Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 338: The hidden profit of the host

   Chapter 338 The hidden profit of the host

   From this point, it is not difficult to see that sometimes people really shouldn’t overestimate people’s IQ, and don’t forget people’s potential lazy cancer.

   The simpler the thing, the easier it is to operate, and the more people involved.

   Blindly staring at young people, but forgetting that in this world, it is the middle-aged group who really control the wealth.

  If middle-aged consumers can be attracted, then the scale of the game industry is believed to double or triple.

   This point can be explained from Hollywood movies. The movie group includes all age groups and all walks of life. Everyone likes to watch movies for entertainment.

   Therefore, the scale of Hollywood films is getting bigger and bigger, and the dominance of the world film market has never been lost.

   Of course, games are not like movies, and their groups are always only suitable for young people. As they grow older, most people will gradually lose interest in games.

   Therefore, Yang Chen never thought about making middle-aged consumers like his games all the time.

   If you can grab a wave, it is a wave, and if you can make a fortune, it is a fortune.

   Home and desktop game consoles cannot attract middle-aged consumers, and handheld game consoles can attract the attention of middle-aged consumers to a certain extent.

  As the backbone of the family, middle-aged people are undoubtedly the most stressed. After a long day of work, play a little game to relax.

   A one-hundred-dollar handheld game console may be a little expensive for families in developing countries on this side of Asia.

   But in European and American countries, it’s really not a big deal, just a piece of mid-end clothes.

   In 1981, the world population was between four and five billion, and the population of developed countries in Europe and the United States accounted for about one billion people.

   Later generations of Nintendo's GB handheld game consoles have sold 100 million sales. He has concentrated so many classic mini-games, and there is no reason to sell them lower than the other party.

   If the handheld game console is sold well, he can also develop a home game console. The handheld game console limits the game dynamics to a certain extent, but the home game does not.

  The games presented by TVs and home game consoles are much more exciting than handheld game consoles.

   At that time, he can make a lot of money with game cards.

  In the 1980s and 1990s, through the terminal channel, Nintendo made more than one billion US dollars in profits every year. The exact amount is unknown.

   However, although Nintendo controls the terminal channel, it still has to share the profits with the underlying game manufacturers and game developers.

   Before Atari collapsed, the global game market was as high as $40 billion to $50 billion. Although it collapsed later, the market size is still tens of billions of dollars.

  Nintendo controls the game terminal channel, that is, the game console. Although the game console does not have the same game card as the game card, it can make money continuously.

   However, the profit of each console is very high. Later Nintendo pushed the sales of GB consoles to 100 million with Tetris.

   Calculated based on Nintendo’s launch price of the console at the time, which was $89 a piece, the operating income of the console alone exceeded $10 billion.

   How profitable electronic products are, let’s not say anything else, you can compare it by looking at its copycat products.

  Although the fake products are a little worse than the original ones, if the difference is not carefully compared, it is actually not much different.

  A lot of things are bought at sky-high prices abroad, but they are cabbage prices in China. Even if Nintendo has a high cost budget, as long as it has its own production factory, the cost will never exceed 50%, and the minimum profit can reach 20%.

   Nintendo's console profit has always been a mystery, no one knows, only the profit it makes by relying on terminal channels has been disclosed.

  The annual profit from major game developers exceeds one billion dollars.

   You must know that it was in the 1980s and 1990s. There were not many companies with more than one billion US dollars in global profits. Nintendo reached it in the 1980s and 1990s.

  In the more than ten years that Nintendo has controlled the global game market, almost all the profits of the world game market have entered Nintendo and its related enterprises.

   Originally, He Chaoqiong wanted to say how a game with such a simple low IQ could be called a game.

  's words came to her lips, and she suddenly caught a glimpse of Yang Chen's mouth with a faint smile, as well as the undisguised confidence in his eyes.

   Suddenly, she thought of making a bet with Yang Chen.

Originally, he didn't have any hope for Yang Chen to win money at all, but the fact quickly slapped his face. In a way that she couldn't imagine, the other party used a thousand Hong Kong dollars in his hand, which turned it over thousands of times in a short period of time. .

  ‘Can this game really make money? ’

  He Chaoqiong had some doubts, but did not dare to deny it directly.

   She was afraid that she would say no, then Yang Chen made a bet with her again. He lost the bet last time, and the result was obvious, she moved from home to Yang Chen's mansion.

   If she loses again, she doesn't know what else she can lose to the opponent.

   After reviewing several sets of games in Yang Chen's notebook, Xue Yufei asked, "Chen, what are you going to do next? Are you going to find an agent to produce these games, or do you want to buy them from a game factory?"

  Yang Chen took the notebook, a light flashed in his eyes, and said with a light smile: "Now that the game industry is so hot, we naturally want to join in and play together."

   "However, I don't plan to simply produce game cartridges, and I won't make a lot of money that way."

   "Although the game market has reached a scale of tens of billions now, there are too many people participating in it. Everyone, you take a bite, and I take a bite, and there is not much left."

   "So, I plan to develop a console, a handheld game console, and use these small games to drive console sales and make our name in one fell swoop."

   "Developing game consoles?" Xue Yufei put her hand on her chin with a contemplative look on her face.

   There is a fundamental difference between developing a game console and developing a game.

   It is like the anchor industry, the platform and the anchor, the game console is the platform, and the game is the anchor.

   As long as the anchor is versatile, it can attract people's attention on the platform.

   And platforms, in the fierce industry competition, in addition to strong capital, there must be enough anchors to attract audiences.

   Yang Chen didn't release a single game before, so he just wanted to develop a console directly. This was no different from fantasizing about reaching the sky in one step.

  The reason why Nintendo was able to be quickly accepted by countless players after the collapse of Atari was inseparable from the games it produced before.

   Of course, no work does not mean that you can't develop a console, as long as you spend enough money to advertise, or he is not afraid of being scolded for having children, he directly endorses the game console himself, so that the fans can be a guinea pig.

   With the successful experience of Nintendo in the handheld field of later generations, he did not believe that it was his turn to fall off the chain.


   (end of this chapter)

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