Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 801 Financial Crisis

Entering the second half of August, the North American box office of "Transformers 2" has reached the threshold of 400 million US dollars, and the global box office is close to 900 million US dollars. Ryan also received his first share of the starring role and producer, which is as high as The $70 million in funds, after withholding taxes, was transferred to Sandy's trust fund by him.

At the same time, "Iron Man 2", which was released in early May, was officially released from North America, taking away a box office figure of 345.52 million U.S. dollars. The global box office also passed the threshold of 700 million U.S. dollars. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

After the North American box office of "Robot Wall-E" exceeded 200 million US dollars, the growth figures became extremely slow. According to the box office trend, North America should finally be able to win a little more than 220 million US dollars, and the global box office is about 530 million US dollars. , Disney's idea of ​​getting back its money through the box office is bound to fail.

Fortunately, although the sales of the film's peripheral products are not very good, they can always sell a lot, and there are follow-up DVD videotapes, Internet on-demand, and TV copyrights, so there is no problem in achieving profitability.

"Wall-E" and "Transformers 2" can be described as two extremes. Telling a good story may not win the market, but making a movie based on the current market demand has a significantly higher possibility of getting a big hit.

No one can deny that "Wall-E" is far better than "Transformers 2", but the two sides are at least two grades behind in terms of income for the production company.

Ryan is not just an actor, he represents the interests of Disney, a huge business group, especially at this stage, Disney must come up with beautiful profit figures to tide over the next difficulties.

When entering September, the shadow of the financial crisis immediately enveloped the entire North American sky.

Since August 2007, the Federal Reserve has predicted the possibility of a crisis, and they injected liquidity into the financial system to increase market confidence. The US stock market has also been able to maintain a high level, and the situation does not seem to be too bad.

However, in August this year, the stock prices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two giants of American mortgages, plummeted. To demonstrate the government's determination to deal with the crisis.

But what followed was that Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, the world's two top investment banks with total assets of US$1.5 trillion, had problems one after another. The former was forced to file for bankruptcy protection, and the latter was acquired by Bank of America; the total assets reached US$1 trillion. American International Group, the world's largest insurer of the US dollar, is also struggling. While the U.S. government chose to take over to stabilize the market, it said it could "do nothing" to other financial institutions.

This is only part of the outbreak of the crisis, affected by the financial market, the stock market began to turmoil.

The big Hollywood companies are basically listed companies,

Inevitably suffered shocks. For example, Walt Disney, despite a series of blockbuster films and the imminent opening of Disneyland in the Far East, its market value still fell by nearly 11% in the short term.

However, the company has long been prepared internally and has abundant cash flow. The countermeasures are appropriate, and in recent years, almost all of them have taken the road of investment in film production and distribution, without too complicated guarantee and debt relationship, and the impact is not particularly large.

Although there will be losses. But under Ryan's early warning, Disney's losses are relatively limited.

Giants in other industries, especially the financial industry, were not so lucky. By mid-September, the only two remaining investment banks on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Stanley. All had to apply to the US Federal Reserve to transform into a bank holding company in order to avoid risks.

With the transformation of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley into commercial banks. "Wall Street investment bank" in the traditional sense disappeared as a historical term.

The federal government and the Federal Reserve have proposed a series of rescue programs, but they have caused public dissatisfaction.

Sixty-five percent of the American people are opposed to the government’s aid plan. They believe that the big banks first advocated capitalist-style laissez-faire expansion, but now they demand a socialist way to rescue the big banks with money from the national treasury. The capitalists, the common people are unemployed, bankrupted and lost their houses.

This also laid the groundwork for the future Occupy movement early.

As the media group second only to 'Time Warner-AOL' in the United States, representatives of the White House and Wall Street successively appeared in Walt Disney's headquarters in Burbank. Ryan's phone was almost blown up. In particular, the Jewish group on Wall Street strongly requests the media to release guiding public opinion that the market has begun to stabilize and improve...

The chief of staff of the White House and the head of the New York branch of the National Jewish Association visited Jenkins Manor successively. Facing the favors offered by the other party, Ryan naturally would not push the door away.

To be precise, they belonged to the same class, and protecting the interests of this class was a necessary choice, not to mention making Wall Street owe a lot of favors.

How can we divert domestic conflicts? The best way is definitely to find an enemy from the outside. The economic crisis has a huge impact, and the public in the United States cannot be completely fooled by the media. If there is a public enemy, it will definitely distract part of the complaints against Wall Street and the federal government.

