Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 507: Mr. Ren came to visit

The communications industry is not a single discipline.

And the synthesis of mathematics, computer, network and so on.

Especially the talents in mathematics are the core talents in the communication industry.

Mathematics is a basic subject, and it is also the most lacking talent in Xia Guo.

In order to break through the 3G technology, Huawei recruited talents in mathematics at high salaries all over the world.

Around 2003, Xia Guo's annual per capita income was less than 10,000 yuan.

The average annual salary of white-collar workers in Shenzhen is only more than 20,000.

In this era, Warwick can offer these mathematicians an annual salary of more than 1 million.

It is enough to show the courage of Huawei, and it also shows that 3G technology is indeed related to the future of enterprises and countries.

But it is a pity, whether Huawei recruits scientific research talents with high salaries worldwide, or buys relevant 3G technologies with a large amount of money around the world.

The achievements are few and far between.

Overseas, especially Western companies, are absolutely reluctant to sell their core technologies to the people of Xia.

Therefore, it is impossible for Warwick to acquire technology from overseas.

And relying on a private enterprise to break through 3G communication technology from scratch is quite difficult.

So far, Warwick has only been circling at the door of 3G.

Seeing that a breakthrough is about to be made, new problems have arisen in terms of algorithms and other aspects.

Warwick is also quite difficult internationally.

In terms of 2g communication technology, it has finally opened up foreign markets.

Because of the similarity of some products, Cisco was directly brought to court.

This is an international lawsuit, which gives Warwick quite a headache.

Huawei is currently facing the predicament that 2G global expansion is constrained, and 3G technology is far behind the West.

At present, the 2G era is passing, and the 3G era is coming.

Huawei is quite clear that if he cannot break through in technology, he will definitely be eliminated by the times.

Business orders will also plummet.

Warwick has come to the moment of life and death.

At this time, Changtian Technology has easily come up with 3G technology, and seeks to cooperate with Huawei to jointly establish 3G base stations.

Huawei's communication technology department did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported the matter to the highest level of the company.

At present, the head of Warwick is still Ren Fei and Ren Zong.

Mr. Ren looked at the plan of Changtian Technology Co., Ltd. to build base stations brought by the technical force.

My heart was beating wildly, and there was an indescribable feeling.

He just watched Xiaguo TV's 2003 national highest science and technology is the state's commendation.

One of the winners is Chen Xiao, the founder of Changtian Technology.

Ren Fei attaches great importance to the National Highest Science and Technology Award, and knows that it is not easy to obtain this award.

Chen Xiao won the award at such a young age, which also shows his extraordinary qualities.

Unexpectedly, while watching the news about Chen Xiao here, Changtian Technology has developed 3G communication technology that does not lag behind the Western world.

Ren Fei has also seen Chen Xiao's acceptance speech, and can feel that Chen Xiao is in the same category as himself.

Put the development of national science and technology in the most important position.

Communication networks are one of the most important security areas of a modern country.

If this technology is in the hands of Westerners and a monopoly is achieved, the consequences for Xia Guo will be disastrous.

Why did Xia Guo delay to allow 3G communication technology to enter the country?

It is also one of the country's considerations that we do not want specialized technology to be monopolized by the West.

On the one hand, we do not want 3G technology to be monopolized by the West, so that a large number of state-owned and private enterprises in China will jointly develop 3G technology.

On the other hand, domestic communication companies are afraid to use 3G technology for profit reasons.

Maybe this is a contradiction.

Ren Fei put the base station construction plan sent by Changtian Technology on the table, and he took a sip of water from the cup on the table.

I feel that I should go to Jiangzhou anyway.

If the construction plan given by Changtian Technology is true.

Then Ren Fei has reason to believe that as long as Huawei can seize this opportunity, not only will it be able to survive, but it will also be possible to cooperate with Changtian Technology to create an era of communication belonging to the people of Xia.

Therefore, Ren Fei said to his assistant: "Buy a ticket to Jiangzhou immediately, and make an appointment with Changtian Technology by letter and phone, saying that I hope to have a talk with their President Chen."

This time, Ren Fei did not ask the assistant to ask Wang Xiang, the chairman and general manager of Changtian Technology, but the actual controller Chen Xiao.

It is also because Ren Fei believes that this negotiation is a matter of life and death.

Three days later, Ren Fei went to Jiangzhou.

In 2003, Warwick was already a well-known communications company in the country.

The establishment of Huawei also happened to coincide with the rapid development of Xia Guo's communication business.

