

Carbon crystal storage is the world's leading storage device. Financing this technology will definitely be able to get a good price.

But Chen Xiao was unwilling to do so.

Carbon crystal storage is the core technology of Changtian Technology, and there are still a wide range of prospects and uses in the future. If the corresponding equity is diluted at this time and the financing is 100 to 200 million RMB, it seems to be able to solve the urgent need, but in the long run, it is The damage of Changtian Technology is very large.

Selling basic technology such as carbon crystal storage at a price of one or two hundred million will not do so as long as Chen Xiao does not have Alzheimer's.

The last one that can raise money is Lingyue Company.

Lingyue company is very famous all over the world, especially in the field of MP3, it can fully compete with Sony, Samsung and other companies without falling behind.

Moreover, Lingyue is only the application of technology products, and does not involve core technology.

As long as the MP3 equipped with carbon crystal storage can have a hot sales volume, Lingyue should be able to sell it at a good price.

There is something to give.

In the early stage of a technology company's startup, it is indeed necessary to sacrifice some interests in order to get something more long-term.

Chen Xiao reduced the company's expenses and used all the working capital to produce carbon crystal storage and Lingyue MP3.

He also found relevant departments in Jiangzhou City and made relevant loans with Changtian Technology as the carrier.

This kind of loan is far less convenient than later generations, and it is even more difficult for technology and innovation enterprises in inland cities to get loans.

It is almost impossible to get a loan of tens of millions. Chen Xiao has only borrowed more than 1 million. All these funds are used for the production of carbon crystal storage and the manufacture of the latest Lingyue MP3.

To be able to ensure that the first- and second-tier cities in Guomei Mall are stocked, Chen Xiao is doing his best.

On the day Lingyue MP3 went on sale, especially in Yanjing and Shanghai stock market, many people gathered in the Guomei exhibition hall.

Some of these consumers are people who are really willing to buy Lingyue MP3 to listen to songs, and some are professional reviewers from various media or newspapers and magazines.

Especially emerging technology magazines like "Computer Enthusiasts".

Among them, the test column for new products is very popular among readers.

There have been many negative news before the sales of Lingyue MP3 equipped with carbon crystal storage.

For example, the storage capacity is not as much as officially advertised, or the data stored in it is easy to lose, etc.

In order to get accurate information, each of these questions will definitely start with consumers one step ahead.

Only in this way can you ensure the timeliness and readability of your magazine news.

Wang Xiang is very worried about the sales of the new Lingyue MP3.

But he found that Chen Xiao was not at the company these days, and he couldn't help complaining: "Chen Xiao won't be still in the New Year these days, why aren't you nervous at all?"

Zhou Linghua also rushed from the factory to the company headquarters. He and Wang Xiang were drinking tea together, but he was actually very nervous.

The order Chen Xiao gave him was to gather all resources to produce Lingyue MP3.

This time, the company has made a lot of money. If the sales of the goods fail to meet expectations, then Lingyue Company is likely to encounter a break in the capital chain.

At that time, although Chen Xiao could use some of the funds of Yuedong Internet to rescue Lingyue Company through capital operation and borrowing.

But it is very risky and not very compliant.

Just when everyone was worried, Liu Xiaochuan, the representative of Yuedong Internet IDG, called Wang Xiang.

Liu Xiaochuan said, "Mr. Wang, I wonder if you are free now? I have something I want to talk to you about."

"I'll wait for you in the conference room."

Wang Xiang patted Zhou Linghua on the shoulder and left the office.

In the conference room, Liu Xiaochuan, who had just arrived for work, was waiting for Wang Xiang.

IDG is also one of the major shareholders of Yuedong Internet.

Therefore, IDG will send employees to work in Yuedong Internet.

Liu Xiaochuan is one of the shareholders' representatives. His daily work is to urge and supervise whether Yuedong Internet operates in accordance with the investment agreement between the two parties. As a contact of IDG and Yuedong Internet, he timely reflects some demands of Public Opinion Internet to IDG.

