Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 252: Do you want to fight a price war with me?

The price reduction of hard disks is coming as promised.

Seagate, Western Digital, Meituo, IBM and other brands of hard drives have reduced prices by 200 to 400 yuan.

The price reduction of hard drives is of course an absolute benefit to Xiaguo computer parts sellers and PC manufacturers.

Lianxiang was the first to get the relevant news.

Yang Qing also hurriedly found Uncle Liu to discuss whether Lianxiang's PC would follow the hard drive price reduction.

Uncle Liu holds a newspaper in his hand.

This newspaper is the "Shen Xiao" of the day.

Before Yang Qing spoke, Master Liu knew what Yang Qing's purpose was today.

Lianxiang's family is now a big business. Although Yang Qing is in charge of specific work, the head of Lianxiang is still Uncle Liu.

"You want to say that the price of mechanical hard drives has dropped, right?" Uncle Liu continued to look at the newspaper and said, "Xiao Wang already told me just now."

The overall price reduction of mechanical hard drives has a great impact on Lianxiang, because Lianxiang is the PC factory with the highest shipments in Asia, and the amount of hard drives in demand is also huge.

The price reduction of hard drives will reduce Lianxiang's cost of producing computers and increase Lianxiang's profits.

If Lianxiang's PC price cuts, it will also attract more consumers.

"Liu Dong, you already know this." Yang Qing said quickly: "Our corresponding production costs will also be reduced. My suggestion is to lower the selling price of the complete PC to win more users."

Uncle Liu did not continue to mention this matter, but put the newspaper in front of Yang Qing.

Uncle Liu said thoughtfully, "This is today's newspaper, have you read it?"

"We Lianxiang have been established for so many years, and it is difficult to "Shen Xiao" last time, but Changtian Technology and Shenchuan have just been established, and the country has given them a very high evaluation."

Yang Qing was a little embarrassed.

Uncle Liu continued: "We have been in the PC industry for so many years. You and I all know that the technology of mechanical hard disks has become very mature last year and can be mass-produced."

"In Europe, America and Toyo, the price of mechanical hard drives has dropped significantly compared with previous years."

"Only in Xia Guo, the price of machine hard disks has been increasing in recent years."

"Even if we Lianxiang personally negotiated with Seagate, IBM, etc., the other party will not give in an inch, and there is no room for negotiation on the price issue."

"These companies in the West hope to make the most profit in Xia Kingdom, why did they suddenly choose to cut prices?"

Yang Qing's face was a little ugly.

Uncle Liu said helplessly: "Because of Changtian Technology, because of Changtian Technology's carbon crystal hard drive, they felt the crisis."

"Yang Qing, this time we did not cooperate with Changtian Technology. I think it may be one of the biggest mistakes in recent years!"

Looking at Uncle Liu's worried face, Yang Qing also said: "The US Computer Association and the Semiconductor Association have both sent letters. Whether single-machine hard drives can continue to exist in this market in the future, we have to put a question mark."

"On the contrary, I feel that the price reduction of hard disks from brands such as Seagate is a good thing. This is their first move to stabilize the market. If carbon crystal hard disks continue to affect the market share of mechanical hard disks, we do not rule out that Mi will take further measures."

Yang Qing didn't say anything later, because they didn't believe that the private technology companies of Yijia Xiaguo could compete with the entire US Semiconductor Association and its member units.

Yang Qing's idea is to take advantage of the price reduction of mechanical hard drives to expand Lianxiang's market share and profit margin as soon as possible.

At this point, Uncle Liu has nothing to do.

After a simple negotiation, Lianxiang decided to reduce the price of all PCs following the fluctuation of hardware prices.

At this time, Seagate Xiaguo agents were nervously concerned about the market reaction of Yanjing Zhongguancun and Shenzhen Huaqiangbei.

This time, Seagate's products have been greatly reduced in price in Xiaguo, the purpose is to stabilize their market in Xiaguo.

In May and June 2001, it was definitely a feast for Xiaguo computer hardware vendors and consumers.

The original price of an 80G hard drive of thousands of yuan, the current retail price is only more than 800 yuan, which is nearly 400 yuan lower than the price at the beginning of the year.

The fall in hardware prices has the consequence of stimulating market consumption.

Many consumers who were planning to buy a computer decisively at first saw that the price of the hard disk was actually reduced by 400 yuan, so they hurried to sell it.