Mobile phone users have gone from 0 to nearly 300 million.

The construction of a large number of 2G communication base stations at home and abroad has made Huawei a world-renowned communication company.

This time, Ren Fei went to Jiangzhou secretly, so the outside world did not know.

If the relevant leaders in Jiangzhou knew about it, Ren Fei would personally come to Jiangzhou to negotiate business with Changtian Technology.

Not only will I go to the airport to meet you in person, but I may regret it, why I can't keep Changtian Technology in Jiangzhou.

After Song Yi got the news from Warwick, she immediately reported to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao arranged for Wang Xiang to go to the airport to pick him up.

In Chen Xiao's office at Changtian Technology Headquarters in Jiangzhou.

Ren Fei has been feeling emotional since he arrived at the headquarters until now.

He thinks that he is a relatively economical person, but the headquarters of Changtian Technology is even more shabby than he imagined.

Not to mention an independent building, even the office building has only two floors, and it's just plain decoration.

Ren Fei and Chen Xiao meet in the office.

Chen Xiao also looked up and down Ren Fei.

He felt something strange.

After all, Huawei was one of the few technology companies that could make the United States tremble in the era when Chen Xiao was reborn.

The communication business is far ahead of global technology, and the mobile phone business, especially the design of mobile phone chips, makes the IC industry in the United States and the capital behind it sleepless.

In the era when Chen Xiao was reborn, many netizens sighed that it would be nice to have more companies like Huawei in the afternoon.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones.]

But Chen Xiao was sighing, why couldn't a company like Huawei start earlier?

It's not that Xia Guo's scientific and technological innovation company does not exist, but it is too short-sighted.

There are too few companies that can cultivate technology for many years and can generate more than 15% of the annual income as scientific research.

To make a horizontal comparison, Lianxiang started almost at the same time as Huawei, and the resources in its hands are much better than those of Huawei who fight alone.

But it has been blinded for decades. After the decades have passed, it used to be a computer assembly terminal, and now it is still a computer assembly terminal.

Chen Xiao and Ren Fei are both technical, so there is less smoothness between businessmen and go straight to the main body.

Chen Xiao did not hide it, and directly added the technical solution of 3G communication, and even handed some more sensitive information to Ren Fei.

Ren Fei and his core executives, including senior companies in the 3G Technology Department, circulated each other.

When everyone looked at this technical document, they were both emotional and shocked.

Ren Fei, [Influence +50]

There is a feeling of death in the morning and evening.

The development of communication technology, in fact, is completely in line with the development of human science and technology.

Human history has a long history of slavery and feudalism, but once it enters industrial civilization, the breakthrough of science and technology is quite rapid.

The same is true of communication technology. The technological breakthroughs from 1, 2G to 3G era are quite difficult.

But as long as 3g technology is broken through, then 4g and 5g are logical.

Ren Fei asked: "Why didn't Changtian Technology cooperate with domestic communication companies? Instead, they have to build 3G base stations in Jiangzhou themselves."

Faced with this question, Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang both gave a wry smile.

Communication is fundamental engineering.

It is best to be led by a related company affiliated with the state.

But no matter what, King Xiang is intentional, and the goddess is ruthless.

Ren Fei has also dealt with these companies, so Chen Xiao doesn't need to say more, he probably knows what's going on.

Ren Fei asked: "So what is your company's plan? Build relevant base stations in Jiangzhou to meet internal communications?"

Chen Xiao nodded and said: "According to the relevant laws of the country, it is illegal to build a communication base station without permission, so the communication base station we built is only experimental."

"It is only used to serve the employees of Changtian Technology, and it can be extended to the students of Jiangzhou University at most."

Chen Xiao said: "The cooperation method we have adopted is that we hope to ask Mr. Ren to help with the construction in the form of technical disclosure."

Chen Xiao took out a more detailed agreement and said, "I know that Huawei's company structure is different from that of most companies. Your company is 100% employee-owned without any social investment."

"So the agreement I set with your company is, technology exchange."

"Huawei can use Changtian Technology's 3G technology to move out to build base stations, but Changtian Technology will charge a certain amount of patent technology fees."

"Of course, if Huawei has developed a communication technology that is higher than that of Changtian Technology, then the technology will also be shared with Changtian Technology, and at the same time, the intellectual property fee that your company should pay for using Changtian Technology's intellectual property rights will be deducted."

This kind of cooperation agreement of Chen Xiao is completely designed for Huawei.

