Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 254: Lecturer in person

   Chapter 254 Acting as a lecturer in person

   Seeing Liang Shuyi's surprised look, Yang Chen wasn't surprised, and he wasn't even a little bit proud.

  The three programs have been tested by audiences in later generations. Each program has a fixed fan base and a wide audience.

   Among the three programs, it is more difficult for Baijia to talk about Tan, and everyone knows that history is very boring.

  If you want to attract the attention of the audience, you must make the history concise and clear, so that people can understand it as soon as they hear it.

  In this era, whether it is inland or Hong Kong, people are very eager for knowledge. Many people are actually very interested in history, and they are also interested in understanding historical events and characters.

   It’s just that interest is interest, but if you want people to read with a thick history book, I believe many people can’t do it.

   "Manager Liang, about Baijia Talking, I will personally go on stage and show you a few episodes.

  According to my method, you have to go to Hong Kong University to invite several senior teachers who have a good understanding of history to serve as lecturers for Baijia Lectures. "

  History, like education, is very serious and rigorous. It is impossible to just go to the street and find someone to come back as a lecturer.

   Ordinary people can’t get the audience’s approval and convincing to talk about history. They can only ask teachers in the school who have a deep research on history and are willing to tell the audience about history in front of the camera.

   "Boss, do you want to play in person?" Liang Shuyi looked at Yang Chen in surprise.

   You must know that Yang Chen has always disliked appearing in front of the camera, this is not only clear to other media, but ATV has a deep understanding of this.

   As the general manager of ATV, Huang Xizhao wanted Yang Chen to show his face in front of the ATV camera more than once or twice.

  Unfortunately, even if he said that he was breaking the sky, Yang Chen liked to ignore it. After a few times, Huang Xizhao also put out the idea.

  I never thought that Yang Chen would take the initiative to act as a lecturer for several episodes. This is simply unexpected and unbelievable.

  Yang Chen shrugged, spread his hands and said, "If it's possible, I don't really want to, but there are some things that are useless just by talking about them, you can only demonstrate them yourself, and others will understand."

   Of course, this is true or false, only he knows best in his own heart. To say that he didn't want to appear on the show before, he was just not interested in being questioned.

   After all, any interview or variety show likes to dig out all kinds of things about the guests.

   In the face of those, it would be strange if he was interested.

   But the lecturers are different. In the future generations, those who can talk about tan programs in hundreds of schools are not ordinary people.

   is either a senior lecturer or a professor in various schools. This qualification alone will block 99% of the people out.

   In addition, Yang Chen wants to use his influence to attract audiences to be interested in this show and increase the popularity of this show.

   If anyone else talks about history, the average audience will not pay attention to it deliberately.

   Today is not the age of the Internet, and many teachers have no experience in lecturing in front of the camera. He does not show up in person to demonstrate how others can give speeches.

   It’s impossible to let the audience have a history book, and then listen to the lecturers?

   After thinking about it, he was the only one who played in person, first attracting a large audience, and at the same time providing models for the lecturers behind to make the show continue.

   As for whether the lecturers are willing to come or not, as a former member of Heung Kong University, if Liang Shuyi is not invited, he can only play in person.

   After all, Baijia Talks is an educational program, and it will not affect the image of teachers. Once it is popular with the audience, it will be good for the teachers themselves and the school.

  According to Yang Chen's thoughts, there shouldn't be that teacher and school that refused.

   For programs like Baijia Talk Tan, the most fearful thing is that others will copy them. Once ATV is launched here, even if TVB launches a similar program, it is impossible for teachers to go to TVB.

   Next, Yang Chen mentioned to Liang Shuyi some details that need to be paid attention to in setting up three programs.

   When Yang Chen said everything he knew about the three programs in later generations, Liang Shuyi was still reluctant to put down his pen.

   After working in the media for so many years, Liang Shuyi felt for the first time that she was not as good as a non-professional.

   Fortunately, she was beaten in the face with Huang Xizhao, which made her feel a lot better.

   Yang Chen picked up the cup on the table and drank the water that Huang Xizhao poured for him, seeing that Liang Shuyi didn't intend to put down his pen.

   shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Manager Liang, that's almost it. I've said everything I can think of. It's up to you how to start these three programs next."

   Seeing this, Liang Shuyi had no choice but to put down her pen and assured her earnestly, "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely finish the third program."

  Yang Chen has explained everything to her, so she has to teach her hands-on. If she returns the chain, then she has no face to continue occupying the second-in-command position of ATV.

   Didn't stay in Huang Xizhao's office, Liang Shuyi took the recorded manuscript and left straight away, looking at her appearance, if you don't sort out the three programs today, it's impossible to get off work.

   After Liang Shuyi left, Yang Chen didn't leave Huang Xizhao's office immediately, but turned to ask Huang Xizhao, "Manager Huang, last time I asked you to find a special effects artist, did you find them all?"

Seeing Yang Chen asking about this, Huang Xizhao couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Boss, the special effects artist you mentioned, there are very few requirements for Xiangjiang's side. The ATV advertisements were sent out for several days, and not many people came to apply, but a few met the requirements. The special effects artist who has gone to Director Xu Yu has now gone."

   Hearing this, Yang Chen was not surprised either, special effects are rarely used here at Xiangjiang Film and Television.

  Nowadays, the most popular of Heung Kong Film and Television are kung fu films, comedy films, and Hollywood special effects blockbusters, but they will not be satisfied.

   Furthermore, the special effects that cost hundreds of thousands per second, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of dollars for a movie are not something that the film and television companies in Hong Kong can afford.

   No matter how good it is, no matter how popular it is, what's the use if you can't get the money back?

   Besides, the kung fu films on the Hong Kong side sometimes use too many special effects, but it is easy to lose the original flavor.

   Now he just asks Xu Yu to shoot TV series with special effects of 50 cents in later generations. The special effects artist does not need to be very high, as long as he can show the martial arts combined with special effects in martial arts dramas.

   Ignoring Huang Xizhao, who was about to continue to vomit bitterness, Yang Chen waved his hand and said, "You can discuss this matter with Director Xu Yu yourself. If you can't do it, go to Hollywood to poach people."

   He has always only asked about the results, not the process. No matter how much he knows, it is of no use to him.

  Because of special effects, he didn't understand it himself, so he could only let Huang Xizhao and Xu Yu figure out a way by themselves.

   Seeing Yang Chen let go, what else can Huang Xizhao say?


   (end of this chapter)

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