Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 635: learn a craft

   Chapter 635 Learn a Craft

   With a population of 20,000, the initial development is almost enough. Too much has passed at once, and there is no place to put it. Step by step, it is king to lay a solid foundation.

   It will be much easier to wait until the first batch of people go over to start construction, and the second and third batches go over.

   Enclosing land and building farms and pastures is only the first step.

  North Australia is so big, it needs a population of more than 20,000 people. In addition to farms and pastures, there are also various processing plants for the two.

  The total population of Asia is so large, and he is not afraid that the food and meat produced by North Australia will not be sold.

  With Carrefour Supermarket in hand, he has an innate advantage. The Asian economy is getting better day by day, people have money in their hands, and their living standards have improved. Just in terms of meat, it is an astronomical figure.

  The big white pigs and the little fat sheep have monopolized the main meat food of the Asian people, so it will be difficult for the agricultural and animal husbandry companies in Laomei to come over.

   When he eats this piece of meat, it is also equivalent to the Australian government eating this piece of meat. In the face of interests, see if Australia is willing to protect its own interests, or go to wag its tail and beg for pity.

  The old and the United States are strong, but the European powers such as Britain and France are not puppets. The reason why everyone is on the side of the old and the United States is mainly because of the threat of polar bears.

  Once the polar bear falls, the contradiction between the European powers and the old America will come out, and the inland of later generations will still develop rapidly under the technological blockade of the American imperialists.

why is that?

  The Peninsula War, why did the British and the United States blockade, and the Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong were still able to continuously transport material resources.

   This is not as simple as it looks on the surface.

   You must know that at that time, Hong Kong was completely under the control of the United Kingdom. If the British government really wanted to block it, how could Chinese businessmen easily travel between the two places.

  There is a conflict of interest, and Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. It is difficult to say that it will be biased towards that side.

   "Uncle Aiguo, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. This year, let everyone have a good New Year in Xiangjiang. After the Chinese New Year, it is almost time to leave."

   "Although everyone hasn't started working yet, the wages are still paid as they are, and they are paid directly to their inland family members according to the old rules.

  If anyone is unwilling, they will be expelled directly. Those who do not have family values ​​are resolutely not. When they arrive in Australia, how to distribute them at that time will be discussed with everyone.

   Of course, there is definitely no bonus or something, but there are still red envelopes, one for each person, which is my personal thought, and I will let the finance department prepare it when the time comes. "

   "Then I'll take care of everyone first, thank you Boss." When Chen Aiguo heard that he still had a red envelope to take, Le's mouth was about to split open, Ma Liu stood up and wanted to thank Boss Yang for everyone.

   "There are more than 20,000 people, are you thankful for coming here?" Yang Chen rolled his eyes and raised his hand to signal Chen Aiguo to sit down.

  Yang Chen: "Let everyone learn the skills they teach well, and tell everyone that this is something they will eat in the future. How much they earn in the future depends on their ability."

  According to Yang Chen's plan, that is to advance the army's agriculture and animal husbandry, and then control its related industries, and finally concentrate on its advantages and bear fruit in all directions.

   Don't Australians like to do physical work?

   All kinds of maintenance work, basic services are unwilling to do.

  It doesn't matter, we come, we like it, as long as the salary is high and the strength to sell is nothing, we will do the infrastructure work in all walks of life, you all sit in the office or at home and blow the air conditioner.

  , etc. monopolized the entire basic industry, hehe, if you want to remove the grind and kill the donkey, you will have to pay a heavy price.

  In foreign countries, only the white-collar workers who know how to use their brains, but there is no blue-collar workers who work hard.

  When the white-collar workers go on strike, the government won’t care if you make trouble for a year or two. Anyway, it’s not the government that suffers, it’s always the corporate company that takes the blame.

   But the blue-collar workers are different. Once they strike, the whole city and the whole country will be paralyzed in an instant. The main reason why foreign trade unions are so good is that the blue-collar workers are too powerful.

   As soon as there is a strike, the entire government has no way to control it. You ask the military and police to greet them and lock them up, then the fun will be great, who will resume production? Who goes to work?

Therefore, blue-collar workers are dissatisfied with the government. They generally don’t go to demonstrations. They just sit on stools and hold banners to demonstrate. They don’t need it at all. Negotiate with them.

   Of course, this situation is impossible in the United States in the 21st century. After deindustrialization, the blue-collar workers in the United States are far worse than the blue-collar workers in Europe.

   Just look at Fuyao Glass’s documentary, it’s not that Americans are unwilling to work in blue-collar jobs, it’s mainly because after de-industrialization, ordinary people at the bottom of the United States can’t find blue-collar jobs at all.

   Here, the advantage of a large population is fully reflected.

  You are unwilling to do it, but some people are willing.

  In a sparsely populated developed country like Australia, it is too easy to find a job. Sometimes people in the office are not enough, and there are still people who are willing to do blue-collar work.

   Therefore, as long as you control the blue-collar workers, you can't control everything, but you can definitely have a great say.

  Boiled frogs in warm water. The first step was to enter agriculture and animal husbandry to reflect the value. Then, they immigrated to the past step by step, slowly controlling the entire northern Australia and further infiltrating the entire Australia.

   Yang Chen did this mainly because of one sentence, that is, eggs cannot be put in the same basket. This is the wisdom left by the ancestors, and it is also a way to protect himself.

  Although he is optimistic about the inland and is willing to contribute to the country, he cannot give his life and wealth to others and let them control them.

   Therefore, after Yang Chen set up the immigration company, he did not attribute all the people he had ever experienced to construction workers and farming and animal husbandry workers.

  Everyone must learn a craft and technique before immigrating, so that when the farms and pastures are completed, everyone can change to work according to the trend.

   With a job, a stable income, and a stable life, then the wife, child, and parents can take over and reunite together.


   (end of this chapter)

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