When major media groups including Walt Disney and other major media groups that reached an agreement with Wall Street were looking for suitable external conflicts, someone jumped out in a hurry and acted as the best target.

"This is the punishment of Allah. This is a disaster that Allah has befallen the Americans. It is the result of Western countries' imposing sanctions on Iran. Americans must pay the price for their stupid actions!"

On September 20, at the OPEC General Assembly, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once again made remarks aimed at the United States.

The whole world is used to such words. It would be strange if Iran jumped out and shouted a few words from time to time.

But Ahmadinejad is obviously prepared, and he didn't come to the OPEC meeting to blow empty guns.

"The West got our oil, but gave us worthless waste paper - the dollar! In order to deal with the economic crisis caused by the depreciation of the dollar, Iran will transfer a large part of its foreign exchange reserves to other currencies."

Even, Ahmadinejad strongly called on OPEC to launch a new currency by itself, "We should establish an Economic Cooperation and Development Organization and a trade bank, as well as carry out currency cooperation, use the 'single currency' for trade among member countries, and then use it in other countries and neighboring countries. Implemented in the country."

It sounds like a very good suggestion, but no one responded. If OPEC really launched its own currency, how would the United States react? Not to mention the constant internal disputes among the member states, even if a consensus is reached, I am afraid that war will break out in the Middle East immediately.

Iran and Ahmadinejad obviously want to drag all OPEC members into black water, and use OPEC as a shield for the hostility of the United States and even the entire Western society against Iran.

The news spread back to North America, and the mainstream media reported on Iran’s rebellion. This public enemy of the United States occupied important sections of print media, TV, radio and the Internet. In the rendering of the mainstream media, it seemed that the status of the US dollar would be disintegrated in the next moment. The entire American economy will collapse completely, and the evil and tyrannical Iranians will completely occupy North America.

To a certain extent, the Iranian news hyped by the mainstream media has dispersed some of the people's resentment towards Wall Street.

At this moment, the Pentagon announced that a training ship deployed in the Persian Gulf area was hit by an Iranian ship, injuring three soldiers. The training ship had to be abandoned because of serious damage, and finally sank in Persia. in the bay.

Once the news was announced, there was an uproar throughout North America. Television stations and other Disney-controlled media were the first to shout out the voice of dispatching an aircraft carrier formation to the Persian Gulf.

The cloud of war hanging over the Persian Gulf has diluted some of the impact of the economic crisis in North America.

"The status of the U.S. dollar as the world currency is not only related to the interests of the whole United States, but also to the interests of every ordinary people."

Looking at Taylor holding Sandy, Ryan continued to Nicole, "The last one who wanted to challenge the status of the dollar was the euro. As a result, the Kosovo war broke out, and the euro lost the best chance to challenge the dollar."

"So..." Taylor turned his eyes away from Sandy and looked at the couch here, "Iran has violated our bottom line?"

"It can be said that." Ryan waved at his smiling daughter, "The status of the U.S. dollar as a world currency is not only related to the interests of the federal government and Wall Street, but also the interests of each of us, so Iran It has touched one of the most sensitive nerves in America."

"The ship that sank in the Persian Gulf..."

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not." Ryan interrupted Taylor, "The important thing is that the training ship has sunk to the bottom of the Persian Gulf. According to Western media reports, it was the Iranians who sank it. This is enough to divert the attention of many people. power and the sharp contradictions within Western countries.”

"You always say these things to Alison." Nicole couldn't help complaining.

"It's okay, I like these things." Probably Sandy took a bite, and after Taylor exclaimed, he kissed the little guy, "I will protect Sandy in the future."

"Will the federal government send an aircraft carrier formation?" Nicole is not uninterested, "Is there really going to be a war in the Persian Gulf?"

"Probably not in the short term." Ryan shook his head, "George Bush is about to step down, the economic crisis is still raging, and the government doesn't have that much energy, but..."

"After the impact of the economic crisis diminishes, it will be difficult to say." Taylor suddenly took over Ryan's words, "This is only a temporary transfer of some contradictions. After a while, the public will find that their lives have not substantially improved. , and even worsened, it will definitely target Wall Street again, and if Iran makes provocative actions again at that time, presumably both the government and Wall Street will be happy to see the outbreak of a local war with foreign countries.”

"Iran is now the best target for the United States and the most suitable candidate for the scapegoat." (To be continued...)


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