Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 333: candy bar game

   Chapter 333 Candy Bar Mobile Game

   Fortunately, in this era, whether it is an arcade, a home console, or a handheld game console, the price is not cheap.

   The majority of games are in Europe and America, and the main consumer markets are also in Europe and America, which gave Yang Chen a good excuse.

   Make money from foreigners to grow up quickly, and then use it to develop games and train a group of software engineers.

  Now that computers in the United States have developed, many game software engineers have turned to computers when the game market has been hit.

  Xiangjiang will be affected by real estate in the future, and it is difficult for general industries to develop vigorously.

  If you can achieve something in the computer, then maybe it will continue to be the center of Asia in the future.

   In later generations, domestic Internet companies have not been able to open up foreign markets, just because they were a step late in the layout time.

  If Xiangjiang can develop the Internet, finance and technology coexist, and stabilize Southeast Asia and other regions, then the old and American technology giants will not be so awkward.

  Since the 1980s and 1990s, Xiangjiang has been playing an export role, especially in Southeast Asia, which once became the back garden of Xiangjiang. Any products related to Xiangjiang can be sold in Southeast Asia and other places.

The end of   Atari is not only a blessing for Japanese game developers such as Nintendo, but also an opportunity for Yang Chen.

  As the world's largest game market, the status of the United States is beyond doubt. Whoever dominates the American market is equivalent to dominating the world.

  After dominating the American game market, Nintendo became the world's largest game company, with a market value of nearly 100 billion US dollars.

   And what does Nintendo rely on?

   is nothing but the same, the quality of the host and the content of the game.

  The success of Nintendo is due to their hard work and high-quality game content, which has allowed them to capture the hearts of players, so Nintendo has succeeded.

   And the rise and collapse of ‘Atari’ has also made the game industry fully realize that players cannot cheat at will, otherwise, the only person who will suffer in the end will be themselves.

   While American players are not completely disappointed with the game, it is his most important task now to create his own brand, bring in high-quality games, and take over the lollipops from Atari.

   Next in the game market, American game developers will pay for their actions, and if they want to regain the game market, they will have to wait until the 21st century, when computers are popularized.

   However, before the Americans could regain the game market share, a huge penguin with more than one billion traffic took off with little wings.

  Although this penguin occupies the global market share, it is not as exaggerated as Atari and Nintendo, but it firmly occupies the top position in the world.

   There is an essential difference between the first and the second. Nowadays, the global game companies are ranked first by American companies, so the game center is naturally in the United States.

   Later, Nintendo replaced Atari and took the first position, and the game center was transferred to Japan.

  If Yang Chen enters the game and takes the lollipop from Atari, then Xiangjiang will become the center of the world game.

   Even if Xiangjiang is only the Yang Chen family at that time, Xiangjiang will play a role that cannot be ignored in the game market.

   Of course, all of this presupposes the production of a quality-assured host and sufficiently good game content.

  Atari's biggest failure is that its consoles are compatible with all game cartridges, so that the channel has been abused by all game providers, causing players to be disappointed and eliminated them completely.

   Nintendo's control of game channels and game developers in later generations is criticized, but it is undeniable that Nintendo's approach is successful and correct.

  With strict control, game developers will not make a lot of messes to fool people. The better the game, the more attractive Nintendo is to players.

  With the support of players, we can attract high-quality developers to cooperate with them.

   Remember that later Nintendo started with handhelds and entered the American market, because the home consoles have been completely broken by Atari and developers.

   As for the stupid guy in the arcade, research takes a long time, and sales will be greatly limited.

  Without the market-tested, expensive arcade machines, the owner of the general game hall will not choose to take risks.

   What's more, Atari lost the market because of too many arcade machines.

   In the next game market recession caused by the collapse of Atari, arcade machines will also face great implication and will be boycotted by players.

   In this way, he can only start with the handheld first.

   Affected by the popularity of global games, there are also many game manufacturers in the Asian center of Hong Kong.

   However, Xiangjiang's game makers are relatively pure, and most of them are only OEMs and do not participate in game development.

   In addition to game research and development, Hong Kong game manufacturers can completely produce both game consoles and game cassettes.

   The game market, which has received a large influx of capital, seems to be hot, but in fact, many game manufacturers no longer have much profit at all.

   The bigger the market, the more people enter, and the cake is squeezed a little bit.

   In the end, the big fish can only eat the small fish, and the small fish eat the shrimp.

  If nothing else, all the game foundries in Xiangjiang will only be able to transform into other electronics-related items in addition to closing down.

   As for the reason, it's just that Xiangjiang is too close to Japan, and it is located in the center of Asia. Japan doesn't need Xiangjiang's game manufacturers to help.

   Next, Yang Chen only needs to pay to integrate all the game manufacturers in Xiangjiang, and then go to dig some game engineers to come over, and then he can participate in the gold mining operation.

  The mini-games implanted on the mobile phone on the candy bar of later generations, Tetris, Snake, Sokoban, Tank War, Lianliankan, Gobang...

   A series of mini-games suitable for all ages, which are perfect for handhelds.

  Nintendo pushed the handheld to 100 million sales with one Super Mario, and most of the other games are only enjoyed by young people.

   Now he has launched so many small games, which are completely suitable for all age groups. Even women can play for a while when they are bored.

   The most important thing is that this type of game basically does not have much technical content, as long as a game engineer gets the design, he can easily make it.

   As long as he recruits more engineers, he can design and develop these games in the shortest possible time.

   The games at this time really don’t need to be complicated. 3D has not yet been applied to the game. The simpler things are, the more popular they are.

   Nowadays, everyone plays games just to pass the time when they are bored, and the degree of addiction will not be as high as the online games of later generations.

  The game can be stopped at any time, and you can play it whenever you want, and even if the online game is accidentally dropped, it will make your flesh hurt in minutes.

   Let the mountains and tsunamis roar outside, and never give up until the game is over.


   (end of this chapter)

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