Exchange technology with technology, and exchange property with property rights.

If you don't have the relevant technology, just pay royalties.

After all, Huawei is a joint-stock company without social investment, and it is not realistic for Changtian Technology to exchange equity for equity or technology to acquire shares of Huawei.

When Chen Xiao restructured Changtian Technology, he positioned Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology must follow the scientific and industrial route, that is, to firmly grasp the most advanced science and technology, in order to obtain profits.

Industrial production is only on the back burner.

A Warwick communication company currently employs 20,000 to 30,000 people.

That is to say, if Chen Xiao asked Changtian Technology to set up a communication construction subsidiary, there would be 20,000 to 30,000 talents needed.

When Chen Xiao built this kind of constructive company, he didn't know that the Year of the Monkey was gone.

Moreover, this development trend is not in line with Chen Xiao's development concept of less and more refined.

Therefore, rather than establishing a communication construction subsidiary, it is better to invest in existing communication companies with technology.

This is not to say that the efficiency is high, and the profit is also high.

Moreover, the wolf-like culture of Warwick itself has a very strong fighting power, which can help Changtian Technology to quickly capture the market.

Changtian Technology may also gain unexpected gains.

Chen Xiao still said that money is endless, but technology can achieve monopoly.

What Changtian Technology wants to do is not to make money in any industry, but to realize the monopoly of key industries and key technologies.

To achieve this goal, it is not enough to rely on Changtian Technology to fight alone.

It is necessary to let more Xiaguo technology companies rely on Changtian Technology as the center, and bind them to the chariots of Changtian Technology to form an attack matrix, so that they will be more combat effective.

And Warwick, which has achieved great success, is an important part of the matrix.

Hearing Chen Xiao's cooperation plan, Ren Fei was quite surprised and touched.

Just half a year ago, Huawei wanted not to lag behind Western telecommunications companies such as Nokia and Ericsson.

Almost holding cash to go to Europe and the United States to buy the right to use 3G technology.

But it's a pity that if you have money, the other party will not sell it to you.

The other party is to achieve a complete monopoly in the field of communication.

Ren Fei thought that Chen Xiao would make excessive demands, but he did not expect Chen Xiao's cooperation to be quite sincere.

In this way, Warwick can obtain 3G technology at a price that it can afford.

Ren Fei was quite moved. Sure enough, both of them were technology companies of Xia Guo, and they both had the same purpose.

If Ren Fei knew, if Changtian Technology didn't step in at this time, Warwick Russia's R&D center would break through 3G technology in a few months, and I don't know if he would still be moved.

Ren Fei immediately signed a cooperation agreement on the construction of 3G communication base stations on behalf of Huawei and Changtian Technology, and obtained a relatively complete 3G communication technology from Changtian Technology.

Watching the signing of the contract, Chen Xiao is also often I don't know whether the historical development trend of this parallel world that I was reborn in is the same as the world I used to be.

If it is the same, after a few months, Huawei can break through 3G technology alone.

Ren Fei knew the result, and he would probably slap Chen Xiao on the head.

However, times have changed and history has changed.

Seeing Chen Xiao's sincerity, Ren Fei couldn't give birth to an important matter immediately.

In the name of the chairman of Huawei, he hired Chen Xiao as an honorary employee of Huawei, and gave Chen Xiao a certain amount of shares.

Although there are not many shares, it is on the same level as the ordinary senior management of Huawei, but this also shows that Ren Fei intends to strengthen the cooperation between the two parties.

The two parties also agreed that they would not announce any news of 3G technology until the test on Jiangzhou was completed.

The negotiation between the technical man and the technical man went very smoothly.

Two days later, Ren Fei returned to Shenzhen.

At the same time, Huawei's technical team immediately began to tackle key problems in 3G communication base stations according to the technical disclosure provided by Changtian Technology.

At the beginning of October 2003, more than 200 engineers and technicians were led by Pen Yang, the transmission project manager of Warwick Communications, and entered Jiangzhou from Shenzhen.

The related communication equipment also arrived in Jiangzhou by land.

When Chen Xiao learned that it was the project manager Pen Yang who came to lead the construction team, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

Talent is abundant, talent is abundant.

This Penyang is definitely a talent, an expert in communication construction, and his future life course will bring many surprises to Huawei.

Chen Xiao now has a feeling, as if players are playing "Three Kingdoms Heroes" in the early days, and from time to time they will discover the fierce generals of various princes in the future.

Do you want to jump up?

Chen Xiao thought wickedly.

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