Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 1022: volcanic island

   Chapter 1022 Volcano Island

   Next day

  Yang Chen, at the invitation of Prince Hasar's family, started to visit the island of Hawaii together. He came to Hawaii. If he didn't take a good tour, it would be in vain.

   Yang Chen had never been to Hawaii before, so he just heard about it, and didn't know the details.

   But Prince Hasar did come here a lot, so he took the initiative to be a tour guide for everyone.

  Hawaii Island is the largest island in the Hawaiian Islands in the North Pacific Ocean, with an area of ​​about 10,000 square kilometers, in the shape of a saddle, and there are many volcanoes on the island.

The Mauna Loa volcano to the south is more than 4,100 meters above sea level. It is an active volcano. It has erupted nearly 30 times in the past 100 years. There are still several pots on the top of the mountain. crater and a large caldera with a width of nearly three kilometers.

In the late 1950s, Mauna Loa erupted, when boiling lava bubbled out of a gap that was a kilometer and a half long and lasted for a month. Empire State Building.

  In 1984, Mauna Loa erupted again, which is a rare and magnificent sight in the world, attracting tourists from all over the world.

  The island of Hawaii is known as the "volcanic island".

   It is a giant that is still growing.

  Why do you say it is a giant that is still growing?

   The reason is simple because its land area has been increasing.

The island of Hawaii is composed of five volcanoes, two of which are active volcanoes, namely Mauna Loa and Klavia. The Klavia volcano erupts almost every year. Last year, the Klavia volcano erupted once. Seventeen acres of new land have been added to the Big Island.

  Every volcanic eruption on the island of Hawaii can add new land area to the island of Hawaii, so it will be called the giant in the middle.

As for when this giant will stop developing, this is nothing. Some people say that it will take hundreds of thousands of years, and some people say that after a million years, volcanoes will be self-produced on the earth, and human resources cannot be specifically predicted and cannot be changed. .

  The so-called predictions are the words of each family.

Whether    can be verified can only be verified by future generations.

   Of course, the premise is that after hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, human beings can still exist on this earth.

In 1916, the Hawaiian government established the National Volcano Park on the island. The park has craters that erupted in various periods. The entire park covers an area of ​​about 220,000 acres. It takes ordinary people a day to Explore the entire park.

   At this moment, Yang Chen and his party were visiting this park. Boss Yang was the first to come into contact with something like a volcano.

   Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not approach such a dangerous place, but the island of Hawaii is different. It is different from the volcanic eruptions on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The active volcanoes on the island of Hawaii are not dangerous when they erupt.

  Even each eruption attracts countless tourists.

   "On the island of Hawaii, Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano in the world, erupting on average every three and a half years."

   "When it erupted, the red lava spewed tens of meters high. The magma was like a fire dragon, and it rushed to the sea with an unstoppable momentum. Wherever it passed, wood and stone were burned.

  The fiery lava meets the sea water, accompanied by hissing steam, and plunges into the eternal ocean. In this battle of water and fire, the newest land in the world is born..."

   "The last time Mauna Loa erupted, I made a special trip from Saudi Arabia to Hawaii. At that time, I took a helicopter and watched the scene of the eruption from a height. The scene of rolling lava is still unforgettable."

   Hearing Prince Hasar say this, Yang Chen couldn't help but ask: "How long until the next eruption of Mauna Loa?"

  Prince Hassar said: "The exact time is not very clear, maybe this year, maybe next year, this is really uncertain, but each eruption of Mauna Loa will not be very short."

   "Yang, if you're interested, I'll let someone pay attention. When Mauna Loa erupts again, I'll let you know directly."

  Yang Chen said casually: "Let's talk about it later, I don't know if there will be time when this volcano erupts."

   His journey arrangement is naturally impossible to arbitrarily determine.

   Besides, the probability of accidents in helicopters is much higher than that in passenger planes these days.

Of course, there is also the most important point. If the helicopter has an accident elsewhere, there may be a certain chance that the parachute escape will succeed, but if you are watching the volcano at close range, that one is not good. not fall.

   In order to watch a volcanic eruption, take your own life...

   Yang Chen shook his head secretly in his heart, dispelling this impulsive thought.

   This man, the richer he is, the more he cherishes his life, the more he is afraid of death...

   Visited Volcano Park during the day

   In the evening

   Yang Chen and his party did not return to the hotel, but went to the most famous beach in Hawaii, ‘Waikiki Beach’.

   Waikiki Beach is not only the most famous beach in Hawaii, but also one of the most famous beaches in the world.

Waikiki Beach starts from Kapionila Park under Diamond Mountain in the east and ends at Alaway Marina in the west. There are fine white sandy beaches, swaying coconut trees and high-rise buildings, with a total length of about three or four hundred meters.

  The sea here is quiet and open, which is an ideal place for holiday leisure.

  Here, people can experience boating, surfing and other marine sports. At sunset, when the sun sets, lovers can walk along the beach and enjoy the sunset.

   When Boss Yang was enjoying a leisurely massage from Lan Meiren, Prince Hasar pointed to the opposite side of the sea and asked Yang Chen, "Yang, do you know where the opposite is?"

   "Where?" Yang Chen glanced at it and asked.

   Prince Hassar said: "The opposite is the famous Pearl Harbor, where the Pacific War began and ended."

  Pearl Harbor is located on the west side of Honolulu, opposite Waikiki Beach. Since 1911, Pearl Harbor has become the headquarters and base of the United States Pacific Fleet and Air Force.

   As we all know, during World War II, when the island country raided Pearl Harbor, the US military was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties, which triggered the US-Japan Pacific War.

  Decades have passed, Pearl Harbor has been rebuilt after the war, restored to its former appearance, and the smoke of war is gone.

   However, in order to commemorate the Pearl Harbor incident, where the Americans built a memorial, it is free to tourists.

The three words   Pearl Harbor are quite attractive to Yang Chen.

   After all, that was where the course of WWII was reversed.


   (end of this chapter)

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