Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 222: The technological generation difference cannot be caught up

Text Chapter 222 The difference in technology generation cannot be caught up

Stan Chapter 222 Technology Generation Difference is one of the most famous and leading semiconductor laboratories in the world.

The reason why it is said to be the most advanced semiconductor laboratory in the world is that it includes the chip design of Pentium iii, scattered slc and mlc chips and related semiconductor integrated circuits. Many of its design ideas and design results come from this laboratory. nurtured talents.

Regarding the research and application of integrated circuits and semiconductors, politicians in the United States may have strategic confusion or unclear strategies due to some of their own purposes.

But in the capital and technology circles in the United States, everyone's thinking is indeed very clear.

The future must be the world of computers and the Internet, and the core of the computer Internet is semiconductors.

If you want to lead the world all the time, you must keep your semiconductor technology in the leading position in the world.

The emergence of carbon crystal storage completely disrupted the plans of the American elite team, including Fisher.

Because in the face of carbon crystal storage, the traditional storage methods in the past are not worth mentioning.

This means that the technological strategic advantage that the United States has spent decades building is gone.

This kind of feeling is like you have spent decades and finally learned the carving skills of a carpenter.

I turned around and found that the engraving technology on the market has been replaced by machines. No matter how good your technology is, no one is willing to hire you.

So are you still spending energy to study the slc, mlc or flc chips of flash memory?

Are you still using traditional means to study computer cpu integration?

This is the first big question before the US technology interface.

Fisher has just spoken to a professor in the physics lab.

Both parties agreed that the key technology that silicon carbide crystals can store information can be applied to not only carbon crystal storage.

If Changtian Technology and Xiaguo Academy of Sciences continue to research in accordance with this technological context, carbon crystal storage can be made into faster and smaller computer chips.

If the technology industry in the United States will follow the traditional way of researching chips or storage.

No matter how much money and time you spend, your technology will lag far behind carbon technology.

But if you give up the traditional way of research, go to carbon crystal storage.

The results obtained may be even worse.

After all, as far as carbon crystal storage technology is concerned, the entire U.S. science and technology community still understands it at the immature paper from Stanford University 10 years ago.

Only relying on this immature paper can not study anything useful.

The more he thought about it, the more panicked Fisher's heart was.

7 p.m. PT.

In the first academic lecture hall of Stanford University, dozens of people came to the meeting one after another.

These people are experts in the School of Computer and Materials, as well as expert professors in the Semiconductor Laboratory and Physics Laboratory.

Fisher also saw some familiar faces, the heads of Intel, Seagate's own Western Digital.

The meeting was chaired by the dean of the School of Physics, the Jewish Alexis.

The meeting has not started yet, but the atmosphere has become very grim.

Alex stood on the podium and said, "I believe that professors and gentlemen should know the topic of our emergency meeting this time."

"I believe everyone has received it in the past two days, a scientific research paper from the Physics Laboratory of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences."

"About silicon carbide crystals."

Alex walked around the podium impatiently and said: "If this is just a scientific research paper, it would be better, the most important thing is that at the same time as this paper was published, Xia Guo had already made a related products.”

"I know that some time ago, our physics laboratory and semiconductor laboratory have obtained relevant samples and conducted tests, and I have also seen relevant test reports."

"I called everyone here today to explain a situation."

"The National Academy of Sciences, as well as the Pentagon, have been quite concerned about this."

"The security of semiconductor materials and technologies is the security of the nation."

"Today we are just holding a meeting here, and we still need everyone to go down and form relevant plans and reports."

Alex stood on the podium and said: "Everyone can express their opinions and express their opinions now."

"I'm just asking three questions now."

"The first question, can the related technology of silicon carbide crystals be replicated in our laboratory?"

If the related technology can be replicated, the entire US technology community will try to breathe.

"The second question, can our traditional semiconductor technology compete with carbon crystalline semiconductor technology?"

"The third question, if our answer to the first two questions is no, is there a way we can prevent Xia Guo from developing related carbon crystal semiconductor technology."

After throwing these three questions, Alex said: "Please express your opinions."

"Mr. Fischer, you were the first to know the news. Tell me what you think."

From getting the carbon crystal storage thing to seeing the paper of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences today, Fisher has actually been thinking about these three issues.

He stood up and said, "Everyone knows that the physics laboratory and the semiconductor laboratory have conducted research on carbon crystal storage at the same time."

"We found that, according to the current technical means, we have no way to figure out the principle of carbon crystal storage, let alone imitate related technologies."

Fisher said helplessly: "I don't know if everyone is willing to listen, but I have to tell the truth."

"Compared with traditional semiconductor technology, silicon carbide semiconductor technology is already a cross-generational technology. The two sides are not on the same level. To be precise, there has been a generation difference."

This is actually the first question answered. According to the current technology of the United States, it cannot be replicated.

"This also answers the second question. It is something that has formed a technological generation gap. Therefore, if we continue to develop traditional semiconductor technology now, there is definitely no way to catch up with carbon technology."

"After 5 years and 10 years, the technical advantages brought by carbon crystal technology will be more obvious."

"As for the third question," Fisher said, "I have no way of answering it."

After Fisher finished speaking, he did it, and the whole venue was full of excitement.

Many experts and scholars began to argue and discuss.

"Impossible to copy? There is a technical generation difference? How is this possible?!"

"Xia Guo's computer industry, especially the semiconductor industry, is more than 30 years behind the United States, and it is absolutely impossible to catch up in one fell swoop!"

"There must be some skills in carbon crystal technology, otherwise why would such advanced technology be mastered by Xia Guo, who is backward in computers and the Internet?"

Fisher everyone's discussion, with a wry smile, he chose to close his eyes and rest.

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