Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 1059: capital Bonn

   Chapter 1059 Capital Bonn

   After finishing all the work, Boss Yang took Alisha to Germany, and from knowing Alisha to now, Yang Chen has not officially visited his foreign father-in-law at home.

  Although he has met Alyssa's older brothers and sisters, due to various reasons, he has not stepped into Germany for a long time, and he has never seen the legendary Siemens family.

   This time, Yang Chen and Alyssa greeted him in advance, and the old husband also responded. According to Big Boss Yang's prediction, his own old husband should be gathering family members at the moment, waiting for his son-in-law to come to the door.

  The United Kingdom is separated from the European continent by a strait, so the only way to get to Bonn, the capital of West Germany, is by plane.

   That's right, it's not Berlin, nor Munich, but a second- and third-tier city "Bonn" that is not well-known, can't be smaller, and can't even remember its name.

  Bonn is a city on the Rhine River in the south of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with a population of about 200,000. It is one of the ten largest cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is currently the capital of West Germany and the political center of West Germany.

A city with a population of 200,000 or 300,000 is naturally not an economic center, but the city of Bonn has a history of two thousand years in European history. capital.

   Although Bonn is a small city, it was once a fortress of the ancient Roman Empire in ancient Rome, and the famous Roman legions also set up barracks here.

   Therefore, "Bonn" also means "barracks".

   Chen Yi was also very curious about Bonn, the capital of West Germany. He didn't know about it before and thought that the capital of West Germany should be in several big cities.

   In his impression, the famous German cities are Berlin and Munich. The former is the capital of Germany, and the latter is the Nazi leader Hitler.

   Never thought that it was in a little-known town.

   Chen Yi's curiosity was satisfied in Eliza.

It turned out that after the end of World War II, Germany was a defeated country, and the country was divided up by a number of allied countries. The eastern region controlled by the Soviet Union was established as the Democratic Republic of Germany (East Germany), and the western and southern regions controlled by the United States, Britain, and France were established. The Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany).

  The capital of East Germany was located in East Berlin. Berlin was the largest city in East Germany and the political and economic center of early Germany.

   And West Germany, according to normal circumstances, should also be the capital of West Berlin.

However, because West Berlin is really inappropriate, the choice of its capital can be described as twists and turns. Several major cities in the country, Hamburg, Bremen, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, were not selected in several discussions, but the small city of Bonn won the bid , which is very confusing.

   You must know that the capitals of most countries in the world are generally located in the largest cities in the country, and even if they are not, they are mostly established in first-tier cities.

   And West Germany did not choose several major cities in its territory, but chose Bonn, the former Roman fortress. The main reason was the Soviet Union. The polar bear's road roller was as strong as the United States and did not dare to fight with it.

  The audience watched the two world wars and really rolled up their sleeves to fight with the Soviet Union one-on-one. Except for Germany, no one had a head-to-head confrontation with Lao Maozi.

   Even the U.S. only fought a half-century-long Cold War with the Soviet Union, and in the end, with its economic advantages, it brought down the Soviet Union alive.

  After the defeat of Germany, the Western countries led by the United States and the Soviet Union opened the curtain of the Cold War. The border between West Germany and East Germany, and the border between West Germany and Czechoslovakia became the demarcation line between the sphere of influence of NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

  The world's two major military groups face off in Germany, a country that once set off two world wars. It is conceivable that West Germany, one of the hosts, has two swords hanging over its head, how desperate it must be.

  The whole of Germany is the front line for the confrontation between East and West Germany. Because East Germany has a big man like the Soviet Union behind it, it is close and has no fear. It will directly settle in Dublin, not afraid of Western countries.

  But West Germany is different. Although half of Berlin is a family, the whole of Berlin is located in East Germany, which is the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union.

  If the capital of West Germany is set in West Berlin, it is equivalent to holding a meeting under the eyes of the Soviets. There is no secrecy at all, and it is not safe, so the capital of West Germany can only be found inside West Germany.

  The most suitable big cities in West Germany are mainly two, one is Hamburg and the other is Munich.

  Hamburg is the largest city in the north of West Germany, and the Elbe River runs through the city into the sea. It is very close to the North Sea, convenient for trade, and a very good geographical location. It is no problem as an economic and political center.

However, one thing is not good, that is, Hamburg is too close to the border of East Germany, only more than 20 kilometers. In the plain area, the iron armor of the Soviet army is advancing very fast. Once the war begins, the safe and secure Hamburg is Hard to hold.

   After all, the title of the Soviet road roller is not called for nothing.

   As the largest city in West Germany, Munich has no problem in terms of economy. In terms of security, it is blocked by mountains, and the torrent of steel from the Soviet Union is more difficult to drive, and there is no problem.

   However, one of the bad things about Munich is its geographical location. Munich is located in the southeast corner of West Germany.

  The two major cities in West Germany are not suitable, and other big cities are not the economic and political centers of West Germany for various reasons.

   Take the next step, Bonn has become the first choice of the capital of West Germany.

   Although Bonn's economy is not very strong, it can't compare to a big city like Berlin, but its geographical location is very advantageous. In addition to being far from the border of East Germany, it is very close to Western Europe.

  Bonn is located in the central and western part of Germany, at the crossroads of Europe, close to the industrial areas of France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and other countries, and belongs to the most economically developed region in Europe.

   Bonn is strategically relatively safe with its back to the West.

  Of course, location is one of them.

  The second and third are the key points.

   In addition to the geographical location, one of the two most important reasons for West Germany's decision to capitalize Bonn is from the British government. Bonn belongs to the area under the control of the British army, and if West Germany decides the capital of Bonn, the British government guarantees that the British army will withdraw from Bonn.

   In other words, once West Germany settled in Bonn, he could take a breather without being monitored by the British army on this third of an acre in the capital.

   In any case, even a defeated country does not want the security of its capital to be controlled by other countries.

In addition to the withdrawal of the British army, another important reason for West Germany to settle the capital in Bonn is the famous Ruhr industrial area, which is known as the heart of Germany's industry. It was once the material basis for Germany to launch two world wars. It has a pivotal position in the German economy.

   And Bonn, just within the Ruhr Industrial Zone, is the capital of Bonn, which can effectively manage the Ruhr Industrial Zone.

   The right place, the right place and the right people are all available, except that the city is smaller and the population is smaller. There are many advantages to settle in Bonn, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


   (end of this chapter)

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