Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 582: huge theft

The old lady sighed and didn't know what to say to comfort her son. The hospital was urging the payment of medical expenses. The old lady planned to tell Ye Zhiguo, but now that Ye Zhiguo was like this, the old lady couldn't bear it.

Until Ye Zhiguo went to work, the old lady didn't mention the medical expenses. Ye Qingqing checked the time. Ye Zhiguo was half an hour earlier than usual. He used to be the chief of the security section, so he didn't need to go early. It's morning shift.


The old lady sighed, ate a bowl of rice, and went upstairs. She wanted to use the private money hidden in the wall to pay for the medical bills. The son is uncomfortable enough now, so don't irritate him anymore.

The hospital has to pay another 800 yuan. The old lady was so distressed that she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't owe the hospital money.

The old lady is going to pay for the medical expenses first. After Shen Yanhong is discharged from the hospital, she will ask her for money. This sao must have money in her hands. She doesn't need to deliver meals during this time, and asks the nurse to buy delicious food every day.

Hmph, after she is discharged from the hospital, she will clean up this sassy widow, and she will not lose a cent of her money!

Why did the Sao widow steal and sell wild seeds, and the Ye family had to pay for it!

Ye Qingqing reluctantly swallowed half a bowl of soaked rice, but she couldn't eat it anymore. She planned to go outside to buy Xiaolongbao to eat. She just picked up her schoolbag when she heard the old lady's scream from the second floor, followed by a thud, and it was gone. sound.

Ye Qingqing screamed badly. She dropped her schoolbag and rushed to the old lady's room. The old lady fell on the ground and didn't know what to do. The bed was removed, and there was a brick on the ground, revealing a black hole in the wall.

The old lady held a piece of cloth tightly in her hand, clenched her teeth, and her face was pale.

Ye Qingqing knew at a glance that she was in a hurry, and she didn't know what happened to the old lady. She hurriedly took out the silver needle and stabbed the needle in the middle of the old lady, and the old lady woke up leisurely.

"A thief's bone... a thief's bone (meaning a thief)!"

The old lady was in a hurry to get up, her whole body seemed to have been beaten by frost, she was ten years older.

"Grandma, what did you lose?" Ye Qingqing wondered, when did a thief come to the house.

"The banknotes, 4,000 yuan... all gone... Damn thief's bones!" The old lady shook the cloth in her hand, so anxious that she couldn't speak.

Because of Shen Yanhong's accident, the old lady was so busy that she hadn't found time to look at her precious savings. I only remembered today, but it was empty. There was only a piece of cloth left, and I didn't give her any money.

The theft of a huge sum of 4,000 yuan made the old lady feel more heartbroken than stabbed with a knife. She managed to save so much money, but now it was all stolen by thieves.

Ye Qingqing understood as soon as she heard it was money. The old lady didn't like to keep money in the bank and was used to hiding it herself. This hole in the wall was quite secret. Generally speaking, thieves were unlikely to find it.

Besides, there are people in the house day and night, so there is no way for thieves to patronize them, only possible thieves!

Ye Qingqing asked the old lady when the last time she hid money was a few days before Shen Yanhong's accident. She was more and more sure that she was a thief.

"The money must have been stolen by the family of three."

The old lady slowly regained her senses and came to understand. She was at home the rest of the time except for shopping for groceries for an hour. The thieves definitely had no chance, and she couldn't find a place to hide her money.

"I can't beat them to death!"

The old lady immediately regained her vigor and rushed downstairs, picking up the bamboo stick and pumping at Ye Hua. Ye Hua was beaten inexplicably and cried, but Ye Qingqing felt that it was not Ye Hua. This kid is not that smart yet, but she didn't stop her, and Gu Zi went to school.

. m.

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