Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 246: Is Changtian Technology not worth it?

Speaking of her work, Xie Linna said with great satisfaction: "I am now working in a non-profit organization. This time I am returning to Xia Guo, just to pay attention to Xia Guo's orphanages and provide some donations to these orphanages."

Xie Linna's remarks surprised Zhang Bo.

"Aren't you a finance major? Why are you doing such a thing? Americans also donate to the orphanage in Xia Guo?"

Xie Linna nodded and said, "The United States is the kindest country in the world. Not only do we need to donate to the orphanage in Xia Guo, to help these orphans grow up, and to help these children find overseas families who are willing to adopt them."

"We will also donate money to some poor countries in Africa, and also support children in these poor countries, so that they can grow up healthily with food and clothing."

"I'm in the financial side of doing donations."

Zhang Bo nodded and said, "You guys are fine."

Zhang Bo felt that what Xie Linna did was very meaningful, and it was a good thing to do public welfare no matter what.

But Xie Linna has a sentence that Zhang Bo does not agree with very much - the United States is the kindest country in the world.

To say that such a country is the kindest country in the world, Zhang Bo does not believe it.

Seeing Zhang Bo like that, Xie Linna understood in seconds.

She quickly said to Zhang Bo, "Don't believe the domestic media's reports on the United States, it is biased."

"Xia Guo's news is not free, only to show you the news they want to show you."

"And Zhang Bo, you have also gone to many places to find a job. You know the current situation of the Xia country. If you have the ability, you may not have a job. Those better jobs are reserved for those who are related."

"Their reports on the United States are bullshit. If the United States is really as bad as what the media reports say, why would so many students choose to study in the United States, and then settle there to get green cards?"

"Let's not talk about Jincheng University. Take Shuimu University as an example, the students who study in the United States the most every year are the students of Shuimu University, and those who can settle down are also students of Shuimu University."

"Those who can be admitted to Shuimu University are all dragons and phoenixes."

"They don't want to stay in Xia Country, you should know the truth."

"Think about it, if Changtian Technology was in a coastal city, he would let graduate students from coastal universities not go to a university in the northwest region?"

"Zhang Bo, we are both old classmates. Let me say something you don't like to hear very much."

"Why did Changtian Technology choose you? And not others?"

"Indeed, you do have the ability and skills, but Captain Tian Technology, you have the highest cost performance and the lowest asking price."

"If you have this kind of talent in the United States, let's not talk about the annual income of 1 million meters, but there must be 500,000 meters, right?"

"Those engineers in Silicon Valley in the United States don't start with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands of meters, but millions are entry-level."

"Then how much can you take in a month?"

Zhang Bo looked at Xie Linna.

Xie Linna said: "I just worked for a while, and my annual salary can reach 300,000 meters."

300,000, equivalent to more than 2 million RMB.

Since there is such a large income gap between the two.

Zhang Bo originally chatted with Xie Linna from a normal heart.

After Xie Linna praised herself for entering Changtian Technology, Zhang Bo also found the kind of confidence he never had before.

But as the days of the two continued to chat like this.

Zhang Bo's heart began to feel a little flustered and uncomfortable.

He thinks that his talent is no better than those of his classmates.

There is no comparison with Shelena.

Others don't know Xie Linna, but Zhang Bo does.

Although Xie Linna is studying at Jincheng University, she has a question mark on how to enter the university.

Its talent is even more impossible to compare with Zhang Bobo.

But her current income is much higher than Zhang Bo.

This made Zhang Bo very unconvinced.

At the dinner, Shelena's performance and her dining posture were very elegant and beautiful.

The two no longer talked about work, but talked about some trivial things in life.

Xie Linna will also complain that she will be insecure in the United States alone, and it will indeed be harder to work hard than in China.

Zhang Bo recalled some past events in the university.

Two hours later, this rather sumptuous western meal was finally finished.

Zhang Bo went to the counter to check out, but he didn't expect that this meal would cost him more than 1,000 yuan.

The bottle of red wine Xie Linna chose was worth more than 500 yuan.

The fee is indeed high, but in front of the girl, the man can't say no, he gritted his teeth and settled the account.

Before Zhang Bo took two steps, he heard several waiters at the counter whispering to him.

"This person seems to be eating Western food for the first time, right?"

"Maybe it is. Even the knife and fork are turned upside down. Cutting beef is like cutting wheat."

"It's also very old-fashioned, but the lady is really elegant, and she knows her skills at first glance."

Zhang Bo felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.

He thought about those classmates whose grades in college were not as good as They must also eat western food outside often.

After taking Xie Linna to the taxi, Zhang Bo did not return to the house he rented.

Because he didn't know what to do at home alone, he voluntarily went to Changtian Technology Carbon Crystal Laboratory to work overtime.

During this time, Changtian Technology's technology exploration laboratory was very busy.

According to Zhang Bo's information, one is carbon crystal storage, which must be mass-produced on a large scale. After all, the capacity upgrade is nearing completion.

Another is carbon crystal memory, which may be available.

When this thing comes out, Changtian Technology will definitely establish its position in the industry.

On the production line, Zhang Bo was flipping through the technical documents.

Supervise production line production.

In fact, the core production line of Changtian Technology has almost realized the production mode of unmanned and pure mechanization.

There are less than 5 people in the entire production line plus Zhang Bo. Zhang Bo is mainly concerned about the normal operation of these mechanical equipment.

But Zhang Bo was upset and felt that he couldn't calm down at all.

He kept thinking about the things Xie Linna told him.

Those classmates started with an annual salary of at least several hundred thousand meters in Silicon Valley.

If Changtian Technology is an American company, the annual salary of working in this American company will be at least one million.

It's a pity that I now have a salary of 7,000 yuan a month at Changtian Technology.

According to the house price of more than 2,000 in Jiangzhou, 100 square meters will cost 200,000.

Even if Zhang Bo does not eat or drink, it will take me more than two years to buy a 100-square-meter house.

And his classmates all lived in big villas in the United States.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bo's heart is even more troubled.

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