Because in recent years, the price of hard disks has always been high, and now the price has been reduced.

The reduction in the price of hard drives also drives down the price of the overall PC.

The overall price of PCs at home and abroad, including Lianxiang, Dell, and HP, has dropped significantly.

Suddenly, 20G and 40G hard drives lost the market.

Merchants bargained and sold goods in large quantities, and 60g and 80g hard drives became the mainstream directly.

Agents are also keen to feel one thing - whether it is IBM or Seagate, Maxtor and other brands. The hard disk has achieved mass production on a large scale, and the price will be lower and lower.

Coupled with the existence of carbon crystal hard drives, the agents dare not raise prices to suppress the goods, and only hope that they can make more profits as soon as possible.

Now consumers are getting confused again.

In the end, should I spend a few hundred more to buy a magic ship equipped with a carbon crystal hard drive, or save a little and buy an 80G mechanical hard drive?

The 80G carbon crystal hard drive cost more than 900 pieces, and it was out of stock.

An 80G mechanical hard drive costs only 700 to 800 yuan, and the supply is sufficient.

Lianxiang seized this opportunity and directly stated that there is no "biggest, only bigger" slogan.

The high-end new series of PCs are all equipped with 80G hard drives, and the price has also dropped to a certain extent.

Moreover, at Lianxiang's major sales points, dealers will emphasize one thing to consumers: Lianxiang is the largest PC company in Asia, and has a history of more than ten years. Its products, whether it is after-sales or quality, will be guaranteed. . On the contrary, although some brands are cheap, after-sales issues are worth considering.

Although these dealers did not name certain brands, they could tell by a glance that they were talking about God Ships.

Wu Jun also felt the crisis. During this time, the sales speed of Shenchuan T1 series encountered a little obstacle.

When many consumers buy Shenchuan, they will take the initiative to ask whether the price of Shenchuan's carbon crystal hard drives will be reduced.

After all, Shenchuan emphasizes cost performance. Now that the price of mechanical hard drives is reduced, the cost performance of Shenchuan T1 series is not so obvious.

Wu Jun was still a little anxious at this time, thinking about whether to call Changtian Technology to inform about the price reduction of mechanical hard drives.

Who knows, there is no need for Wu Jun to worry about the sales price of the mechanical hard disk automatically adjusted by Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology has reduced the price of all series of mechanical hard drives by 400 yuan across the board.

This measure is quite ruthless, that is, the price of carbon crystal hard drives of the same capacity is almost the same as that of mechanical hard drives.

But after this policy came out, it was immediately opposed by Wu Jun.

Wu Jun hurried from Shenzhen to Jiangzhou to meet with Chen Xiao.

"The brand of Shenchuan has just been established. We have only sold the products of carbon crystal hard drives for two months. At this time, the price of carbon crystal hard drives has fluctuated so much that it will definitely hurt the feelings of old customers!"

What Wu Jun is most worried about is the loss of the brand This view has also been recognized by Wang Xiang, Zhou Linghua and other high-level executives.

After all, if a product just comes out and the price drops within a few days, what will consumers think?

Consumers will definitely think, then I will wait and the price will be lower.

This is also very damaging to the brand.

For example, second-tier luxury brand cars such as Cadillac in later generations.

The new car has been released, and the first reaction of consumers is that if you wait, it will drop by 100,000 or 80,000. It seems that he is sorry for his brand if the price is not reduced.

But Chen Xiao has a different view.

"What Shenchuan needs to do now is to seize the market, not just keep the brand."

"The price of new products is lower than that of old products, which will definitely make old users a little unhappy."

"That's how I thought about it."

Chen Xiao expressed his thoughts.

The price of carbon crystal hard drives will definitely decrease as the price of mechanical hard drives decreases.

But in order to take care of old users, Changtian Technology has formulated a policy.

Anyone who owns a carbon crystal hard disk can contact Shenchuan or the corresponding agent of Changtian Technology to replace and upgrade the hard disk for free.

That is, if you have a 60g carbon crystal hard drive in your hand, you can upgrade to 80g for free, and you can upgrade to 120g for 80g for free.

So what about 120g?

Can be upgraded to 160g for free.

Changtian Technology will take advantage of the trend to launch a 160g super-capacity hard drive, and its retail price will remain at 1,200 yuan.

When the news came out, the whole market was shocked.

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