Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 241: Upgrading may have to change the course of technological development

(Two updates today, make a transition)

Chen Xiao adjusted the reminder method of the system some time ago, so he doesn't need to give himself a reminder every time he increases his influence by 1 point.

According to the current situation, if a reminder is required for every additional point of influence, then Chen Xiao doesn't have to do anything every day, just watch the system.

The opening ceremony of the Shenchuan Jiangzhou branch is still going on. After Chen Xiao told Wang Xiang and Wu Jun, he walked out of the store to find a quiet drugstore entrance and sat down on a bench.

[The cumulative influence influence is 10078 points, the technology tree can be upgraded, and the next upgrade points will be 50000 points. 】

【Do you want to upgrade? 】

The cumulative influence has finally exceeded 10,000 points, which is a milestone event.

But the next upgrade requires 50,000 points. Chen Xiao has a headache looking at such a large number.

For so long, Chen Xiao has also understood some tricks of the system.

The same thing, over time, the influence will slowly diminish.

For example, when the carbon crystal hard drive was just published, it gained the most influence, and a single person can contribute several points or even more than ten points.

But now that the carbon crystal hard drive is officially launched, when it is installed in Shenchuan Computer for external sales, its influence will gradually weaken.

Users who have purchased the magic ship can contribute less than a bit of influence.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

A large amount can also make up a large number.

Without a doubt, Chen Xiao clicked to upgrade.

【Congratulations! Computer information, integrated circuit design has been upgraded. 】

[Integrated Circuit Design, LV8. 】

As expected, the system will systematically match his current situation.

Chen Xiao is now continuing to upgrade the integrated circuit, and it really came.

Chen Xiao looked at the system in detail

[Technology tree: medical biology (not lit); physical and chemical machinery (lit); computer information (lit)…]

[Expand computer information: 1. C language (LV8); C++, proficient (LV8). 2. Integrated circuit design (LV8)]

[Expand physical and chemical machinery: 1. Ordinary lithium battery technology (LV1)]

【Remaining Influence 78】

Integrated circuit design LV8, should be able to design carbon crystal memory.

This is the real technology worth hundreds of billions, and it is a monopolistic technology.

Most of the memory on the market today is SDRAM, and DDR is rarely used.

Performance can be described as garbage can not be more garbage.

Let's talk about the memory capacity, 128m is the commonly used data, 256 is considered to have better performance, if it is 512m, it is really a local tyrant.

If carbon crystal memory can be developed, it will definitely change the history of human computer and semiconductor development.

That is, the memory specifications of the future ddr2345 can not be developed.

After all, the read and write speed and storage capacity of stand-alone memory are much higher than those of later generations of memory.

Chen Xiao looked at the description of the carbon crystal memory in detail.

The core technology is exactly the same as that of the carbon crystal hard disk. The only thing to do is to perform a technical process so that it can read and write data at any time, instead of saving data like a hard disk.

This technical processing is simple to say, but it is still difficult to actually copy it, otherwise Chen Xiao will not be able to develop such a technology without upgrading to level 8.

After all, the traditional memory will not store any data after the power is turned off, and the carbon crystal storage requires a laser to allow the color center to store or write data, which is the major difference between the two.

Chen Xiao thought about the current output of carbon crystal storage.

In less than a month, the single-machine laboratory will be able to complete the production expansion. If you optimize the factory on Zhou Linghua's side, then there will be full production of carbon crystal memory.

As long as the carbon crystal memory is born, Chen Xiao will be able to secure financing or loans with previous products.

With sufficient funds, why worry about mass production?

The innovation of this part of the technology may still require the help of the relevant technical personnel of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

After all, the people in Chen Xiao's hands now have a slightly lower professional and technical ability than the experts and professors of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

However, Chen Xiao has already started a talent training plan.

At present, there are 5 excellent researchers in the stand-alone laboratory.

These researchers are not graduates of Shuimu University or prestigious universities of their age.

If you don't graduate from a famous school, of course you don't have the weird temperament of graduates from famous schools.

Whether it is a carbon crystal hard drive or a carbon crystal memory based on carbon crystal storage.

It has a complete technical principle. It does not require scientific researchers to develop from 0 to 1, but requires them to implement these technologies according to the technical principles handed to them by Chen Xiao.

Therefore, in terms of the quality of talents, Changtian Technology does not need those top scientific research talents. What Changtian Technology needs most are those obedient people who are willing to seriously implement scientific research theories according to the underwriting plan.

Therefore, the graduate students of ordinary key schools are Chen Xiao's favorite talents.

Chen Xiao has established a talent pool in Changtian Technology.

Talent is not something that can be achieved overnight, but needs to be discovered and cultivated slowly.

Chen Xiao believes that in time, Changtian Technology will have its own talent team, and it will be able to fully implement Chen Xiao's vision without the full assistance of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao let out a long sigh.

"Chen Xiao, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly someone called out, calling Chen Xiao out of his silent thoughts.

Chen Xiao turned his head and saw that it was his roommate Quanquan, Li Qiang and others.

Today is the last day of Labor Day holiday, and some roommates who went home also rushed back.

This semester, Chen Xiao rarely had time to live in the school, so he rarely met with several other roommates except for the one who majored in Power, who would meet during class.

Li Jiangyan said, "Chen Xiao, have you fallen in love and rented an apartment this semester? Why don't you go back to the dormitory?"

"There have been several times when the student council came to roll names, but you were not there. Fortunately, we covered it up for you."

The school spirit of Jiangzhou University is very strict. Freshmen and sophomores do not allow students to rent houses outside.

Chen Xiao's dormitory is Most of the students here are students from the Department of Economics and Management, and occasionally there are students in the computer category.

Therefore, the bed check usually falls on the head of the Student Union of the Department of Economics and Management.

According to the relationship between Chen Xiao and Wen Qi, and the president of the student union must be afraid of Chen Xiao, even if it is found out that Chen Xiao is not in the dormitory, my student union will not inform the school.

Then again, even if the students would inform the school, the school would not treat Chen Xiao like that.

So school rules are made for honest kids.

Chen Xiao said, "Come out for dinner at night?"

Hearing Chen Xiao's question, the power got excited and said, "Hey, Chen Xiao, you are so ignorant!"

"Shenchuan is going to open outside our school. We are here to join in the fun. Do you know Shenchuan? Their T1 series desktops have better performance than Lenovo's latest models!"

"I heard that this time it opens, you can try Shenchuan T1. Would you like to try it?"

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