Yuedong Internet, the current operating conditions are very good, IDG is also quite satisfied, so Liu Xiaochuan rarely meets with Wang Xiang alone.

Wang Xiang and Liu Xiaochuan chatted for a while and asked, "What is Mr. Liu's order?"

Representatives of shareholders as major shareholders and directors of the board of directors.

Liu Xiaochuan was also appointed as the vice president of Yuedong Internet.

Liu Xiaochuan waved his hand and said, "I'm not looking for Mr. Wang this time for Yuedong Internet."

Liu Xiaochuan took a sip of tea, "I am entrusted by the headquarters, and I hope to discuss with President Wang whether our company can cooperate with Changtian Technology again."

Hearing Liu Xiaochuan say this, Wang Xiang was heartbroken.

He knew that the company was short of money during this time.

If you can get IDG financing again, then you will definitely be able to solve the company's urgent needs.

Chen Xiao was originally a very calm person. After the Spring Festival, he was looking for various relationships to run loans, which has already explained the problem.

Tech companies are really burning money.

This is completely different from the foundry where Wang Xiang was at the time.

And facing the ban of Netac and other companies, there are many industrial closed loops that need to be completed by Changtian Technology.

This is simple to say, but it is very cumbersome to implement. The main problem is lack of money.

There are many reasons for lack of money.

A Changtian Technology will upgrade the equipment of the carbon crystal production line.

Another is the influence of the lawsuit with Netac, as well as the negative reports on Changtian Technology by Western public opinion.

Many coastal manufacturers are reluctant to take orders from Lingyue in order to maintain friendly relations with Sony and other companies.

For example, an MP3 control button was originally produced by a factory in Yangcheng.

However, because this factory has cooperation agreements with companies such as Sony, it directly declined the order from Changtian Technology after the Spring Festival.

Zhou Linghua went to Yangcheng once after the Spring Festival, hoping to find other OEM companies.

However, it is found that most of the high-quality production enterprises have cooperation with Netac, Sony or Samsung and other companies.

Since then, this small part needs to be completed by Changtian Technology alone.

Although this small part is not valuable, if it is to be produced, it involves a whole set of equipment from production lines to raw materials, which is very expensive.

In order to ensure the quality of the products, Chen Xiao put an end to purchasing related parts from small factories, but let Zhou Linghua produce in the factory first, and then found a large foundry at the same time.

Lingyue MP3 has a very good reputation in the industry, but because the output is not large, in the eyes of coastal factories, it is just a small company, and it provides small orders.

It is normal to choose to cooperate with big factories and suspend cooperation with small factories.

Wang Xiang quickly cheered up and asked, "Mr. Liu is serious. I don't know what kind of cooperation your company is willing to carry out?"

Liu Xiaochuan pushed the materials that he had prepared to Wang Xia and said: "The headquarters has taken a fancy to the carbon crystal storage of Changtian Technology and is willing to invest in its Liu Xiaochuan said with a smile:" I have also heard that the capital chain of Changtian Technology is relatively tight during this period. I hope that this time our cooperation between the two parties will continue the good atmosphere of Yuedong Internet cooperation. "

What Liu Xiaochuan handed over was just a framework agreement.

The agreement did not say the specific amount, but it has been clarified that IDG will obtain the relevant equity of the company where the carbon crystal storage is located in the form of investment.

Liu Xiaochuan said: "The framework agreement did not mention the amount, but as far as I know, the amount should be eight figures, rice knife."

An eight-digit meter knife is hundreds of millions of RMB.

Wang Xiang's heart skipped a beat, and then his heart settled down.

On the one hand, Western academia and public opinion are strongly denying carbon crystal storage.

On the one hand, Western investment companies came to ask for investment.

How contradictory.

Who the **** is lying?

Obviously, capital does not lie.

Wang Xiang felt that during this period, Chen Xiao’s decision to let the company make every effort to produce carbon crystal storage was quite correct.

This wave of carbon crystal storage should be stable.


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