Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 659: Changeling

There are a lot of people in the paternity test department. The doctor hasn't gone to work yet. Everyone is sitting in the corridor waiting. The atmosphere is a little gloomy.

If you think about it, you have come to do a paternity test. It's no wonder you are in a good mood!

Ye Zhiguo also sat down, Lu Mo sat next to him, Ye Zhiguo looked up, his expression was cold, and he did not recognize him.

The seats in the hallway were full, but everyone was silent, unlike other places where strangers would exchange a few words.

Lu Moyirong became a middle-aged man in his forties. At first glance, his wife ran away with someone, and his head was full of grass.

He often performs special tasks, and disguising is a skill that must be learned. Now he is sitting in front of Ye Zhiguo, looking like a poor man. Ye Zhiguo didn't recognize him at all.

" also ran away with someone?"

Lu Mo got closer, his unshaven face squeezed out an extremely wretched smile, if Ye Qingqing saw it, his eyes would definitely fall to the ground.

Unexpectedly, how could Lu Mo, who is so beautiful in her heart, laugh so cheaply?

Ye Zhiguo stared angrily, turned his head and ignored him. In his opinion, he is much better than a useless waste like Lu Mo. At least he has a decent job, lives in a garden house, and has two wives!

Lu Mo smiled, ignoring Ye Zhiguo's indifference at all, and continued to approach, and rambled about his tragic history.

"My wife ran away with a wild man, and the daughter who has been raised for more than ten years, the older I get, the less like me..."

Ye Zhiguo felt a thorn in his heart, no matter how he heard it, he felt that this useless experience was so similar to him, maybe it was the same sickness, so he couldn't help being a little kind to Lu Mo, and slowly chatted with Lu Mo.

"Don't talk, the more you talk, the more embarrassed, I'm going to smoke a cigarette, brother or not?" Lu Mo got up.

Ye Zhiguo was more and more depressed by Lu Mo's intentional or unintentional words, and his cigarette addiction became hooked. After going to the bathroom with Lu Mo, the two of them talked more.

"I'm going to pee, I guess the doctor is already at work."

Ye Zhiguo put the briefcase by the sink, carried his pants to the urinal, and turned his back to Lu Mo.

In just a few seconds, Lu Mo took a shot, opened the briefcase, took out the small plastic bag containing Ye Lan's hair, replaced the hair inside with Ye Qingqing's hair, put it back in the briefcase, and wrote a note. Good rope buckle, placed exactly the same as before.

As soon as it was done, Ye Zhiguo turned his head and shouted at him, "You don't pee?"

Lu Mo smiled awkwardly and waved his hands again and again, "No, I never go to the toilet outside."

Ye Zhiguo smiled clearly, and glanced at Lu Mo The depression when he went out in the morning dissipated a lot at this time.

In any case, compared to the failed man in front of him, he is a winner in life!

Watching Ye Zhiguo hand a few small plastic bags to the doctor with his own eyes, Lu Mo made a random excuse and left the hospital.

After school in the afternoon, Lu Mo told Ye Qingqing the good news.

"Great, there will be a good show to watch in two days!"

Ye Qingqing made no secret of her schadenfreude, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Is it a bag dropped by mynah?"

Being able to make a bun in front of Ye Zhiguo's face without knowing it, Ye Qingqing felt that it should be Ding Ba.

But goose-

Lu Mo's face darkened, and his heart was a little stuffed. In a very calm tone, he said lightly, "It's me!"

. m.

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