Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 642: Six hundred forty six

Back at the apartment, Chi Shuyan didn't forget the herbal medicines she bought before, and as soon as no one was there, she immediately entered the Universe Ring, ready to plant all the herbal medicines.

Because it was her first attempt at cultivating spiritual grass, Chi Shuyan did not immediately do it. Instead, she went to Qiankun Jiecao to see if there were any specific steps and operating bamboo slips for cultivating spiritual grass.

Chi Shuyan searched for a long time, and it really allowed her to find some steps to cultivate the Millennium Spirit Grass.

It is said that Tianhe soil is the most suitable for cultivating spiritual grass. Tianhe soil itself contains very strong spiritual energy, but it has to cooperate with the spirit gathering formation to successfully cultivate spiritual grass to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

If there is no gathering formation, it is natural to only cultivate spiritual grass with natural heavens, but it will take a long time. For example, it takes a long time to cultivate a thousand-year-old herb. There is no gathering formation. It takes more than ten years and several decades. If it is a lower-year herbal medicine, let alone whether it can be cultivated into a thousand-year-old spiritual grass, the cultivation time will take at least several decades, even some hundreds of years.

Chi Shuyan was originally quite excited, but when she saw these decades and hundreds of years, her face was a little confused, the excitement before was immediately poured into a basin of cold water with the twelfth lunar month of winter, and her heart was chilled.

At this time, Chi Shuyan naturally did not feel that the spirit gathering array here refers to her low-profile version of the spirit gathering array. It is mentioned above that all the spirit gathering arrays need top-grade spirit stones. If there is a gathering of top-grade or high-grade spirit stones. With the combination of the spirit formation and the natural earth, it will be possible to cultivate a century-old herbal medicine into a thousand-year-old spirit grass in about a month or two.

But at this moment, she doesn't talk about top-grade or high-grade spirit stones, even ordinary low-grade spirit stones.

Chi Shuyan was still unwilling to think about it, and planned to replace the spirit stones with jade jade artifacts, and first tried to cultivate a batch of spirit grasses.

Even if she had to wait for decades and a hundred years, she couldn't help it now.

She had thought that she had this golden finger before, but in the future she would have a pill with a concentration comparable to the spiritual energy of the cultivation world, so she didn't have to worry about being promoted. How can I know what kind of superb spiritual stones are needed to cultivate the Millennium Spirit Grass?

Chi Shuyan now doesn't expect any thousand-year spirit grass, but hopes that these decades of herbal medicine can be cultivated into a century-old spirit grass under her low-profile version.

Chi Shuyan put the herbs he bought back in Tianhe soil according to the above method, and then took out a lot of jade tiles, input each jade tile into the spirit, and set up a low-profile version of the spirit gathering array.

When the spirit gathering formation was set up, the jade tiles buried under the Tianhe soil immediately shot out white lights that overlapped into the spirit gathering formation. The original ordinary herbs were dyed with light aura under the spirit gathering formation.

Chi Shuyan looked at it a few more times, confirming that the herbal medicine just planted was full of energy, and then he was relieved to release the Qiankun Ring.

Because he has to go to school tomorrow, Chi Shuyan doesn't plan to go anywhere today. As for Zhou Manqing and Fu Shiyin's affairs, she waited for the other person to come to the door and talk about it before finding a corpse with a character similar to Zhou Manqing.

Fearing that the two of them were too sticky, Chi Shuyan was afraid that Fu Shiyin had forgotten this, so he personally sent a text message to remind him.

After sending the text message, Chi Shuyan turned on the TV and saw various reports after watching the advertisement for a while. Naturally, it was reported that Zhou Manning's body was found in the closed office.

The fact that Zhou Manning was also cemented to the wall of the villa caused a great sensation.

Everyone didn't think much about it. Most of the things they thought about were retribution. At the beginning, she sealed her sister in a mud wall with cement because of all kinds of jealousy and selfishness. Now she is sealed by the cement as it is. It can only be said that it is retribution, so that people cannot lose their conscience.

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